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1、全国2012年7月高等教育自学考试英语翻译试题课程代码:00087I. Multiple Choice Questions (30 points, 2 points for each)A. Directions: This part consists of ten sentences, each followed by four different versions marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is the closest equivalent of the original in terms of meaning and express

2、iveness.1. Chou was a quiet and thoughtful man, even a little shy as he welcomed his visitors, urged them to be seated and to tell how he could help them.( )A. 周恩来非常安静,非常体贴,在要求他们坐下,询问有何见教的时候,甚至还有些腼腆。B. 周恩来举止优雅,待人体贴,在欢迎他们坐下,询问有何见教的时候,甚至还有些害羞。C. 周恩来非常安静,非常体贴,甚至还有些腼腆,当招呼他们坐下,询问有何见教时。D. 周恩来举止优雅,待人体贴,在招呼

3、他们坐下,询问有何见教的时候,甚至还有些腼腆。2. I remembered being startled when I first saw my grandmother rocking away on her porch. ( )A. 我记得当我第一次看到外祖母坐在长廊里的安乐椅里摇动时,感到非常惊讶。B. 我记得我非常惊讶,当我第一次看到外祖母在长廊里坐在安乐椅里摇动时。C. 我记得当我第一次看到外祖母在长廊里蹒跚而去时,感到非常惊讶。D. 我记得当我第一次看到外祖母在长廊里跳摇摆舞时,感到非常惊讶。3. The Industrial Revolution began with such

4、machines; the millwrights were the engineers of the coming age.( )A. 工业革命带着这些机械开始了;修造磨坊的匠人就是开创新时代的工程师。B. 工业革命带着这些机械开始了;修造磨坊的匠人就是未来时代的工程师。C. 工业革命就是从这些机械开始的;修造磨坊的匠人就是开创新时代的工程师。D. 工业革命就是从这些机械开始的;修造磨坊的匠人就是以后时代的工程师。4. Driving southward from Cairo into the valley, I entered a landscape that owed little to

5、 the present era.( )A. 从开罗驱车南行,进入尼罗河河谷,我进入了一片还没有受到多少现代影响的景色。B. 我从开罗驱车南行,进入尼罗河河谷,这里的景色还没有受到多少现代的影响。C. 我从开罗驱车南行,进入尼罗河河谷,这里的景色和现代没有多少关系。D. 从开罗驱车南行,进入尼罗河河谷,我进入了一片和现代没有多少关系的景色。5. The real wealth of Montana, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, and California proved to be in the grass and soil.( )A. 蒙大拿、科罗拉多、怀俄明、爱达荷

6、以及加利福尼亚等州的真正财富,是埋在草和土里的。B. 蒙大拿、科罗拉多、怀俄明、爱达荷以及加利福尼亚等州的真正财富是靠出售青草和土壤获得的。C. 蒙大拿、科罗拉多、怀俄明、爱达荷以及加利福尼亚等州的真正财富是在草原和沃土中。D. 从草原和土壤中,蒙大拿、科罗拉多、怀俄明、爱达荷以及加利福尼亚等州获得了真正的财富。6. 我没有什么要求你的。( )A. I ask you nothing.B. I ask you for nothing.C. I have nothing to ask you.D. I ask nothing of you.7. 其实,用了不过五分钟就把行李打开了。( )A. W

7、ell, it took just five minutes to do the unpacking. B. Well, the unpacking didnt spend more than five minutes.C. Well, the unpacking didnt take more than five minutes.D. Well, the packing didnt take more than five minutes.8. 如果将各环节的损失降至合理范围,每年至少可节约粮食2000万吨。( )A. It would be possible to save at least

8、 20 million tons of grain every year if such losses would be reduced to within the rational limits.B. It will be possible to save at least 20 million tons of grain every year if such losses are reduced to within the rational limits.C. To save at least 20 million tons of grain every year will be poss

9、ible if such losses would be reduced to within the rational limits.D. If such losses are reduced to within the rational limits, to save at least 20 million tons of grain every year would be possible.9. 王一地同志从1957年就当了中国少年儿童出版社的编辑,我们在多次“儿童文学”的聚会中早就认识了。( )A. Comrade Wang Yidi became an editor of the Ch

10、ina Children Press as early as 1957 and we came to know each other at the meetings held by “Childrens Literature”.B. Wang Yidi Comrade became an editor of the China Children Press as early as 1957 and we came to know each other at the meetings held by “Childrens Literature”.C. Comrade Wang Yidi beca

11、me an editor of the China Children Press as early as 1957 and we came to know each other at the parties held by “Childrens Literature”.D. Comrade Wang Yidi became an editor of the China Children Press in the early 1957 and we came to know each other at the meetings held by “Childrens Literature”.10.

12、 那一天,许多孩子在靠近水边的地方玩耍,他们那样大胆,不知道危险就在眼前,使我们非常吃惊。( )A. Many children were playing closely to the water that day, and we were stunned by their ignorance and daring.B. Many children were playing close to the water that day, we were stunned by their ignorance and daring.C. Many children were playing close

13、to the water that day, their ignorance and daring stunned us.D. Many children were playing close to the water that day, and we were stunned by their ignorance and daring.B. Directions: This part consists of five unfinished statements, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the on

14、e that best completes each statement.11提出“文学翻译的最高标准是化”的是_。( )A.严复B. 林琴南C.钱钟书D.鲁迅12我国现存佛经中最早的译本是_。( )A. 四十二章经 B.四阿含 C. 阿毗昙 D.妙法莲华经13.在“翻译三论”一文中将直译分为三类的是_。( )A.许渊冲B. 周煦良C.朱光潜D.周建人14. The Art of Translation was written by _.( )A. Cicero B. Saint Jerome C. A.F. TytlerD. Theodore Savory15. The famous “Th

15、ree principles of translation” was put forward by_.( )A. Theodore SavoryB. CiceroC. Saint JeromeD. A.F. Tytler II. Words and phrases translation(20 points,1 point for each)A. Directions: Put the following words and phrases into Chinese.16. full member of the CPC17.sex discrimination18. extracurricular activities19.GDP20. fundamental human rights21.the flows of global capital 22. full diplomatic relations23.information technology24.UNESCO25.management modeB. Directions: Put the following words and phrases into E



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