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1、Title:What Does She Do?西山小学 英语学科 黄志敏Teaching aim:Enable the Ss to understand, say and use the expressions of asking and answering the occupations. Enable the Ss to learn more about jobs(singer, writer, TV reporter, actor, actress, artist, and some other jobs like engineer, accountant, policeman, sal

2、esperson, cleaner -), and talk about personal ideal in the future, to conduct the Ss to have a good mental preparation to the future.Teaching important and difficult points:I. Sentence pattern: What does she/he do? She/He is a - (What is she/he? she/he is a-. Whats her/ his job? His/ her job is -.)I

3、I. Words: singer, writer, TV reporter, actor, actress, artist, engineer, accountant, policeman, salesperson, cleaner.III. To conduct the Ss to have a good mental preparation to the futureTeaching Procedure:I. Warm up:A. Sing a song: My family.B. Free Talk: What day is it today? Whats the date today?

4、 Whos on duty today? What are you going to be when you grow up?II. Teaching process:A. Listen to a story of jobs, and get to know the jobs in the society: singer, writer, TV reporter, actor, actress, artist, engineer, accountant, policeman, salesperson, cleaner.B. Conduct a principle that jobs are t

5、he equal, we should not look down upon the jobs like cleaner or salesperson, the society need these jobs, and all jobs are serving people. C. Watch a video: How different people serve our world?Discussion: What will the world be if we dont have policemen/ singers/cleaners-? (Ss may realize all work

6、are important to our world.)D. Activity: Draw a picture about your future according to their own interests. And then talk about your future with your partner.E. Invite some Ss to show their own pictures and talk about their ideal.(T may apply more jobs like manager, driver, doctor, nurse-)III. Conso

7、lidation:Show some examples to illustrate that: No matter what we are in the future, if we study hard from now on, and we choose a favourite work , we will be an outstanding person. So, enjoy our study, enjoy our life, enjoy our work, enjoy our world.Title:I Have A Pen Pal西山小学 英语学科 黄志敏Teaching aim:E

8、nable the Ss to understand, say and use the expressions of asking and answering the hobbies. To conduct the Ss to have a good mental attitude to life and friendship.Teaching important and difficult points:I. Sentence pattern: What is your/her/his hobby? I/She/He like(s)-II. Words: riding a bike, div

9、ing, playing the violin, collecting stamps, making kites.III. To conduct the Ss to have a good mental attitude to life and friendship.Teaching Procedure:I. Sing a song: My Pen PalII. Free Talk: What do you usually do ? What do you like ? Whats your favourite food/ sport?C. Teaching process:A.Listen

10、to a story of friends, and get to know friends hobbies: riding a bike, diving, playing the violin, collecting stamps, making kites.B. Show a letter to the Ss and introduce: This is a letter from my pen pal, she is a girl, she likes swimming, singing, dancing, those are her hobbies. Do you have a pen

11、 pal, whats your pen pals hobby? If you dont have pen pals, you may talk about your friends hobby?C. Activity: Do a survey- Know more about your classmates pen pal?Invite some Ss to make a report about the survey.D.Why do we need friend? Why do we need pen pal? Human being are infest , we need to as

12、sociate with the others. This is a normal persons mental demand. We need to have family, friend-, we need to be regard, and we need to regard the others, so that we will have a harmonious environment to grow up and to live happily.IV. Consolidation:Ask your friends or your family member the followin

13、g questions and get to know more them: How many friends do you have? Who are they? Whats their hobbies? What about your family members? Do you know their friends?Title:What Are You Going to Do?西山小学 英语学科 黄志敏Teaching aim:Enable the Ss to grasp future tense. To conduct the Ss to have a clear aim to the

14、ir study, their life and their future.Teaching important and difficult points:I.Sentence pattern: What are/is you/they/we/ she/ he/it going to do? I/We/They/She/He/It am(are/is)going to-II. Words: take a trip, read a magazine, go to the cinema, tomorrow, tonight, this morning, this afternoon, this e

15、vening, next weekIII. To conduct the Ss to have a clear aim to their study, their life and their future.Teaching Procedure:I.Sing a song: What Are You Going to Do?II. Free Talk: Today is Monday, what do you do on Mondays? What day is it tomorrow? What are you going to do tomorrow?III.Teaching process:A.Listen to a story of The Graduates of Harvard. There was a survey about the graduates of Harvard. Some of them didnt know what to


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