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1、商务沟通考点1. What effective communication is, five characteristics of effective business messages: communication is effective when the message is understood and when it simulates action or encourages a receiver to think in new ways.A. provide practical informationB. Give facts rather than impressionsC.

2、Clarify and condense informationD. State precise responsibilitiesE. Persuades others and offer recommendations2. Five types of communication barriersA. perceptual and language differences,B. restrictive environment,C. deceptive tactics,D. distractions- 1.physical distractions2. emotional distraction

3、s 3.information overload 4.round-the clock accessibility3. Four guidelines for overcoming communication barriers:A. adopt an audience-centered approach,B. foster an open communication climate,C. commit to ethical communication,D. creates efficient messages.4. Advantages and disadvantages of teams: A

4、dvantages:A. information and knowledge,B. diversity of views,C. acceptance of a solution,D. performance levels;Disadvantages:A. groupthink,B. hidden agendas,C. free riders,D. high cost of coordinating group activities5. Characteristics of effective teams:A. have a clear sense of purpose,B. communica

5、te openly and honestly,C. reach decisions by consensus,D. think creatively,E. train focused,F. resolve conflict effectively考点对应译文1. 有效的沟通是什么: 当信息被理解或鼓励接收模拟行动以新的 方式来思考。最有效的商业信息的5 个特征:A. 提供实用信息B. 提供事实而非印象C. 简明概要的信息D. 精确的受众导向性E. 说服别人,并提供建议2. 五种交际障碍:A. 感觉和语言的差异B. 环境的限制C. 虚伪的、哄人的、欺骗策略D. 让人分心的事物一1.身体方面2.

6、情绪干扰 3. 信息过载4.3. 克服交际障碍的四个准则:A. 采用以受众为中心的方式B. 营造开放的交流的气氛C. 致力于伦理沟通D. 创建高效有效信息4. 团队的优缺点: 优点:A. 知识和信息丰富B. 多样性的看法、观点C. 解决方案更易被团队所接受D. 提高工作绩效水平 缺点:A. 群体思维B. 掩盖工作议程C. 搭便车D. 较高的团队活动成本5. 有效的团队的特点:A. 有一个明确的目的B. 开诚布公地进行交流C. 高效作出决策D. 创造性的思考E. 集中精力F. 有效地解决冲突6. Barriers of effective listening:A. physical distra

7、ction,B. differing viewpoints,C. poor note taking,D. prejudgment,E. self-centeredness,F. selective listening,G. speech/thought disparity,H. inappropriate reaction7. Guidelines for listening effectively:A. match listening style to speaker purpose-1.content listening2.critical listening3.empathic list

8、ening,B. fight physical distractions, C .listen actively, D. provide feedback8. Types of nonverbal communication:A. facial expression,B. gesture and posture,C. vocal characteristics,D. personal appearance,E. touching behavior,F. use of time and space9. Four types of cultural differences:A. contextua

9、l differences,B. legal and ethical differences,C. social differences,D. nonverbal differences10. Social differences:A. attitude toward materialism-although people in the united states have many different religions and values, the predominant us View is that material comfort is an important goal and

10、that people who work hard are more admirable;B. roles-culture dictates who communicates with whom, what they say, and in what way;C. status-culture also dictates how people show respect and signifies rank;D. manners-the rules of polite behavior vary from country to country;E. time-attitude toward ti

11、me is different from country to country.6. 有效倾听的障碍:A. 身体方面的干扰B. 不同的观点C.D.E.C. 选择性的听力D. 语音/思维差异H. 不恰当的反应。7. 有效倾听的建议:A. 根据说话者的风格选择倾听方式目的:1.内容倾听 2. 试听3.B. 克服物理性障碍C. 主动地倾听D. 倾听后的反馈8. 不同类型的非语言交流:A. 面部表情B. 手势与体态C. 声音特点D. 个人仪容E. 动人的行为F. 时间和空间的使用9. 文化差异的四种类型:A. 语境差异B. 法律道德差异C. 社会差异D. 非语言差异10. 社会差异:A. 辩证唯物主义

12、的态度虽然美国人有许多不同的宗教信仰和 价值观,我们的主要观点是, 物质文明是一 种重要的进球, 而且人们努力工作的人更令 人惊叹B. 文化角色命令谁联系、说什么、用什么方 式C. 文化也是人们如何尊重和象征等级D. 礼貌行为的规则从不同的国家E. 时间一不同的国家对待事件的态度不同11. Nine guidelines of improving your oral skills:A. try to eliminate noise;B. observes body languages;C. clarify your true intent with repetition and example

13、s,D. dont talk down to the other person,E. use objective, accurate language,F .learn foreign phrases,G .adapt your conversation style to the other persons,H. check frequently for comprehension,I. clarifies what will happen next.12. three-step writing process:A. planning your message-1.analyze the si

14、tuation2.gather information3.adapt to the audience,B. writing your message-1.organize the pose the messageC. completing your message-1.revise the message2.produce the message3.proofread the message13.沟通渠道:口头:The opportunity it provides for immediate feedback;the reduced ability to revise your messag

15、e before your audience hears it;书面:Let you plan and control the message;Miss out on the immediate feedback you would receive with many oral media.14. Use the “you” attitude:the “you” attitude is best implemented by expressing your message in term of the audiences interests and needs15. Choosing the most appropriate channel and medium:A. use the written channel when-1.you need no immediate feedback2.your message is detailed, complex, or requires careful pla



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