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1、北仓二中九年级英语结课测试题一、听力A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并供选择的A、B、C 三幅图画。找出与你所听句子内容相匹配的图画。( ) 1.ABC( ) 2.ABC( ) 3.ABC( ) 4.ABCB)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个问句并看到供选择的A、B、C 三个答语。找出能回答你所听到的那个问句的最佳选项。( ) 5. A. Thats a good idea B. Never mind. C. Sorry, I wont do it again.( ) 6. A. Youre welcome. B. Me, too. C. What a great gift.( ) 7.

2、 A. Dont worry about it.B. Sorry to hear that. C. Yes, please.( ) 8. A. Thanks a lot. B. No problem. C. Yes, please.( ) 9. A. OK, Here you are. B. Yes, you are right.C. It doesnt matter.( ) 10. A. In the morning.B. On the playground.C. Three hundred dollars. ( ) 11. A. Im afraid not.B. Thats a good

3、idea.C. Youre welcome( ) 12. A. Never mind.B. Yes, please.C. Of course.( ) 13. A. It doesnt matter.B. Sorry to hear that.C. This is my camera.( ) 14. A. I agree with you.B. Have a good time.C. No problem.C)下面你将听到十组对话,每组对话都有一个对话。根据对话内容,从每组所给的A、B、C三个选项找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。( )15. What language ?an Paul speak

4、 A. English and ChineseB. Chinese and French C. French and English( )16. Whats Jacks favourite subject?A. History B. Biology C. Physics. ( )17. How will they go to New York?A. By ship B. By train C. By airplane( )18. What time is it now? A. 8:30 B. 9:00 C. 9:30( )19. When will Sams father ? A. In Se

5、ptember B. In October C. In November ( )20. What does Mr Brown raise(饲养) ?A. Doves B. Dogs C. Donkeys ( )21. Who does the red car belong to?A. Jenny B. The boy C. Linda. ( )22. How many people were killed in the boys hometown during World War II?A. 1360 B. 1366 C. 1560( )23. What did Brian fight wit

6、h Sam over?A. A pen B. A pencil C. A watch ( )24. When did Tim fight with Robert?A. On May 13 B. On April 30 C. On April 13D)听下面长对话或独白。每段对话或独白后都有几个问题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听下面一段材料,回答第25至27题。( )25. How is Nicks new school?A. Small and beautiful B. Clean and bigC. Crowded and dirty ( )26. How many l

7、essons does Nick have every day ?A. five B. six C. seven( ) 27. When does Nick have Chinese?A. On Tuesday and Friday B. On Tuesday and Thursday C. On Thursday and Friday听下面的一段材料,回答第28至第30题。( )28. What does Mark Chan do ?A. A guide B. A tourist C. A singer. ( ) 29. Where is Mark Chan probably now?A.

8、In a theatre B. On a bus C. In a museum ( ) 30. Whats Mark Chans telephone number?A. 312-267-1088 B. 312-762-1088 C. 312-726-1088二、 单项填空:( ) 31. He stood on the _ of the canyon and looked down. A. edgeB. pathC. bottomD. ground( ) 32. The Strauss family was the _ family of musicians in Vienna. A. bes

9、t B. strongest C. biggest D. most famous ( ) 33. Lucy is _ 12-year-old girl. She goes to _ school by _ bike. A. an, /, /B. a, /, aC. an, the, /D. a, a, /( ) 34. - Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? -_, thanks. Id like a glass of water. A. EitherB. BothC. NeitherD. None( )35. Did she go _ interestin

10、g during the holidays? A. anythingB. anywhereC. nothingD. somewhere( ) 36. They _ work very hard when they were young.A. had to B. mustC. shouldD. have to( ) 37. Ms Yao was chosen _ a speech at the farewell party. A. givingB. to giveC. gaveD. and gives( ) 38. The team played well, but they didnt _ t

11、he competition.A. scoreB. doC. winD. succeed( ) 39. Marys parents have bought a large house _ a swimming pool. A. inB. withC. atD. of( )40. Earlier this morning, he _ to the gym. A. goesB. has goneC. wentD. is going( )41. Mr. Huang _ to represent the new computer company. A. were noticedB. was chose

12、nC. set upD. held( )42. The story happened _.A. in July 9, 2003 B. on July 9th ,2003C. in 2003, July 9D. on 2003, 9th July( )43. Did you find out _? A. she was looking for whose child B. whose child was she looking for C. whose child she is looking for D. whose child she was looking for ( )44. The p

13、hotos _ I took on my trip are on the desk.A. whomB. whoseC. whoD. that( )45. He is so tall _ he can reach the top of the blackboard. A. thatB. becauseC. althoughD. if三、完型填空Our new English teacher, Mr. White arrived today. Hes American. He smiles a lot and hes friendly but he speaks very 46 . Its difficult to understand his words. He also expects us 47 hard, and speak English all the time in our English lessons. 48 the first class, Mr. White introduced himself, and showed us photos of his family. He _49_ a big family, two brothers and a sister. His brothers all 50 him. They are v


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