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1、第六讲 语法试题的干扰项分析和答题技巧三、 情态动词 1. Test Yourself 首先让我们分析以下近几年情态动词的考题: 1) This box is too heavy, _give me a hand?(1998.1) A .would you mind B. would you please C. will you like to D. will you please to 2) Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night , no matter what we _ during the

2、 day.(1999.1) A. should have done B. would have done C. may have done D. must have done 3)It was very kind of you to do the washing-up,but you_ it.(1998.6) A. mustnt have done B. wouldnt have done C. mightnt have done D. didnt have to do 4) If you dont like to swim, you _ stay at home.(1995.1) A. sh

3、ould as well B. may as well C. can as well D. would as well 5) You _ him so closely;you should have kept your distance.(2000.6) A. shouldnt follow B. mustnt follow C. couldnt have been following D. shouldnt have been following 6) You _her in her office last Friday; shes been out of town for two week

4、s.(19996.1) A. neednt have seen B. must have seen C. might have seen D. cant have seen 7) The room is in a terrible mess; it _ cleaned.(1996.6) A. cant have been B. shouldnt have been C. mustnt have been D. wouldnt have been 参考答案 1) B 2) C 3) D 4) B 5) D 6) C 7) A 2情态动词的测试要点 从以上例题可以看出,四级语法对情态动词的测试大体

5、有以下几点。 1)情态动词的基本用法,如。 2)情态动词 + 动词的完成形式的用法,如。 3)情态动词的推测性用法。 3 情态动词的应对策略 情态动词的使用主要根据其所表达的含义。解题时注意以下几点: 1)情态动词自身结构要正确 结构包括情态动词自身的搭配和其后的连带成分。除ought外情态动词后接原形动词,测试中常将不同结构的动词置于一起设干扰项,如。四个选项都与请求有关,但would you mind后接动名词,一般说would you like to而不是will you like to,will you please后用原形动词,答案是would you please? 2)注意情态动

6、词推测性用法中各个情态动词使用的句型是否与题干句型一致。 在情态动词的推测性用法中,must, can, may, might, could各用于不同的句型,应注意分辨。具体使用规律为: must只用于肯定句中。 can/could不能用语肯定句中。 may/might不能用语疑问句中。 另外还应注意cant表示不可能,may not表示可能不。 考试时,如果有原因说明自己的猜测,一般应该must, cant用而不是may, may not。如: He cant have stolen the money; he is not such kind of person. Some pleasan

7、t thing must have happened to him. He is so excited. 3) 注意推测性用法中谓语动词发生的时间。 如果推测的为过去的事情,情态动词后则用完成形式。 There must have been no one in, for nobody answered the phone. 如果推测的是正在进行的事情,情态动词后则用动词的进行形式。 They must be talking about something very secret. 如果推测的是现在的状态等,情态动词后则用原形动词 He must be badly ill. He looks s

8、o pale. 如果推测的是将来发生的事情,情态动词后同样用原形动词,这时,情态动词只能是may/might。 There may be a terrible storm in the following few days. 4) 注意情态动词+动词的完成形式所表达的意思与题干意思是否相符。 其它情态动词+ 动词的完成形式并不表示推测,而分别表示: could have done本来能够 He didnt take part in the competition, he _ though. A. won B. didnt win C. could win D. could have won n

9、eednt have done 本来没不要 You _. There was plenty of time. A. neednt hurry B. cant hurry C. mustnt have hurried D. neednt have hurried should/ought to have done 本来应该 You _ me earlier. I could have helped you. A. should tell me B. should have told C. need to tell D. neednt have told shouldnt/oughtnt to h

10、ave done 本来不应该 You _ him so closely; you should have kept your distance. A. shouldnt follow B. mustnt follow (2000.6) C. couldnt have been following D. shouldnt have been following might have done 本来应该(用来表示一种责备) You _ even though you were busy at that time. A. might help him B. must have helped him

11、C. might have helped him D. should help him 这类题在设计干扰项时,一般都会有情态动词推测性用法的涉及,同学们应注意分词上下文的逻辑和语意关系。 5) 注意常用情态动词的基本句法和表意功能 其它常用动词的用法,如shall表示命令、威胁、许诺或征求许可,may/might as well等,同学们都应多多注意其用法。 4 自我训练 请同学们做语法分册第十章测试题自检。 四、 倒装 倒装结构也是比较常见的一种句式,但考查的分量不大,考试都有哪些特点,如何应对,首先让我们一起来看一下近几年的考题。 1Test Yourself. 1) I could no

12、t persuade him to accept it, _ make him see the importance of it.(19995.1) A. if only I could not B. no more than I could C. or I could not D. nor could I 2) Not until the game had begun _at the sports ground.(2000.6) A. had he arrived B. would he have arrived C. did he arrive C. should he have arri

13、ved 3) The organization had broken no rules, but _ had it acted responsibly.(19996.1) A. neither B. so C. either D. both 4) We have been told that under no circumstances _ the telephone in the office for personal affairs.(1999.6) A. may we use B. we may use C. we could use D. did we use 5) Only unde

14、r special circumstances_to take make-up tests.(1997.6) A. are freshmen permitted B. freshmen are permitted C. permitted are freshmen D. are permitted freshmen 参考答案: 1) D 2) C 3) A 4) B 5) A 2倒装测试范围和应对策略 倒装分部分倒装和全部倒装,但从近几年的测试来看,重点是部分倒装。对于倒装句型同学们所应注意的就是在哪些情况下需要倒装,并且如何倒装。注意下面常见的倒装条件。 1) 含有否定意味的词置于句首,主谓

15、倒装。 同学们应注意常用否定词语,如:hardly, barely, not, seldom, little, few, nowhere, never, at no time, by no means, in no way, in no case, under no circumstances, not until, not only but also., neither nor等。如果是在从句的句首,则从句倒装,如4)题。 2) only + 状语置于句首,主谓倒装。 Only后的状语可以是单词、短语,也可以是从句,要特别注意,从句并不倒装,而是主句倒装。如: Only when the war was over was he ab


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