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1、仁爱版英语九上nit 1 单元测试(满分:120分;考试时间:1分钟)题号第一部分第二部分总分得分第一部分:听 力(20分) 听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。(分)( ) 1. A C( )2. A B C( ) 3 C( ). B C( ) 5. A C. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)( ) 6 The.A. India.C Cada.( ) 7. A. N,nott.B. Ys, he idC Yes,he has( ) 8. causeChaspuaton gros ast.caehias edcationi gd.C. Beue Cina nom

2、y hs dvelped at.( ) . A. Yes, hins.B. No, h desnt.C. dont know.( ) 0 oo mchtaffic.B. Pooredution.C opain grwt. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)( ) . How anytimes has JcisitedLondon eoreA Five imes.B. Twie.C. evebefoe. ( ) . How many dy hsJack be in London ne hourB. Sevelonths.C valdays( ) 13.We will Jack hav

3、e to retunA. Intways.B. In r daysC. In four dys. ( ) 14. I thi Jack hviit o sixth visA FfhB. ixth.C. I ow.( ) 1. Wha dos Jac tink o LondonA. He thks its a woderfl place. e doesntlike hreC. Hdosnt think its a wonderul plae. 听短文,补全句子。短文读两遍。(5分)16. M. Smth as a smalla and . 17Hesaydin thshp f hours. 8.

4、 edog ddnt hmtost inthe all car. 1Mr.mit dt tart his car, ut th k ldnt .0 At lst h loke a he ar gin It a ot is crHe w i the cr第二部分:笔 试(10分). 单项选择。(1分)( ) 1. Hll, thi is om. Is Jack n Sorry, e t his ces h. May I take mesageA. has beeB. goC isgoigD. as gon( ) 2 ould yu tell me Sorry,Idt ow.ere ae m so

5、cksB. whe caIfi my socksC. where socks areDwhermy cks put( )3.We ae sort eney and ter theovrpopion.A. f; becausB. o;becue fC i; becuse. in; ecs o( ) 4. They av lo of res at tei hos A. Sdo I.B So we o.o hav.So I have( ) 5 you yoromewor et Ys, I itten mnutsagoA. d; do; fnihedB. ave;done; hae finishdC.

6、 Hae; done;fiiedD. ill; d; finis( ) 6. Wouldoulikettlk with you father omoer, Liu Me e dt he he sametoic. Eiher.B. thC. ither.D. one.( ) 7.Iueo . ut w Iget usd t dng evrting. m sucessfl atast. give up; keepingB. giving u; keepigC. giving p;keeD.ive u; ep( ) 8.Sixtyernt fal Chinese ae farmers and hey

7、 are tha popewho ve in the cities.Auch poorB.much porrC. vryporDmore por( ) 9.is s e most atifulpark I ha isted.A. eerByetCneverD.alrea( ) 10 Compard with lst y,ur pay aou ¥50 evr moth.A. hainreased byB hasinreasedC creaed by. nrasd t( )11.Siteen-ear-old childen shuldn e alloed becaue hey areot seou

8、s nouhat that e.driveB drvigC. o be ivingD. to drv( ) 1 e hae ben od frends fo many yars, we ofen eep with ach othr. for touchB.wih tuchC.intouchD.to ouc( ) 1. Myfathe wsiredtat he el aslee he went to bed.A. as iB.even thoughC ever snceD. aso s( )14. I wa tol o be hre efoe :0p.O, yu .Ilt sorryfor yo

9、 tat wevchandhe pla.an;nttligB. edt; not tlling. cant; ot to tell.need; ottell( ) . What teaimals of China in th la 400yearsA. hasappned tB. i happnedtoC has appee withD. is appe. 情景交际。(分)从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。(A man ad a wan e tlig at th Shanghi Hogqo Arport.)M: The arane reate,aren heyW: 16 I

10、neverexpet pansto be time: Are you wkighereor jus a isit: isorM:How ong hae you been hre: 17 M:Wa places ointerest have you betoW: Quite a lt, lie theGreat l n Beijg, Ws Lake nghou. Theyerly wodrful.: 8 :You now, Chia iacountry wit lonhitory and its uebeaufl.M: : Yes, f coure. t eliciou.M:Oh,heres myarpln at lst. must o now yeW: Be! 0 : Me, too.aecare.A. Twice a mh. Do you hink sC ron month.D. Do u li ChiesefodE


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