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1、非谓语动词做表语做表语用的非谓语动词有:不定式(to do),动名词(doing),和分 词(done,doing)不定式做表语1. Her wish was to become an artist.她的愿望是成为一位艺术 家。2. The most important thing is to put the ory into practice.最 重要的是要把理论应用到实践。3.Our aim is to help them ,not to teach them a lesson.我们 的目的是帮助他们,而不是教训他们。总结:不定式做表语表示主语的具体内容,如例1;表示将来的动作,如例2;表

2、示目的,如例3。因此,在表示“目的,愿望,梦想, 需求”等名词做主语时其表语应该用不定式.4. What he did was_(wait)答案:wait 或是 to wait分析:当主语部分含do这个实义词,表语所说的是do的具体内 容,这时表语部分的动词用to do或do的形式。例如:All that he could do was(to) comfort her.他所能做的一 切就是安慰她。动名词做表语1. My job is teaching.(Teaching is my job.)2.See ing is believ ing.百闻不如一见。总结:动名词做表语,表示抽象概念。动名词

3、做表语一般用来表示“身份,职业”等.大部分时候主语与表语可以互换,如例 1。此外, 还要注意主语与表语的一致性,如例2。例2还可以说成:To see is to believe.比较一般来说,表示比较抽象的一般行为时多用动名词做表语 ; 表示具体某次动作,特别是将来的动作时,多用不定式.例如:Their job is building houses.他们的工作是盖房子.Our task now is to develop our econ omy.我们的任务是发展经济.有时两者都可以用,没有什么差别.例如:What she likes is watching the children play

4、.(二What she likes is to watch the children play.)也喜欢的是看孩子们玩分词做表语首先做一些练习1. The situation is(encourage).2. The door remained(lock)when he came again.答案:1.e ncouragi ng 2o cked总纟吉:surprise , interest , excite , puzzle , disappoint , astonish,encourage,inspire,shock,move 等及物动词用做表 语时,要看其与主语的关系。如果与主语为主动关系

5、,则用-ing形式, 表示主语的特征。如果是被动关系,用-done这种形式,表示主语的 状态。如:The news astonished us.这句话就表明了 the news 与 astonish为主动关系。astonish与us为被动关系。那么就可以直接得 出以下两个句子:1) The news was astonishing.2) We were astonished(by the news).练习:3.She looked(disappoint).4. The news is quite_(astonish).答案:3.disappo in ted 4.ast on ishi ng有时

6、候动词的过去分词作用在be动词之后,并非是被动语态,而 是做表语表示事物存在的状态。如:5. The bottles are broke n杯子都破了。选择最佳答案:1.The speech was so that they were all.A.inspiring;exciting B.inspiring;excited C.inspired;excite D.inspired;exciting2. Her wish is _an engineer.A.becoming B.become C.to become D.being come3.Some peoples greatest plea

7、sure is.A.fishing B.to fish C.to be fishing D.being fish4.The report was sothat they were all.A.inspiring , exciting B.inspiring , excited C.inspired , excited D.inspired,exciting5. -“You look pale.”-“I feel a little.”A.tire B.tired C.tiring D.tiresome6. As we joined the big crowd I got from myfrien

8、ds.A.separated B.spared C.lost D.missed7. Her son,to whom she was so,went abroad ten yearsago.A.loved B.cared C.devoted D.affected8.It is believed that if a book is , it willsurelythe readers.A.interested;interest B.interesting; beinterested C.interested; beinteresting D.interesting;interest9.From hisexpression,we could see he was.A.puzzled;puzzling B.puzzled;puzzled C.puzzling;puzzling D.puzzling;puzzled10. All that I did all the morning wasthe meal.A.prepare B.preparing C.prepared D.to have prepared Keys:BCABBACDBA


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