C-051-汽水取样系统调试方案-131203-Rev.0 (2)

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《C-051-汽水取样系统调试方案-131203-Rev.0 (2)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《C-051-汽水取样系统调试方案-131203-Rev.0 (2)(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Procedure of water &steam sampling system for PLTU 2 Jateng 1x660MW Adipala CilacapProcedure of water &steam sampling system for PLTU 2 Jateng 1x660MW Adipala CilacapPage:1 of 1111Document Class0CNTIC(China National Technical Imp. & Exp. Corp)DOC. NO.:UO-131128-CNTIC-IAP-ADPL-C-051 Rev.00RevisedNov

2、.28.2013GuozhiyongDongyiLixinRevDescriptionDatePreparedCheckedReviewedApprovedPT.PLN(PERSERO)OWNERSDWG.NO. PT. PLN (PERSERO) JASA SERTIFIKASI (JASER)Clients Project No.JATENG-ADIPALAAdipala, Cilacap, the Republic of IndonesiaDWG. NoUO-131128-CNTIC-IAP-ADPL-C-051Electronic File Name:Date of Issue:Rev

3、ision No:0目 录ContentsNO. Description page1. 目的 Purpose 22. 编制依据 References 23. 安全注意事项 Safety precautions 24. 仪器设备 Equipment 25. 主要设备规范 Specification of major equipment 36. 调试范围 Commissioning Scope 3-47. 调试前应具备的条件 Prerequisites of commissioning 48. 调试过程 Commissioning Process 4-59. 附录 Appendices 5附录1

4、调试前应具备的条件检查清单 Appendix1.Checklist of inspection before commissioning 6附录2 汽水取样系统试运记录单 Appendix2.Record list of water &sampling system trail run 7附录3 汽水取样系统分析仪表检查单 Appendix3.Calibration record list of water &sampling system analyzer trail run 8-9附录4 汽水取样系统分析仪表报警记录表Appendix4.Alarm record list of water

5、 &sampling system analyzer 101.目的Purpose指导系统及设备的调试工作,保证系统及设备能够安全经济运行。In order to guide the system commissioning and ensure a long term of safe and economical operation of the system and equipment.2.编制依据References2.1厂家说明书 Instruction of productCNTIC-IAP-PN-10562.2设计图纸Drawing of designH0601-01H0601-02

6、2.3合同文件和相关的P&ID文件Contract document and P&ID related to this procedures2.4合同中规定的调试标准Acceptance criteria of commissioning result refer to contract documents3.安全注意事项Safety Precautions3.1严格根据仪表制造厂家的要求投入取样冷却装置。Put the cooling rack, sampling rack into operation according to the instruction of manufacturer

7、 strictly.3.2试运期间要加强对设备的巡视,以确保及时发现和处理问题。Strengthen the inspection of equipment during the trial operation and dispose the problems in time if found.3.3在运行期间,应做好设备间的通风。The ventilating equipment should be started-up during the operation.3.4准备必要的急救药品,防止高温烫伤。The first-aid box which is prevented the high

8、 temperature scald to human body should be prepared well.3.5现场发现异常情况,应及时处理,并立即汇报指挥人员。Any abnormal situation on the site shall be immediately handled and the commissioning principal should be informed right now.4.仪器设备Equipment在试验过程中使用到的仪器、仪表有:During the test, all involved equipment and instruments as

9、 following:4.1万用表Multimeter (Fluke 744)4.2螺丝刀、钳子和扳手等Screwdriver, pliers, spanner and so on5.主要设备规范Specification of major equipment 编号NO名称Name型号及规格Model &Specification数量QTY备注Remark1降温减压架pressure-reducing and desuperheater rack2900650220012取样仪表架sample analyzer rackSQZ-II13恒温装置Thermostat deviceDEL-II1编

10、号NO.取样点Sampling items温度temperature测量项目measure itemsMCCpHO2SiO2Na1凝结水泵出口Condensate water pump out let59.02除氧器入口Deaerator inlet146.43除氧器出口Deaerator outlet191.34省煤器入口Economizer inlet371.15主蒸汽Main steam5856低温再热蒸汽进口Reheated steam inlet346.17高温再热蒸汽出口Reheated steam inlet5748锅炉启动系统贮水箱疏水Boiler start-up syste

11、m water collecting tank drainage342.779HP7高压加热器疏水HP7 heater drain268.710LP4低压加热器疏水LP4 heater drain153.9711凝结水贮水箱补水Make-up water for condensate3012闭冷水母管CCCW header606.调试范围Commissioning Scope水汽集中取样装置:降温减压架及取样仪表架The scope of water & steam sampling system: pressure-reducing and desuperheating rack and s

12、ample analyzer rack.7.调试前应具备的条件Prerequisites of commissioning7.1系统调试工作正式开始以前,应按附录1所列内容对本系统调试应具备的条件进行全面检查,并做好记录。Before system commissioning, check all the items listed in Appendix 1 and keep full records.7.2安装TOP需经PLN-JMK同意后方可进行系统调试。Turn Over Package (TOP) shall be submitted by CNTIC and approved by PLN-JMK declared that the construction are complete and ready to test/commissioning.8.调试过程Com



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