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1、 项目组号 网络(Cisco)3061第九组 密 级 公 开 湖南科技职业学院软件学院 毕业设计文档项 目 名 称 中小型公司网组建 专 业 计算机网络技术(Cisco方向) 班 级 网络 指 导 教 师 项目组成员 二九年五月前 言随着网络的逐步普及,企业网络的建设是企业向信息化发展的必然选择,企业网网络系统是一个非常庞大而复杂的系统,它不仅为现代化发展、综合信息管理和办公自动化等一系列应用提供基本操作平台,而且能提供多种应用服务,使信息能及时、准确地传送给各个系统。而企业网工程建设中主要应用了网络技术中的重要分支局域网技术来建设与管理的,因此本毕业设计课题将主要以企业局域网络建设过程可能用


3、用,设计出一个高可用性、高安全性的网络。3) Internet连接服务设计概述为企业规划、构建、部署和操作各种服务,保护LAN免受来自Internet的威胁,在外围网络配置基本防火墙、筛选等功能,实现企业内部和分部之间的VPN访问,并且要求将资源发布到Internet并配置企业内部计算机访问Internet。PrefaceWith the gradual popularization of network, enterprise network is the development of information technology enterprises to the inevitable

4、choice, enterprise network systems is a very large and complex system, it not only to modernize the development of an integrated information management and office automation applications, such as a series of the provision of basic operating platform, but also provides a wide range of applications, s

5、o that information can be timely and accurately transmitted to the various systems. And enterprise network applications in the construction of the network technology to the important branch of local area network technology to the construction and management, and therefore the subject of this graduat

6、ion project will be mainly in the construction process of enterprise local area network may be used in a variety of technical and implementation options for the design direction, for enterprise networks and provide a theoretical basis and practical guidance. In this project need to achieve the funct

7、ions of: enterprise identity achieved through internal resources and the sharing of part of terminal equipment to access outside the network, as well as control of remote access. 1) an overview of the physical network design For business planning, building, deployment and operation of the physical L

8、AN, asked how to select network equipment (such as switches, routers, and firewall), how to choose equipment to connect these networks to cable networks, as well as how to design the network layout. At the same time, also need to have tools to use Visio to draw the physical and logical network topol

9、ogy network topology. 2) Network Services Design For business planning, building, deployment and operation of a reliable and secure network services, request information on the DNS and WINS configuration, using DHCP to achieve automatic allocation of IP address allocation and management of IP, on th

10、e basis of enterprise applications for the design of a high-availability , high-security network. 3) Internet connection service Design For business planning, building, deployment and operation of a variety of services, protection from the LAN from the Internets threat to the external network config

11、uration in the basic firewall, filter and other functions, the enterprise division between internal and VPN access, and they have requested resources posted to the Internet and configure the computer to access the internal Internet.目 录前 言11.1总体架构设计61.2网络结构设计61.3防火墙设计61.4服务器系统71.4.1用户需求分析71.4.2操作需求分析

12、71.4.3开放的体系结构81.4.4其他需要考虑的问题82.1总体架构设计92.2网络结构设计102.2.1主干部分设计102.2.2接入部分设计102.3防火墙设计112.4服务器系统112.4.1办公自动化112.4.2文件共享122.4.3电子商务122.4.4访问控制132.4.5网络的维护133.1总体架构设计143.1.1企业网络拓扑结构143.1.2 Vlan及IP地址规划143.2网络结构设计153.2.1核心层交换信息的实现153.2.2接入层交换信息的实现173.3防火墙设计193.3.1配置接入路由器的基本参数203.3.2配置接入路由器的各接口参数203.3.3配置接

13、入路由器的路由功能213.3.4配置接入路由器上的ACL213.3.5配置ISA防火墙223.4服务器系统243.4.1企业网络服务架构的实现243.1.2 DNS服务器的实现253.1.3主域控器的实现273.1.4辅域控制器的实现293.1.5 DHCP服务器的实现303.1.6 WWW服务器的实现323.1.7 FTP服务器的实现343.1.8 邮件服务器的实现363.1.9 无线接入点的实现38第四章 设计总结40文件修改记录编号状态日期执笔人审核人批准人修改页码及条款1创建文档4.18丁传华丁传华丁传华服务器部分2修改文档4.22刘宏谱丁传华丁传华总体架构3修改文档4.25曹伟丁传华

14、丁传华网络结构4修改文档4.28严萌丁传华丁传华网络结构5修改文档4.30李子霖丁传华丁传华防火墙部分6修改文档5.3丁传华丁传华丁传华前言、设计总结7修改文档5.5丁传华丁传华丁传华项目文档整理8修改文档5.10丁传华丁传华丁传华项目文档修改任务分配序号任务负责人1服务器系统部分、项目文档整理丁传华2总体架构设计部分刘宏谱3网络结构设计部分曹伟、严萌4防火墙设计部分李子霖第一章 需求分析1.1总体架构设计公司内部由总务部、人事部、技术部、管理部、销售部等多个部门组成。考虑到近几年的发展,公司需要通过因特网进行网络宣传和从事电子商务活动,员工日常办公自动化,员工需要经常查阅公司的历史资料和文档,但同时公司内部资料及文档均属于公司的商业机密,不得外泄,出于安全考虑,部门之间的主机不能互访。员工之间日常需要交换一些文档,并且办公室需要发布一些日常办公信息。本着先进性、开放性、可伸展性、安全性、可靠性、可管理性等原则,要求规划公司内部网络,建构公司内部网络服务器,同时维护网络的正常运行,使公司能够最大有效的使用网络资源,为公司今后的发展打下良好的网络信息基础。1.2网络结构设计公司的网络,物理跨度不大,通过千兆交换机在主干网络上提供1000M的独享带宽,通过下


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