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1、必备大学生英文自我介绍3篇 大学生英文自我介绍篇1 ow are you,I callX.This ar i 22 yearsod.radutefrom XXcolege.e pofsonis a callato mutmedi.I am one is bit, otimsm, thers te persn of respsiiiy.Afondness for plays basketal, coputr,lie o music, etc.hakful ourompany gives e s the oportunityof he personal interviw! 大学生英文自我介绍 篇2

2、 Goodoning ,laies andgenlmenIt is m grat ono to havthisoppoit to inroducyseland I pe I ould make a godperormanctoday, evntuallbecoe a membef your scol.Now l me irodu myslf please. m grdaestudentrm MAOING UNIVESITY . nme is * ,* yarold. , or in MAMIN. Guagn ronce. My major is Englsh,and I will gradua

3、te this Jne. n tepast 3yas, spent mostof my time o Englsh sudyig and pratse. ve go mman of bth spoen an writn Eglsh and past E-4wth a eseSkile in use f ffce 02X, xcel. My gdute school traing comne it m cadtte shalifm forthis particulr jo. lthoug pehps no thbt ang the candiaes, buith my strong kowled

4、ge background ndfull enthusiasm for dcaton,I am sure wll stfy yo el. As allege student, conenttd n studyi modrn teachingtenogy. I haveauired eogh essentil and fudaenal knld Engish teching in thepast tree years Sinc Seter 202,wh reat nteest, Ihae beedon stdnt c for almost semete dforme oo ea-worpts.I

5、 alo kindly povide ruialguidance to anlyz itpersnal rltinsp. M eachers anasmate decribe me as reliable d cosideate person. Other than my ajr study, I hvemastra get killsin omputr operati. Onemonth s cae tacher n the Marc o 202X, notol dd iobtain eogh firsthadexperine n m fielual rdually realie heree

6、 I hve chosen is scred nd ignicat Therefoe,I am detemine to becoea diliet, hardrking,and responibleedcator.Last but nolast,I willbe fl comitted ad m fden to ork ficently ad metcuously under prsure asa cmptent m mr I weo theoptuniy sek with senir mageent furth egarding my aifcations he position. Tank

7、yu fo yr attntin! 大学生英文自我介绍 篇3 Helo, Im er gld to oe t your coman fr an iterew, I can wa towant to sell ou self!My nm is A, n June his yrill e raduated from AA university.Ths foryears, aways beliv tht god odstudy, tak ancive prt inciitis enri their lvs, a formr minise ofscsdents A, the laslarnng mmi

8、tte mber,nds n the schoo oustandingdirecr-gea.As agraduaingolee students,my ocial exprince i insuficient,at tese imeIalso is a piecef blankpper. I a omtteto he profesiona wok, bcau his m hobby, I tad on ofssoalcourse,xo prblm ioften bule n telbrarall a og, ouh nt verrch rcticalexperice, bt Ihphisfut

9、ure jb that I an givfll y omythoughts. On earing wk, tiudeto lif, I hre to the cal attiude, te pncipe f hoest effr, I have astrngdediton ad sns f esponibily, cnake I cne any iffiulties achallenges Pasebleostve I, peraps Im no t best, butI diniely is a membeof te effort to run. I elive that unnng an sine!x第 1 页 共 1 页


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