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1、奥巴马总统在密尔沃基劳动节集会上英语演讲稿THE PRESIDENT: Hello, Milwaukee! (Applause.) Thank you! Oh, its good to be back inMilwaukee. Give Chris a big round of applause for that great introduction. (Applause.)Happy Labor Day, everybody. Happy Labor Day. (Applause.) Today is a day that belongs to you- the working men an

2、d women who make America the greatest country on Earth. So thank youto the working folks who are here today, and the unions whove always had your back. (Applause.) Thank you to the Milwaukee Area Labor Council, to the Wisconsin AFL-CIO. (Applause.)Its good to be back at Laborfest. I hope you dont mi

3、nd, I brought a friend with me, somebodywho is fighting for American workers every day - Americas Secretary of Labor, Tom Perez, is inthe house. (Applause.) And I just found out Toms wife is from Milwaukee, so his father-in-law ishere. So I just told his father-in-law hes doing a really good job, be

4、cause you always want tomake a guy look good in front of his father-in-law. (Laughter.)Weve got some other friends I want to acknowledge. First of all, your Congresswoman, GwenMoore, is here. (Applause.) Your mayor, Tom Barrett, is in the house. (Applause.) Weve got oneof my favorites, Mary Kay Henr

5、y from the SEIU. (Applause.) Newly elected Lily Garcia from NEA. (Applause.) My pal - not a Packers fan, hes a Steelers fan, but hes a good guy anyway - LeoGerard from USW, Steelworkers. (Applause.) Billy Hite from UA; Joe Hansen from UFCW. (Applause.)To all the other labor leaders who are here, we

6、are so glad to have you. And were here becauseof the things all too often we take for granted. Anybody whos got a seat, feel free to sit down. Idont want anybody fainting; its all hot out here. I might get you back up on your feet at somepoint.But were here to celebrate something that sometimes the

7、American people take for granted -the 40-hour workweek, overtime pay, a minimum wage, weekends like this one. All that didnthappen by accident. It happened because Americas workers organized for it, fought for it.History shows that working families can get a fair shot in this country, but only if we

8、re willingto fight for it.Now, the first time I came to Laborfest was - I was still a candidate back in 2019. (Applause.)And during that campaign, I promised if you sent me to the White House, Id stand with youin that fight. (Applause.) Now, two weeks later, our financial system collapsed. A recessi

9、onalmost became a depression. And in the years since, our country has faced a choice. There aresome folks who wanted to place an even bigger bet on top-down economics, the kind ofeconomics that helped cause the crisis in the first place - more tax cuts for those at the top,fewer rules for big banks

10、and corporations, this blind faith that maybe prosperity would finallytrickle down on the rest of us if folks up at the top just kept on doing better and better.But, you know what, Milwaukee, I didnt run for President to double down on top-downeconomics. I ran for President because I believed in bot

11、tom-up economics. I believed in middle-out economics. I placed a bet on you. I placed a bet on Americas workers. (Applause.) I put mymoney on American workers and the belief that our economy grows best when everybody hasgot a shot - when folks who are willing to work hard can get into the middle cla

12、ss and stay inthe middle class. And Ive come back to Laborfest to say that because of your hard work,because of what weve been through together, that bet is starting to pay off.America is stronger because of the decisions we made to rescue our economy and rebuild it ona new foundation asking the sim

13、ple question, is this good for ordinary Americans, is this goodfor working people - not just a few, but for everybody. And over the past 53 months, ourbusiness have created nearly 10 million new jobs. (Applause.) Were on a streak where, the lastsix months, weve created more than 200,000 jobs each mo

14、nth - thats the first time thatshappened since 1997. (Applause.)Construction is rebounding. Energy and technology are booming. American manufacturing issteadily creating jobs for the first time since the 1990s. Our businesses export more goodsmade right here in America to the rest of the world than

15、ever before. (Applause.)America is stronger because we saved the American auto industry and more than one millionjobs that depend on the auto industry. (Applause.) Today, our workers are building more carsthan any time since 2019 - and, by the way, theyre really good cars. The auto industry isadding

16、 jobs at the strongest rate since the 1990s.America is stronger because we invested in homegrown energy. The worlds number-one oil andgas producer - its not Russia, its not Saudi Arabia - its the U.S. of A. We are the largestproducer. (Applause.) And for the first time in nearly 20 years, America now produces more oilthan we buy from other countries. But were also producing more clean energy, putting


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