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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上SECTION 1: True and False For each of the following, place a “T” if the statement is “true”, “F” if the statement is false. (20 marks, 2 marks/ Question) _T_ 1. Competitive advantage is a unique strength relative to competitors, often based on quality, time, cost or, innovation. _F_2. M

2、arket share can be defined in both currency as well as in units sold. Because both ratios calculate market share, market share will be the same for a firm regardless which measurement is used. _F_ 3. A “high-involvement purchase” usually involves a considerable amount of time researching the product

3、 and the product is a routine purchase. _T_ 4. A company engaged in environmental scanning is continually acquiring information on events occurring outside the organization to identify and interpret potential trends . _ F_5.At the information search stage of the purchase decision process, a consumer

4、 compares the product with his or her expectations and is either satisfied or dissatisfied. _F_6. A cohesive marketing mix consists of the product, promotion, price, and personnel. _F_7.Publicity is any paid form of nonpersonal communication about an organization, good, service or idea by an identif

5、ied sponsor. _T_8. Direct mail and catalog retailing are examples of nonstore retailing. _F_9. Market segment would have a collection of prospective buyers that are ready to buy。 _F_10. “Marketing” is best described as “promotion”. 1 / 11 SECTION 2: Multiple Choice:Choose Just One Answer (Total 40,

6、2 Marks/Question) 1. _ are what is considered normal and expected about the way people do things in a specific country. A. Morals B.Ethics C. Values D.Customs Ans: d 2. Questions such as:”What ads do you remember seeing yesterday?” are an example of what type of post-test? A. Aided recall B. Unaided

7、 recall C. Inquiry test D. Attitude test. Ans: b 3. The group of brands a consumer would consider acceptable from among all the brands in the product class of which he or she is aware is the _. A. evaluative set B. evolved set C. consideration set D. alternative selection group E. aspiration group A

8、ns: c 4.All activities involved in selling renting, and providing goods and services to ultimate consumers for personal, family or household use are known as: A. Marketing B. Retailing C. Personal Selling D. Sales promotion Ans: B 5.A consumers _ refers to the personal, social and economic significa

9、nce of the purchase to the consumer. 2 / 11 A. involvement B. aspiration C. acculturative response D. motivation E. selective perception Ans: a 6.At what stage of the PLC (Product Life Cycle) can a higher price usually be charged? A. Introduction B. Growth C. Maturity D. Decline E. R&D Era Ans: A. 7

10、A company that sets a low initial price on a new product to appeal immediately to the mass market is using _. a) skimming pricing b) penetration pricing c) price lining d) odd-even pricing e) prestige pricing Ans: b 8.Using Price as a measure of the quality of a product and setting price high is: A.

11、 Prestige pricing B. Pricing Lining C. Pricing odd-even D. Target pricing Ans: a 9.The main reasons a firm segments its markets are: A. To refine sales forecasts and allow for more product differentiation. B. To create more word-of-mouth in a market. C. To focus advertising and monitor sales D. To r

12、espond to different needs and wants in market and increases sales and profits Ans:D 3 / 11 10. A(n) _ in the consumer purchase decision process occurs when consumers scan their memory for previous experiences with products or brands. A. problem recognition B. internal search C. external search D. pu

13、rchase task E. antecedent state Ans: b 11.Selecting target markets means using criteria such as cost of reach the segment and _: A. Size and expected growth B. Marketing investment C. Density of population D. Values of customers. Ans: a. 12. Using _, many retailers deliberately sell products below t

14、heir normal prices (and sometimes below cost) to attract attention and induce additional store traffic. A. customary pricing B. above-market pricing C. loss-leader pricing D. prestige pricing E. skimming pricing Ans: c Feedback: Loss-leader pricing is deliberately pricing a product below its customa

15、ry price to attract consumer attention to it. It is hoped that customers will buy other, higher-margin products while in the store. 13.Melissa has just told her supervisor, Im so glad I bought the Motorola RAZR2 rather than those other phones I was looking at. I can do my email, access my music and even search the web with it. Its like having a mini-computer in my pocket. Which stage of the consumer purchase decision process is demonstrated by Melissas



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