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1、南通市第一初级中学 英语“导学学案” 课型:新授 主备:张建 审核:徐晓燕 No.7AU17A Unit 1 This is me! 第1课时:Comic strip + Welcome to the unit +Vocabulary班级: 姓名: 【学习目的】1、认识很多新朋友,像小狗埃迪和电子狗霍波,新同学米莉、西蒙、桑迪、基蒂、埃米和丹尼尔等。 2、掌握不同时间的问候语。 3、掌握一些运动的英语表达法。【课前准备】一、根据意思从II栏中找出与I栏相对应的句子。 I II ( ) 1. Good morning, Millie. A. Good evening. ( ) 2. Hi, Im

2、 Sandy. B. Good morning, Daniel. ( ) 3. Whats your name? C. Im Simon. ( ) 4. Good evening. D. Hi, Im Amy. 二、根据中文提示选择正确的答语。 ()1、当你想要告诉对方你的名字时,你说:A. Hi, good morning. B. Hi, Im xxx. C. Im your master. ( )2、当你想要告诉对方,你喜欢那个电子狗时,你说: A. My name is e-dog. B. I love this e-dog. C. Please read the book. ( )3、

3、当你想要对方了解你的简历时,你说: A. Good morning, my name is Millie. B. Can you tell me how to look after the dog? C. This is my instruction book, read it now. ( )4、当你在傍晚7:00见到你的朋友时,你说: A. Good evening. B. Good afternoon. C. Good night. ( )5、老师早上进教室上课,首先说的话应该是: A. How do you do, boys and girls? B. Good morning, cl

4、ass. C. Excuse me, are you Wang Lin? ( )6、好朋友平时常见面,打招呼用语一般是: A. Hi! B. How do you do? C. How are your parents? 三、根据句意和中文提示完成句子。 1. I like playing_(羽毛球). 2. When Sandy s_, she wears a swimsuit. 3. -_do you play tennis? -On the _(网球场). 4. Do you often swim in the _(游泳池)?【知识链接】 1. How to look after you

5、r e-dog? 如何照顾你的电子狗? 1) how to do sth. 如何干某事,怎样做某事。例如:How to play basketball? 记住:疑问词+动词不定式,比如: where to go, what to do, etc. 2) look after =take care of 照顾;保管 Can you look after your brother?look after well = take good care of 好好照顾 You must look after your things well. =_. 2. Its time for Millies PE

6、lesson. 米莉该上体育课了。 Its time for sth. 该的时候了。 Its time for school. 该上学了。 尝试着记忆:Its time to do sth. 该上学了。_Its time for sb. to do sth. 我们该上学了。_ 【学习过程】1预习情况交流。将课前准备中的情况与你的同学进行交流。2学习策略培养 1) 打招呼。Hello! Hi! Good morning/afternoon! How are you? Nice to meet you. 2) Welcome to the unit.a. Meeting new friends.

7、b. Greetings. (Look at the times and fill in the blanks.)3)介绍。 a. 首先自我介绍, Good morning/afternoon. Im Allen. I am an English teacher. I work at Meiliang Middle School. b. 让学生们进行相互的自我介绍。 4) The comic strip (卡通漫画)a. 先介绍动画的背景,然后教授一些新的单词。 b. 自我朗读课文,回答下面的问题。 Who is Eddie? _ Who is Hobo? _ Do you like/love

8、 this e-dog/Eddie/Hobo? _ Does Eddie like the e-dog? _c. 跟录音机朗读课文。 d. 操练对话。 e. 背诵对话。5) Vocabularya. 复习学过的有关运动的词汇,然后完成 Part A. b. 完成Part B.【课堂练习】 一、根据句意,完成下列对话。1. Are you my master? - _2. - Im Eddie, whats your name? -_ (Hobo)3. - Good morning. Im Amy. -_ (Simon)4. - Good night. -_5. - Good morning.

9、-_二、判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。 ( ) 1. I use tennis rackets when I swim. ( ) 2. He plays football on a tennis court. ( ) 3. Kitty wears football boots when she plays football. ( ) 4. Simon plays badminton on a football field.【当堂反馈小结】1. The words about sports. 2. How to greet your friends or classmates in Engli

10、sh.【拓展练习】 完成作业本上的作业。Unit 1 This is me!第2课时: Reading I班级: 姓名: 【学习目的】1、理解文章的大意,注意一般现在时的用法,特别当主语是第三人称单数时。. 2、使用人称代词。 3、掌握一些固定词组的用法。【课前准备】一、把下列汉语翻译成英语,并且背诵。1.喜欢游泳_ 2.踢足球 _ 3.喜欢跳舞_4.读书 _ 5.听音乐_ 6.玩电脑游戏_ 二、根据实际情况和课文内容,回答下面的问题。1. Whats your name? _ 2.How old are you? _3. Are you tall or short? _4. What does Millie love? _5. What does Simon do after school? _6. Where does Sandy come from? _7. How old is Kitty? _8. What is Amy good at? _9. Does Daniel wear glasses? _ 通过预习,你能正确地理解课文了吗?_ 你感觉在预习中还有什么疑问吗?_如果可以,尝试着背诵全文。【知识链接】


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