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1、 Prepared on 22 November 2020牛津版小学英语一年级阅读理解一I am Lucy. I am a girl. I am tall and thin. I can sing and draw. This is Peter. Hes my classmate. He is eight. He is fat. He can read books. He likes juice. Its yummy.( ) 1. Lucy is a tall girl.( ) can sing.( ) is Lucys friend.( ) can sing, too.( ) likes t

2、o drink juice.二It. sbig, ) 1. Peterisinthepark.( ) skiteisyellowandbrown.( ) sdogcanrun.( ) dogisblack.( ) dogisveryhappy.三ThisisMonkeyKing(孙悟空). Hestallandthin.Hecanflyinthesky. teatnoodleswithchopsticks(筷子).Hehasagolden(金色)ssuper,too.Readandchoose(根据短文,选择填空)( ) 1. IsMonkeyKingclever,heisclever.,he

3、isclever.,heisntclever.( ) 2. Heis_.( ) 3 He_eatnoodleswithchopsticks. t( ) 4. Hehasa_stick. ( ) 5. Hecant_. 四It arefat.,two,Oh,根据短文,判断对错,用T或F表示)( ) 1. Threeducksareswimmingintheriver.( ) catsarehungry.( ) chicksarehappy.五在旁边)根据短文,判断对错,用T或F表示)( ) 1. Thereretwobananasonthetable.( ) 2. Thebananaisgree

4、n.( ) 3. Itsanorangenexttothebanana.( ) 4. Theappleisroundandbig.( ) 5. Thebananaandtheapplearebothnice.六Hello, 羽毛)sverybeautiful.Ilikeitverymuch.Readandjudge(根据短文,判断对错,用T或F表示)( ) 1. HernameisAlice.( ) 2. Shecanhearacat.( ) 3. Theparrotseyesareblack.( ) 4. Kittydoesntliketheparrot.( ) 5. Theparrotis

5、beautiful.七ThisisDick , chairisbeside(在旁边)thedeskandasmallballisunderthechair.Readandjudge(根据短文,判断对错,用T或F表示)( ) 1. Dicksdeskisinthelibrary.( ) 2. Dickspencil-boxisonthedesk.( ) 3. Dickhastworulers.( ) 4. Thepenisinthepencil-box.( ) 5. Theballisbesidethedesk.八Cloze(完形填空) ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( )

6、 九Hello,根据短文,判断对错,用T或F表示)( ) 1. Thisisananimal.( ) 2. Thedogisthin.( ) .( ) 4. Ithasfourlegs.( ) 5. Itlikestoplaywiththeyellowball.十Readandchoose(根据短文,选择合适的词填空)leaves spring eat not snowman four hot kites,summer,. Plantsgrowandgrow. Autumniscool. It. 根据短文,判断对错,用T或F表示)( ) 1. Therearetwelveseasonsinay

7、ear.( ) 2. Ilikespringbest.( ) ) 4. .( ) 5. Wecaneatalotofice-creamsinwinter.十一TodayisKitty,herfatherandmotherareintheroom. ) 1. ThisisKittysbirthday.( ) 2. Kittyhasanicebook.( ) .( ) 4. Kittyseyesandnosearebig.( ) 5. Kittyeatsthecake.十二Hello, abicycle, ) 1. TodayisPetersbirthday.( ) likesthefishand

8、noodles.( ) has ssuper.( ) 4. Peterhasabicycle,twoballsandthreedolls.十三 (骨头).Ilikemydog.( ) 1. .( ) ) sthin.( ) 4. .十四I “quack,quack”.Itissmalland . .( ) 1. Dannyisfat.( ) .( ) duckisyellow.( ) 4. Theduckcanswiminthewater.( ) 5. Dannylikestheeggverymuch.十五 playonthepinkseesaw. Mike ) 1. WhatseasonisitIts_. ( ) 2. _playontheseesaw. ( ) . ( ) 4. Its_. ( ) 5. Thecatisnt_.


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