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1、浙江省2019年初中毕业生学业考试八年级下册阶段检测卷n加油卷说明: 本卷共有三大题, 45小题, 满分70分。第一部分n加油听力部分一、听力(共15小题, 满分25分)第一节: 听小对话, 从A、B、n加油C三个选项中选出正确的选项, 回答问题。(共5小题; 每小题1分, 满n加油分5分)1What did the bn加油oys father do ten years n加油ago? AA doctor. BA teacher. n加油CAn English teacher. 2When shn加油ould Nancy call Johnson? AAt 3:n加油 45 pm. BAt

2、4: 00 pm. n加油CAt 4: 15 pm. 3Where n加油is the shopping list? AOn the ben加油d. BOn the table. Cn加油In the desk. 4How much does the man加油n have to pay? A13 pounds. n加油B15 pounds. C30 n加油pounds. 5Why cant the girl tn加油ake part in the sports men加油eting? ABecause she dn加油oesnt like high jump. BBecause she n加

3、油cant jump high. CBecause n加油she broke her leg last wen加油ek. 第二节、听长对话, 从A、B、Cn加油三个选项中选出正确的选项, 回答问题。(共5小n加油题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)听下面一段较长对话, n加油回答6、7两个小题。6Where an加油re they talking? AIn the library. Bn加油At the doctors. COn the farm. 7Hn加油ow long has the boy beenn加油 ill? AThree days. BFour dn加油ays. CFive day

4、s.听下面一段较长对话, 回答810三个n加油小题。8What is Lucy going to do? An加油Send some postcards. BGo sn加油hopping. CSee her Chinese teacher. n加油9What day is the day after tomorrown加油? AMothers Day. BThe Sprn加油ing Festival. CTeachers Day. 10Wn加油hat is Lucy going to buy forn加油 Miss Zhao at last? APostcard. Bn加油Some flowe

5、rs. CSome n加油books. 第三节: 听下面一段独白, 从A、Bn加油、C三个选项中选出正确的选项, 完成信息记录表。(共5小题; n加油每小题2分, 满分10分)Food for English breakfasn加油tFried eggs, bread, 11 n加油 , tomatoes, coffee and fruit Engn加油lish lunchOnly a 12 and a cn加油up of coffee Lunch for children at scn加油hoolA 13 meal of mean加油t or fish Dinner tn加油ime 14 F

6、ood in on加油ther countries the British likeThe fon加油od from France, China and 15 n加油11.A.cakes Bcandy Ccon加油okies 12A.hamburger Bsandwich n加油Csalad13A.happy Bcold Cn加油hot14A.79 am Bn加油79 pm C69 pm15An加油.Italy BIndia CJapan第二部分笔试部n加油分二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握n加油其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项n加油中选出最佳

7、选项。(2019辽宁沈阳中考)Onen加油 day, a hunter went hunting win加油th his dog. He saw a rabbit runninn加油g out of a bush not far in frn加油ont and 16 raised his gn加油un to shoot. The rabbn加油it was hurt. It ran away 17 n加油. The hunter waved to the n加油dog to 18 it. The welltrained don加油g rushed like an arron加油w, runni

8、ng very fast and full ofn加油 19 The rabbit ran sn加油o desperately(拼命地) that it 20n加油 not to have been hurt at all. Howevn加油er, the dog was surprisingly left behindn加油. Gradually, the dog was losinn加油g sight of(看不见) the rabbit. At ln加油ast when the dog 21 emptyn加油handed, the hunter was angryn加油 and blam

9、ed it, “How n加油 22 ! Unable to catch an injured n加油rabbit! No supper for n加油you.” Feeling sad, the dog triedn加油 to explain for 23 ,n加油 “Though I didnt catcn加油h it, I had done my besn加油t.”When the rabbit got home, n加油all the other rabbits were surprisedn加油 at its 24 . They were dying to n加油ask, “How

10、did you 25 n加油 to run away when the dog almostn加油 caught you? Its unbn加油elievable.” “The dog would only be bn加油lamed for not catching me at n加油most, 26 all it din加油d was to do its best. The situatn加油ion is completely different 27 n加油me. I would surely lose my lifn加油e 28 I was caught so I n加油had to g

11、o all out(竭尽n加油全力)!”We can learn a lesson n加油for our daily life from n加油the story. Have we ever examn加油ined ourselves and asked 29 we n加油did our best or went alln加油 out when we looked for a(n) 30 forn加油 our failure?16A.slowly Bquickln加油y Ceasily Dstrangely17A.n加油in order Bin need Cin fear Dn加油in sur

12、prise18A.bark at Bn加油look at Clook after Drun after1n加油9A.knowledge Bkindnn加油ess Chumour Dconfidence20A.seen加油med Bbecame Ctasted Dsoundedn加油21A.followed Bleft Crn加油eturned Dwaited22A.careless n加油 Buseless Chomelesn加油s Dharmless23A.itself Bit n加油 Chimself Dhim24A.sadnessn加油 Bluck Cworry Dpatiencen加油

13、25A.succeed Bfail Cmanage n加油 Dsuggest26A.but Bor n加油Cyet Dso27A.frn加油om Bfor Cas Dof28A.thon加油ugh Bunless Cuntil Dif29n加油A.whether Bthat n加油Cwhat Dwhere30A.ren加油spect Bhope Cexcusen加油 Deffect三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分n加油)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选n加油项中选出最佳选项。AThink of thn加油e animal world, and a grn加油oup

14、 of colourful wild animals wn加油ill spring to mind: A parrotn加油s rainbow feathers or the showy scalen加油s of sea fish. But, many mammn加油als(哺乳动物) on the planet comn加油e in only two colours: black and whn加油ite. Spend some time explon加油ring what science has discn加油overed about these animals appean加油rances, and youll see that basin加油c black and white isnt son加油 basic at all.Thn加油e pandas white body helpn加油s it hide in snowy arean加油s. The arms and legs are black, n加油helping it hide in forestsn加油. The markings on its hen加油ad are not used


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