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1、情态动词与虚拟语气1I didnt see her in the meetingroom this morning. She _ at the meeting.(speak)今天早上在会议室我没有看到她,她不可能在会上发言的。2The careless man received a ticket for speeding. He_.(drive)这个粗心的人收到了一张超速的罚单,他本不应该开那么快的。3My EnglishChinese Dictionary has disappeared. Who_?(take)我的英汉词典不见了。谁可能拿了?4I _ her, but I missed h

2、er so much. (visit) 我本不该拜访她的,可是我太想她了。5 She was in class on Friday afternoon, but no one has seen her since then. She _.(have)“她周五下午在教室,可是从那以后就没有人见过她了。”“她可能出事故了。”6The doctor gave an order in the hospital that smoking _.(permit)医院的医生发出了禁止吸烟的命令。7At this moment, our teacher _ our exam papers. (mark)这时,我

3、们的老师一定正在批改我们的试卷。8With the presidents of Tunisia and Egypt forced to step down, more leaders have realized it is high time _ to economy and political freedom.(attach)由于突尼斯和埃及总统的被迫下台,越来越多的领导人意识到,到了重视经济和政治自由的时候了。9My dog is too fat. Its evident that I _ him so much food.(feed)我的狗太肥了。很明显,我不该喂它太多的食物。10We

4、breathed a sigh of a relief at last. Had she known about the risks, she _ with the operation.(go)我们终于松了一口气。要是她知道这些危险,她不可能经受得住手术的。11If the reporters _ the corruption of several senior officers in the government, these officers werent asked to resign from office now.(expose) 如果不是记者们曝光了几名政府高官的腐败情况,这几名官

5、员目前就不会被迫辞职。12The victim would have had a chance to survive if he _in time. (take)如果他被及时送往医院,受害者本来有机会活下来。13I was _studying French yesterday, but I changed my mind.(start)我本来打算昨天开始学法语,但我改变了主意。14Our teacher recommended that we _ as possible as we can when we visit the museum.(focus)我们的老师建议我们参观博物馆的时候注意力

6、尽可能集中。15It was requested that all of the equipment _ in the agreed time.(set)所有设备要求在商定的时间内搭建完毕。16I _ the Christmas gift by mail because he came home during the Christmas holidays.(send)我本不必把圣诞礼物给他邮过去,因为他圣诞节期间回家了。17The board believed its urgent that these invitations _ in the mail first thing tomorro

7、w morning.(post)董事会认为,明天早晨的第一件事就是将这些邀请函紧急寄出。18The physicists advise that our attention _ the use of special methods of thinking and acting.(aim)物理学家建议我们的注意力要以对思维和行动的特殊方法的使用为目标。19 Everything taken into consideration, I propose that the first prize_Liu Qiang. (give)通过综合考虑,我建议第一名该给刘强。20The girl was so

8、fascinated by the mighty river _ hours sitting on its bank and gazing at the boats and rafts going and coming.(spend)那个女孩对那浩大的河流如此着迷,以至于她总是几个小时地坐在岸边看着河上来来往往的船和木排。21I didnt expect that he _ like that. (behave)我没有想到他竟然那样做。22The porter _the firebrigade as soon as he saw the fire in the building, which

9、now went up in smoke. (call)一看到楼房起火,门卫就应该给消防队打电话。现在,楼房被烧成了灰烬。23Mary _my letter; otherwise she would have replied before now. (receive)玛丽可能没收到我的信;否则她早就给我回信了。24A growing number of people express a strong desire _ another job to get more money to support their family. (take)越来越多的人表达了想从事另外的工作以赚取更多的钱来补贴家

10、用的强烈愿望。25If she had returned an hour earlier, Mary _ in the heavy rain. (catch)如果早一个小时回来,玛丽就不会淋到大雨了。26They requested that I _ to the library by next Friday.(return)他们要求截止到下星期五我要把书还给图书馆。27Jane is tired of dealing with customer complaints and wishes that she _ another job. (assign)简厌烦处理客户投诉之事,希望能被分配做另

11、一项工作。28But for the power failure, we _ the task on time. (complete)要不是停电,我们就按时完成任务了。29The computer isnt working properly; something _. (go)计算机不能正常工作,肯定有什么地方出了毛病。30Considering that Tom had worked for the company for 30 years,the manager suggested that Toms wages _. (decrease)考虑到汤姆已为公司工作了30年,经理建议不要降低他

12、的工资。 1cant / couldnt have spoken 2shouldnt / oughtnt to have driven so fast 3could / can have taken it 4should/ought not to have visited 5might have had an accident 6(should)not be permitted 7must be marking 8attached importance/ significance9shouldnt have fed10might not have gone through11hadnt exp

13、osed12had been taken to hospital13to have started14(should) focus our attention15(should)be set up16neednt have sent him17(should)be posted18should be aimed at19should be given to20that she would spend21should have behaved22ought to/should have called23couldnt have received24that they should take(up)25wouldnt have been caught26(should)return the book27could be assigned to28would have completed29must have gone wrong30(should)not be decreased


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