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5、louder,please.请大声点。letsformaline.我们排成一排。letsmakeacircle.我们围个圈。tryagain!再试一次!III. The plan which the lesson will follow / Warming up宣布教学目的/准备活动Now lets begin ( the class). 现在开始上课。Have you prepared your lessons?功课准备好了吗?Did you look over your lessons?功课看过了吗?Did you revise/go over the lessons before cla

6、ss?课前功课复习了吗?Well finish this off today.今天我们将结束这个(这一课)。We have two more paragraphs to do. I hope I can wind up the lesson today.我们还有两段课文要讲。我希望今天能结束这一课。Yesterday we went at far as the second paragraph.昨天我们讲到第二段。Lets start/go on/continue from where we left off yesterday.我们接着昨天的讲吧。The aim of this lesson

7、 is to teach the use of “may” and “can”.这节课的目的是教“may”和 “can”的用法。In this class most of our time will be devoted to dialogues.这节课,我们主要学习对话。We are going to review the old lessons today.今天我们要上复习课。Well do three things today: first well review ,second, well learn ,third, well have some oral practice.今天,我们

8、要做三件事:第一,复习。,第二,学习。,第三,做些口语练习。Today, we shall have a general review of what we have learned so far.今天,我们要复习一下到现在为止所学的东西。Ill elaborate on what I said yesterday.我将对昨天所讲的再补充说一下。Well go over a little of what we did yesterday.我们来复习一下昨天所学的东西。Were going to have a new lesson today. We shall first read and e

9、xplain the new words. Then we shall learn the text. 今天我们上新课。先读生词,接着解释生词,然后学习课文。Today we shall study the text first, then Ill ask you questions. If time permits, we shall have a short dictation. 今天我们先学课文,然后提问。如果时间允许,我们就进行一小段听写。Today the class will be conducted in this way: First well go over the text

10、, then well do Pattern Drill 2 with the substitutes. And finally well do some written exercises.今天这堂课这样安排:首先复习课文,然后做替换练习2,最后做些笔头练习。Today we shall have aural comprehension. I shall read the material three times. After that you will retell the story. Dont write down anything while Im reading, but list

11、en to me attentively. You can use your own words in your retelling.今天我们有听力训练。我将材料读三遍,然后你们复述。我读的时候不准记笔记,但要仔细听。复述时可以用自己的话。Today Ill give you a short story for silent reading. youll be given 20 minutes for reading without the help of the dictionary. After that you will answer some questions.今天给你们一篇短文默读

12、。不要查词典,20分钟后回答几个问题。Today well have listening practice. After that well sum up the uses of the definite article.今天做听力练习。然后总结定冠词的用法。Today well have an end-of-the-unit test. Get out your exercise books.今天进行单元测验。请拿出练习本。During the test no one is allowed to ask any questions. Ask me now if you have any qu

13、estions.测验时,不许提问题,如果有问题,现在就提。IV. Teaching Activity 教学活动Finding page 翻书页Open your books at page 37.把书翻到37页。The exercise is on page 64. 练习在64页。Turn over. / Turn over the page./ Over the page. ? Turn to the next page.翻到下一页。Next page, please.Lets move on to the next page. 让我们翻到下一页。Turn back to page 62.翻

14、回到62页。Turn back to the previous page.翻回到前一页。Refer back to the text notes on page 18. 回过来查阅27页上的课文。About the Text 有关课文Now the text. This short text is selected from a novel (magazine / newspaper).现在讲课文。这篇短文选自小说(杂志/报纸)。This text is adopted from a short story.这篇课文是由短篇小说改写的。I shall tell you something about the authors life.我将讲一下作者的生平。I shall give you a brief account of the authors life.现在我简略叙述一下作者的生平。I think youve all previewed the text. Who would like to say something about the text ?我想你们都预习了课文。谁来讲讲课文大意?I shall give you t


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