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1、发展中国家智力引进官员研修班项目简介表 项目全称 发展中国家智力引进官员研修班承办单位国家外国专家局培训中心举办时间2011年5月10日-5月30日工作语言英语邀请范围巴基斯坦、泰国、越南、柬埔寨、马来西亚、菲律宾、印度尼西亚、缅甸、老挝、文莱、蒙古、东帝汶、加纳、尼日利亚、塞拉利昂、乌干达、埃塞俄比亚、博茨瓦纳、厄立特里亚、津巴布韦、肯尼亚、莱索托、马拉维、南非、坦桑尼亚、桑给巴尔、赞比亚、哥斯达黎加、委内瑞拉、萨摩亚、瓦努阿图、巴勒斯坦、伊拉克、也门、巴西、阿根廷、智利,各1-2人 计划人数25人学员要求年龄要求司局级官员年龄不超过50岁,处级官员不超过45岁身体健康状况要求身体健康,并提

2、供当地公立医院出具的健康证明或体检表,无中国法律法规禁止入境的疾病,无严重高血压、心脑血管疾病、糖尿病等其他严重慢性疾病、精神性疾病或者有可能对公共卫生造成重大危害的传染病,非重大手术后恢复期及急性病发作期,非肢体严重残疾,非孕期工作语言要求具备英语听、说、读、写能力其 它来华参训不得携带配偶或亲友举办地点北京举办地点天气状况春季,平均温度15-20参观考察城市杭州考察地点天气状况春季,平均温度17-31备注承办单位联系方式 项目联系人胡凌办公电话0086-10-68468003手 机0086-13641387331传 真0086-10-68468003E-mailMolly-承办单位简介国家

3、外国专家局培训中心(以下简称“中心”)是国家外国专家局直属事业单位,中心根据我国国民经济发展,科学技术进步和建立社会主义市场经济体制的需要,通过中外专家联合讲学,国内、国外相互结合的培训方式,专门为中国有关部门及企事业单位培训各类专业技术和管理人员,提高其专业与综合管理素质,重点培训高层次、国际化、复合型人才;积极争取国内外有实力机构和组织的支持与合作,联合建立适应社会主义市场经济需要的各类国际化专业培训机构;举办高水平的国际培训项目;积极开展各类具有国际效用的认证考试与相关培训工作。 项目内容介绍本研修班以“分享发展经验、促进交流合作”为主题,向各国官员介绍我国引智工作发展的特色和基本原则,

4、并着重介绍了我国如何通过大力引进国外智力,促进中国经济和社会的发展。同各个发展中国家分享引进智力成功经验,建立共赢的合作关系,提高自主发展能力。研修班采取多种授课形式:课堂讲授、案例分析与交流互动、实地考察相结合,除在北京进行培训外,还安排到我国经济发展较好的长三角(杭州)等引智成果示范单位、基地进行交流与考察。Project DescriptionName Seminar on Introducing Foreign Expertise for Developing Country OfficialsOrganizer Training Center of State Administrat

5、ion of Foreign Experts Affairs, PRCTimeMay 10 to May 30,2011LanguageEnglishInvited CountriesPakistan, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Burma, Laos, Brunei, Mongolia, East Timor, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Ethiopia, Botswana, Eritrea, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Lesotho,

6、 Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Zambia, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Samoa ,Vanuatu, Palestine, Iraq, Yemen, Brazil, Argentina, Chile,1-2 persons each countryNumber of Participants25 personsRequirements for the ParticipantsAgeUnder 50 for director generals level; under 45 for division directors

7、 level/ HealthIn good health with health certificate issued by the local public hospitals; without diseases with which entry to China is disallowed by Chinas laws and regulations; without severe chronic diseases such as serious high blood pressure, cardiovascular/cerebrovascular diseases and diabete

8、s; without metal diseases or epidemic diseases that are likely to cause serious threat to public health; not in the process of recovering after a major operation or in the process of acute diseases; not seriously disabled or pregnantLanguageCapable of listening, speaking, reading and writing in Engl

9、ishothersFamily members or friends shall not followHost CityBeijingLocal Temperature 15-20Cities to visitHangzhouLocal Temperature17-31NotesContact of the OrganizerContact Person(s)Hu LingTelephone0086-10-68468003Cell0086-13641387331Fax0086-10-68468003E-mailMolly-About the Organizer The training cen

10、ter is directly under the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA). In line with the needs of the state economic, scientific and technologic development and the policy of establishing socialist market economy system, inviting domestic and foreign experts to give lectures, the training

11、 center trains and improves technical and managerial personnel for Chinas related organizations and enterprises, laying special stress on cultivating high-level and inter-disciplinary talents at home and abroad. The training center strives for gaining support and cooperation from established organiz

12、ations at home and abroad, setting up various special training organizations that adapt to the market economy, conducting high-level international training projects, and taking charge of international identification exams and related trainings.Seminar ContentBased on the topic “Share Development Exp

13、erience and Promote Cooperation & Exchange”, the seminar introduces to officials the development features and basic principles of our importing foreign expertise, and emphatically introduces the great efforts we made to import foreign talents to promote Chinas economic and social development, so as

14、to share successful experience of importing talents with developing countries, establish win-win cooperative relationship and improve autonomous development ability. Forms of Teaching: lectures, case-study, on-the-study investigationBesides training in Beijing, participants are scheduled to go to the well-developed Yangtze River Delta to have an on-the-spot investigation of model units and bases importing foreign expertise.



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