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1、九年级英语词组,重点句子与写作范文Unit 1一、重点词组1.通过做单词抽让卡 by making flashcards 2. 向老师求助 ask the teacher for help3.以后;随后 later on 3.害怕/不敢去做某事 be afraid to do4.嘲笑 laugh at 4.做笔记;做记录 take notes5.查阅;查找 look up 5.编造/组成/拼凑成 make up7.处理/应付 deal with 8.对感到生气 be angry with9.(指时间)过去/消逝 go by 10.尽力做 try ones best11.突然中止/中断 brea

2、k off 12.参加小组学习 study with a group13.因很兴奋 be/get excited about sth 14.以而告终 end up doing15.做关于的调查 do/make a survey 16.犯错误 make mistakes17.在方面有困难 have difficulty in doing sth 18.写下/记下 write down19.把看作 regardas 20.在的帮助下 with the help of二、重点句型1.你怎样为考试做准备? How do you study for the test?2.用那种方法,我已经学到了很多东西

3、 I have learned a lot that way.3.听懂那些声音太难了。 Its too hard to understand the voices4.卫明有不同的感受。 Wei Ming feels differently.5.他觉得看电影让人感到沮丧。 He finds watching movies frustrating6.我没有搭档一起练英语 I dont have a partner to practice English with.7.给老师留下深刻印象。 My teacher is very impressed.8.她很难造出完整的句子。 She had trou

4、ble making complete sentences.9.他无法走路,甚至无法说话。 He cant walk or even speak.10.参加学习小组来学习 I study by working with agroup11.你如果不知道如何拼写生词,就差字典。 If you dont know how to spell new words,look them up in a dictionary12.他认为看英语电影是个不错的方法。 He thinks that watching English movies isnt a bad way。 三写作范文Dear John Im v

5、ery glad to hear that youre learning Chinese.As we know,Chinese is becoming more and more useful in the would and more people are learning it.You said youer having trouble in learning Chinese.Now Im giving you some advice .First you can go to chinese classes and make friends there.Practicing convers

6、ations in chinese with friends is an important and a good way to improve your spoken chinese. You can also listen to tapes,radios or watch TV. If you dont know any words.You can look them up in dictionary. Reading Chinese stories is also helpful for you.But please dont give up.If you have any diffic

7、ulty, you can ask a Chinese teacher for help.Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. Im sure youll ;learn Chinese well. Unit 2一、 重点词组1.过去常常,以前常常 used to 2.我非常害怕,极度恐惧 be terrified of3.入睡 go to sleep 4.最后,终于 in the end5.做决定,下决心 make a decision 6.令某人惊奇的是. To ones surprise7.即使,纵然,尽管 even tho

8、ugh 8.不再,已不 no longer9.对.感到自豪 take pride in 10.对.注意,留心 pay attention to11.放弃 give up 12.陷入困境 get into trouble二、重点句型1.你过去很安静是吗?是的,我以前是。You used to be really quiet,didnt you? Yes ,I did2.他过去留卷发 she used to have curly hair3.我以前怕孤独 I used to be afraid of being alone4.我睡觉要灯亮着 I go to sleep with my bedroo

9、m light on.5.我几乎没有时间去音乐会 I hardly ever have time for concerts。6.我真怀念以前的日子 I really miss the old days.7.在过去几天的生活里发生了很大的变化。My life has changed a lot in the last/past few days. 8.别太担心,它会使你压力大的。Dont worry about things so much. It will make you stressed out.9.于梅似乎改变了很多。 It seems that Yu Mei has changed a

10、 lot.10.他妈妈尽可能的照顾好他。 His mother looked after him as well as she could.11.对马丁来说和他妈妈谈话是由必要的。 It was necessary for Martin to talk with his mother.12.这个电话改变了他的人生。 This phone call changed his life.三写作范文 This term great changes have taken place in Class Two,Grade Nine since the new English teacher Miss Ya

11、ng came. Nancy and her classmates didnt use to like English. But now theyre becoming interested in it.They used to only listen to teachers ang take notes in class. Now they discuss things with others and try to solve problems by themselves . They used to have lots of homework to do ,but now they hav

12、e less homework,and they have more time to read English magazines and books.They also joined the Happy English Club at school. In short,they are doing better than before and they are enjoying themselves at school now. Unit 3一、重点词组1.代替,而不是 instead of 2.打耳洞 get ones ears pierced3.不睡觉,熬夜 stay up 4.前几天

13、the other day 5.全神贯注,专心于 concentrate on 6.目前现在 at present7.对.有好处 be good for 8.养老院 old peoples home9.挡道的,妨碍人的 get in the way 10.担心,关心 care about11.参加考试 take a test 12.考试不及格 fail the test13.通过考试 pass the test 14.对某人严格要求 be strict with sb15.彻底打扫 clean up 16.认真对待 be serious about二重点句型1.应该允许青少年选择自己的衣服。 Teenagers should be allow



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