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1、河南省洛阳市下峪镇初级中学九年级英语下册 Unit5 Topic2 Section B教案 仁爱版时间参加人员课题Unit5 Topic2地点主备人Section B教学目标重 难点及考点分析Who .Whom.whose引导的定语从句课时安排1 -2 periods教具使用 录音机/教学图片/ /名人图片教 学 环 节 安 排备注Step1:Review 展示郑和的图片,师生讨论,导入新课。 1. (检查作业,由学生展示自己制作的名人档案,过渡到历史人物-郑和。) T: Last class I asked you to make some cards about historical pe

2、ople. Who can show us your card? (教师用板书展示自己制作的名人档案,呈现历史人物郑和。) T: I have made a card, too. Please look at the screen. Name: Zheng He (1371-1433) Birthplace: Yunnan Province Experience: From 1405 to 1433, he led seven ocean journeys for the Ming emperor. (教师口头介绍郑和的个人档案,深入引导,过渡并呈现coast和die of。) T: Whos

3、 that? Ss: Zheng He. T: Where was he from? S4: He was from Yunnan. T: How old was he when he died? S5: Sixty-two years old. T: What do you think of him? S6: He is a great explorer. T: Where did he arrive? Ss: The east coast of Africa. T: Yes. He traveled to the east coast of Africa. (板书) coast n. 海岸

4、,海滨 eg.We walked along the coast for five miles. the coast road 海滨道路 (板书) eg.He died of illness on his way home from Africa in 1433. (板书) die of 死于. eg.He died of cancer. T: Do you want to know more about Zheng He? Lets move into our new lesson, Section B. Step 2 Presentation 学习1a,并完成1b。 1. T: Lets

5、read1a twice and make True(T) or False (F). (1)Susanna is becoming more and more interested in Chinas history. (2)Zheng He even traveled to the east coast of Africa. (3)Zheng He led six ocean journeys from 1405 to 1433. (4)His last ocean journey was later than Columbus journey to America. (5)He died

6、 of illness in 1433. 2. T: Listen to the tape and read after it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 3. T: Act it out in pairs. 4. (让学生完成1b。) T: According to 1a, write down as much information about Zheng He as possible. Step 3 Consolidation通过1c,进一步巩固1a,并进一步了解有关郑和的信息。 1. (1)进行Pair wor

7、k,让学生读一遍表格,找出新词。) T: Please look at the chart and find out the new words or phrases. Ss: Equipment, the number of . (板书,并举例讲解。) equipment 装备,设备 the number of .的数量 后接复数名词但谓语动词用单数a number of 许多.,大量.后接名词或代词的复数形式作主语时谓语动词用复数eg: The number of the students in our class is 52. A number of students like pop

8、music. (2)(读表格,每一行说出一个句子。) T: Please make a sentence for every line. Answers:略 (教师总结并引导完成1c的6个问题。) T: OK, we all have answers. Now lets fill in the blanks of 1c. 2. (Group work, 读1a、1c,找出关键词。) T: Lets read 1a and 1c again. Please find out some key words and phrases. Then talk about them in your grou

9、p. (教师在黑板上呈现一些关键词。) T: Look at the key words and phrases on the blackboard. Please retell the life of Zheng He to your partner in turns. (几分钟后,教师组织学生展示复述的成果。) T: Now, who can retell the life of Zheng He? S1: . S2: . (教师进行概括总结,由郑和过渡到近代历史的红军,为练习作铺垫。) T: We all know Zheng He was a great ancient explore

10、r. He made contributions to our country. We are all proud of him. But there are other important historical people in Chinas history. Step 4 Practice 第四步师生准备一些名人图片,进一步练习由who引导的定语从句。完成2。 1. (教师准备一张名人图片,比如爱迪生的。) T: Look at the picture. Do you know who he is? Ss: He is Thomas Edison. T: Do you know some

11、thing about him? S1: Yes, he is a scientist. S2: He is clever. S3: He invented many useful things. T: We can also say: Thomas Edison was a great scientist who invented many useful things. 2. (教师亦可以用身边的学生作为教学资源。) T: Do you know something about Li Hua in our class? S5: He likes English. S6: Li Hua is

12、a student. S7: (总结)Li Hua is a student who likes English. 3. (教师出示自己孩子的照片。) T: I have a.son His name is Li Lei. I can also say: I have a son whose name is Li Lei. 4. (学生可根据上面的例子看着书上2中的图片,完成2。或者利用准备的名人图片或课堂上的老师、学生、自己亲人、朋友的图片进行对话,使用who,whom,whose引导的定语从句。) Homework (1)找出Section B中由who, whom, whose引导的定语从句。 (2)写一篇名人传记,尽量多用who,whom,whose引导的定语从句。 1


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