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1、笔试部分一单项选择(20分)( )-26._? -I have a headache.A .Whats the matter? B. Where are you ? C .Who are you ? D .What are you doing ?( )27.We shouldnt eat _ junk food .A too many B too much C many too D much too ( )28.Openyour_andsay“Ah”. A.nose B.mouth C.eye D.hand( )29.Ifyouhavea_,youshouldgotoseeadentist.

2、A.headache B.stomachache C.toothache D.sorethroat( )30.Wouldyoupleasegiveme_?A.anadvice B.someadvices C.someadvice D.anyadvice( )31.Lastnight,wesawadog_onthegroundandwereveryafraid.A.lies B.tolie C.lied D.lying( )32.They_visitBeijingthissummervacation.A.decisionto B.decidetoC.makeadecideto D.makeade

3、cision( )33.The_oftheword“spirit”inChineseis“勇气;意志”.A.mean B.means C.meaning D.meaningless( )34.Were_time.Bequick!A.runoutof B.runningout C.runningoutof D.runout( )35.His right leg was hurt badly. The doctors_. A cut it off B cut them off C cut off it D cut off them( )36. Your room is very dirty. Wo

4、uld you please _? A. clean up B. clean it up C. clean up it D. clean out it( )37. They plan to _a food bank to help homeless people. A. set off B. set out C. set in D. set up( )38. Your daughter is badly ill now. Yes, She shouldnt put off _to see the doctor.A. go B. went C. going D. to go( )39. Jack

5、 _his father. They are both tall and outgoing. A. looks like B. likes C. is like D. takes after( )40. The boys volunteer three hours _ up the park near their school.A. cleaning B. to clean C. cleaned D. with cleaning( )41._surprise,hegotfirstprizeinthesingingcompetition.A.Inour B.Tous C.Inus D.Toour

6、( )42. Give up _, it is bad for your health. A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. smoked( )43. Its important _ in good health. A. keep B. keeping C. to keep D. keep( ). 44 _ do you do the dishes? Every day. A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. When( )45.Do you like to_ your bed? No,I hate to_ chore

7、s Ado;do Bdo;make Cmake;do Dmake;make二完形填空(10分) Lisa is serious about the chores in her house. She gives her children things that they 46 do according to their ages. She started by asking John, the 47 of her two sons, to help with the dishes. It is now an easy chore 48 the 15-year-old. His 13-year-o

8、ld brother, Dave, now 49 John too. They take turns (轮流) washing the 50 each week. The boys also clean their study tables, make their beds and 51 food from the market on Sunday mornings. Besides (除了) these, the boys also know how to cook easy meals 52 their parents are not at home. The family of 53 l

9、ive in a big house but they do all the housework themselves. Lisa says, When I was young, my father wanted us to do things on our own and learn how to 54 ourselves. Now Im doing it to my kids.John says, Doing chores is 55 . You can learn important life skills and responsibility (责任).( )46. A. must B

10、. can C. may D. will( )47. A. elder B. taller C. younger D. shorter( )48. A. with B. as C. for D. by( )49. A. likes B. finds C. hates D. helps( )50. A. hands B. dishes C. fruit D. clothes( )51. A. borrow B. cook C. buy D. sell ( )52. A. when B. how C. what D. why ( )53. A. two B. three C. four D. fi

11、ve( )54. A. work on B.live in C.look at D. take care of ( )55. A. difficult B. good C. bad D. boring三、阅读理解 (20分 ) A Life in the 2050s will be different from it is now, because many changes will take place. What will the changes be?The population(人口) is growing fast. There will be more and more peopl

12、e in the world and most of them will live longer. Computers will be much smaller and more useful, and there will be at least one in every home. And computer study will be one of the important subjects in schools.People will work fewer hours, but have more free time for sports, TV and traveling. Trav

13、eling will be much cheaper and easier. And many people will go to other countries for holiday.There will be changes in our food, too. Because more and more people know the importance of healthy diet, maybe no one will eat meat. Instead they will eat more vegetables and fruit. So people will be healthier.Work in the future will be different, too. Dangerous and hard work will be done by robots. Because of this, many people wont have enough work to do. This


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