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1、Module 1Module 1我的名字my name来自be from/come from欢迎来到welcome to见到你很高兴!Nice to meet you!你们的老师your teacher怎么样what about/how about七年级四班Class Four,Grade Seven/Class4,Grade713岁thirteen years old一个非常大的城市a very big city好朋友good friends一个小城市】a small city来自】come from/be from12岁twelve years oldEnglish name英文名字the

2、 capital of的首都in my class在我的班里first name名字last name姓Module 2Module 2一张的照片a photo of在左边on the left在的旁边,紧挨着next to在右边on the right在的前面in front of他的叔叔his uncle我祖父母的儿子们my grandparentssons一个大家庭a big family迈克的爸爸Mikes father你的姐姐your sister一位酒店经理a hotel manager同一家医院the same hospital一位公交车司机a bus driver在一所学校at

3、 a school一个小城市】a small citypolice station警察局a manager of a theatre剧院经理my parents我的父母my fathers job我父亲的工作an English teacher一位英语老师一些女医生some women doctors在美国in America我的家人my familya bus driver一位公交车司机for example例如Module 3Module 3在老师的桌子上on the teachers desk在我们的教室里in our classroom很多家具a lot of furniturein

4、England在英格兰a map of the world一张世界地图我们学校的地图a map of our school在图书馆的后面behind the library在的前面in front of在右边on the right餐厅dining hall在操场的左边on the left of the playground靠近学校大门口near the school gatethe classroom building教学楼in the middle of在的中间science lab科学实验室Module 4Module 4去购物go shopping太多too much/too man

5、y对好be good for许多,大量的lots of/a lot of好主意good idea好的,好吧all right对不好be bad for一些鸡肉some chicken健康食品healthy food太多肉too much meet对有益be good for有点疲倦a bit tired你最喜欢的食品your favourite foodstay healthy保持健康get fat变胖have a good breakfast吃一顿丰盛的早餐a lot of fruit and vegetables大量的水果和蔬菜unhealthy drink不健康的饮料Module 5Mo

6、dule 5在星期一on Monday上数学课have maths擅长be good at在十二点半at half past twelveat twenty to eight在七点四十be difficult for sb.对某人来说困难talk with和谈话what time几点/什么时间上学go to school起床get up做作业do ones homework上床睡觉go to bed回家go homeon weekdays在工作日have a break休息一下watch TV看电视have dinner吃晚饭go to sleep开始睡觉,入睡a busy day忙碌的一天w

7、ash hands and face洗手洗脸do exercise锻炼go swimming去游泳after school放学后Module 6Module 6比如such as黑白相间的动物black and white animals欢迎来到】welcome to】不同的国家different countries许多种many kinds ofover there在那边look at看come from来自少量a little全世界all over the world居住在live in30 kilos of bamboo30千克竹子as well as并且,还be good at擅长ca

8、tchfor food捕捉作为食物an African animal一种非洲动物a very large animal一种巨大的动物live alone独居,独自生活Module 7Module 7打印一份文件print a document与相连接connect toturn on打开on the computer在电脑上save the document保存文件搜寻search for玩电脑游戏play computer games效力于;为工作work for和某人分享某物share sth.with sb.给某人发送电子邮件send email to sb.和交谈talk togo o

9、n the Internet上网make travel plans制订旅游计划listen to music听音乐watch movies看电影Module 8Module 8生日快乐happy birthday收到生日礼物get birthday presents生日聚会birthday partywould like to do sth.想要做某事make a birthday cake制作生日蛋糕spend a lot of money花很多钱stay healthy保持健康】a box of chocolates一盒巧克力read magazines看杂志go to the cinem

10、a去看电影watch football matches看足球比赛at weekends在周末go to concerts去听音乐会choose birthday presents选择生日礼物get some exercise锻炼身体Module 9Module 9一些;几个a few躺在太阳底下lie in the sun回去go back照相,拍照take photos正在出售on sale等候wait for站成一排stand in line到做某事的时间了its time to do stha school trip学校郊游right now此刻;立即;马上on the Great Wa

11、ll在长城上sendto把发送给下班回家go home from work看望朋友see friends喝一杯have a drink在世界不同的地方in different places of the worldget off下(飞机、火车等)at this moment此刻drive home开车回家have afternoon tea喝下午茶the Forbidden City紫禁城look at maps看地图have a good time过得愉快;玩得高兴go to sleep去睡觉run for a bus赶公共汽车study history学习历史Module 10Module

12、 10为做好准备get ready for此刻,目前at the moment在工作at work收起;收拾好put away赶快hurry upquite busy相当忙make big red lanterns做大红灯笼learn a dragon dance学习舞龙sweep the floor扫地of course当然sweep away bad luck扫走坏运气have a look at看一看like Christmas像圣诞节come in February在二月份到来a traditional family dinner传统家宴on the same day在同一天on th

13、e evening before Spring Festival在除夕夜the first one第一个a kind of一种luck money压岁钱Module 1我的名字来自欢迎来到见到你很高兴!你们的老师怎么样七年级四班13岁一个非常大的城市好朋友一个小城市】来自】12岁English namethe capital ofin my classfirst namelast nameModule 2一张的照片在左边在的旁边,紧挨着在右边在的前面他的叔叔我祖父母的儿子们一个大家庭迈克的爸爸你的姐姐一位酒店经理同一家医院一位公交车司机在一所学校一个小城市】police stationa manager of a theatremy parents


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