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1、Un it 5 MemoriesLess on 14 Gran dpa s Memories同步练习根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1.1 had a p in my head last ni ght, but now I feel better.2. His life is always fwith hope and happ in ess.3. They want to see the w place in the world, the Brazilia nrai nforest.4. His family was too poor, so he had to live in a tcotta

2、ge( 茅屋).5. The boy readsEn glishfor an hour every morning, so he makesp单词拼写1. You can also share your (不悦)with your close frien ds.2. This book has a great (影响)on the childre n.3. Do nt (提及)that. Ive forgotte n it.4. I write to my mother every week, (主要地)on Sun days.5. ( 幸运的是),1 was nt hurt badly.单选

3、题匕1. Teaching little children is , but the teachers always .A. a hard work, to work hard B. hard work, to work hardC. a hard work, work hard D. hard work, work hard2. A minute, please. You your room soon.A. will show B. will be shown C. show D. are showed3. the students like playing football.A. Two

4、thousand of B. Thousands ofC. Two thousand D. B and C4. It was bad weather they all had to stay at home.A. such a that B. such thatC. so that D. too to5. Amy spend all her pocket money, but now she saving some of it.A. was used to, used to B. used to, is used toC. used to, used to D. was used to, is

5、 used6. He didn t come to work his illness.A. because B. because of C. if D. however7. I think is enough food to eat during the winter.A. they all needB. all of their needC. all they needD. they need all8. I m sorry. I still have some problems .A. solving B. to solve C. being solved D. to be solve2#

6、9. When will you go back to your hometown?n ext week.A. Sometime B. Some time C. Sometimes D. Some times10.- Emma has been ill for a week. Is she all right now?-. The teacher says she can come to school tomorrow.A. I hope no t. B. I don t think so. C. I m afraid so. D. I think so.完型填空Life in the yea

7、r 3044 is very differe nt 1ife in the 21st cen tury.We still do many of the things you do, but we do them 2 . For example, we nowhave e-friends to help us and keep our company. An e-friend is a machine that looks just _3a human being. It can walk and talk and can do almost _4 wehumanbeings can do. M

8、y e-friendis like mea lot and we have 5fun together.It helps me 6my homework and we ofte n go swimmi ng. It is programmed totake care of me if anything _7 , so I always feel safe when we are together.It can also send me messages, just like old-fashi oned e-mails, and I dow nl oadin formatio n from i

9、ts memory. Its great 8friend I am n ever lonely andI always have some one to talk 91. A. of B. from C. inD. with2. A. differe ntB. differe neeC. differe ntlyD. differe nces3. A. like B. forC. at D. up4. A. someth ingB. anything C. nothingD. everyth ing5. A. many B. a nu mber ofC. a lot of D. the nu

10、mber of6. A. with B. atC. on D. doing7. A. will happe nB.happens#C. happe ned D. is going to happe n8. A. have B. havi ngC. to have D. has9. A. to B. about C. with D. both A and C短文5选4Ways to In crease Your Con fide neeThere are some ways you can use to in crease your self-e on fide nee. Some of the

11、myoullneed to practice a lot before they start to work. Its like playing the guitaror soccer. They might n ot work too well the first or sec ond time you try them. Butas you do them, you build a deeper con fide nee in yourself.87.Exercise will improve your con fide nce and your way of look ing at li

12、fe. Plus,being healthy and look ing better can also help you feel more con fide nt.Create somethi ng.Every one is a creative(有创造力的 )pers on. Rediscoveri ng your creativity is agood way to improve your con fide ncein yourself.Creat ing someth ing is a won derfulbut not always easy experie nce. But wh

13、e n youre done, you not only feel good aboutyourself. 88.Use your body.If you start to walk fast youll soon start to feel n ervous. If you start towalk slower youll soon start to feel more relaxed. To feel more con fide nt, use your body in a more con fide nt way. 89.Lear n how con fide nt people ar

14、oundyou or on the TV use their bodies.Compare yourself to yourself.#Thiswilltake away a lot ofunn ecessarypain in your life.and see how you90.Compare yourself to yourself. Improve yourselfgrow and become a more successful, more con fide nt and happier pers on.A. Take exercise.B. Take it into the fut

15、ure.C. Walk, sit, sta nd and move in a more con fide nt way.D. Sometimes you will also discover new parts of yourself.E. Pay atte nti on to yourself, not the other people around you.参考答案根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. pai n2. filled3. wettest4. tiny5. progress单词拼写1. un happ in ess2. in flue nee3. men ti on4. mostly5. Luckily单选题1. D2. B3. A4. B5. B6. B7. C8. B9. A10. D完型填空1. B2. C3. A4. D5. C6. A7. B8. C9. D


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