Solaris常见提问 (2).doc

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《Solaris常见提问 (2).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Solaris常见提问 (2).doc(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、网上收集了一些solaris的面试题,算是对solaris学习过程的一个总结1.网友bininbinin问:在solaris上换掉一个坏的镜像答:问:如何设置,solaris的网卡如何做到loadbalance答:问:新添加的网卡,如何在solaris主机上识别出来答:问:如何添加网络上面的storage,识别新的网络硬盘?答:问:如何在线扩文件系统答:How to replace a failed SCSI disk mirrored with SolsticeDiskSuite (command line method) WITHOUT taking Solaris down:The fo

2、llowing assumptions have been made for this example procedure:A. Server name= B. OS = Solaris 7 or 8C. DiskSuite versions 4.2 or 4.2.1D. The bad disk is hot-swappable.E. Metadevice numbers and state database replicas are taken from those used onthe actual system.F. Actual command line syntax is show

3、n in bold text.1. Collect output from the following:# metastat# metastat -p# metadb -i2. To identify the disk to be replaced:Examine the metadb -i output. You should see a W in the flags field associated with slice 7 of the disk experiencing write errors. Another indication is to look at the output

4、from the “format” command.Next to the device name the text string “” will appear indicating that the disk label cannot be read and therefore it is very likely that the disk has failed. For this example, we will assume the failed disk device is c0t0d0.3. Delete any metadevice state database replicas

5、that are on the bad disk:# metadb -d c0t0d0s7# metadb -i (to make sure they have been deleted)4. State of the submirrors:The “metastat” command output reports that all submirrors on the bad disk are at a State of “Needs maintenance”. This indicates that DiskSuite has automatically disabled the submi

6、rrors, so there is no need to “metadetach” the submirrors.5. Physically replace the failed hot-swappable disk.6. Partition the new disk:Easiest way to do this is to copy the partition table from the root mirror (c0t1d0s2) to the new disk (c0t0d0s2) with the following dd command:# dd if=/dev/rdsk/c0t

7、1d0s2 of=/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s2 count=16Verify the partition table was copied correctly using the format utility. Type format, select the corresponding disk number from the disk selection menu, then type p, then p again to view the partition table. Compare and make sure the partition tables match EXACTL

8、Y.7. Recreate the metadevice state database replicas that were deleted in step 3 from c0t0d0s7:# metadb -a -f -c 3 /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7# metadb -i (verify the creation)8. Re-enable the submirrors:# metareplace e d1 c0t0d0s0 (d1 is / and c0t0d0s0 is device associated w/ d11 submirror)# metareplace e d2

9、c0t0d0s1 (d2 is /usr and c0t0d0s1is device associated w/ d12 submirror)# metareplace e d3 c0t0d0s3 (d3 is /var and c0t0d0s3 is device associated w/ d13 submirror)# metareplace e d5 c0t0d0s5 (d5 is /opt and c0t0d0s5 is device associated w/ d15 submirror)Note: Run metastat | grep sync to check syncing

10、 status. When all syncing is complete, runmetastat again to verify that the State of all submirrors is Okay.1.solaris有哪些配置文件,(如/etc/hosts,inetd.conf,passwd,shadow等)它们有什么作用?/etc/hosts (存放IP和主机名)/etc/netmasks (子网掩码)/etc/inetd.conf(一些服务和启动项目)/etc/passwd /etc/shadow 用户登陆口令2.简单描述Solaris,Linux,AIX,HP-UX3.

11、Solaris,HP-UX,Linux,AIX的备份命令分别是什么solaris备份命令:ufsdump 0uf (0是备份级别;u写进/etc/dumpdatas文件中;f后跟备份设备)ufsrestore rf (恢复)ivf (交互模式)4.用过什么安全工具unix和linux下nessus,ipfilter,checkpoint5.接触过什么小型机6.写出所知道的Sun的Open Boot PROM命令power-on self-test 加电自检printenvprintenv boot-device 查看某一参数setenv auto-boot?flase 改某一参数set-def

12、aults 将所有printenv值设置成默认set-default parnameter-name 只将一个变量值设置成默认值probe 检测当前系统设备(有可能会把机器冻结,只有在开机时使用)show-devs 列出系统里所有通用设备devalias 查看所有系统通用设备的别名nvalias设置某一个别名7.Oracle的体系结构,备份命令8.概念题,什么是SAN,什么是ZONE9.如果系统无法启动,会是什么样的原因,你会怎样解决先看提示,不行进单用户进不去就STOP-A,测试下硬件在不行cd引导,挂上有日志的分区,看10.VLAN中的机器无法连通,会是什么原因,怎样解决VLAN中的机器无

13、法连通?汗一个,看看线,再在核心交换上show run还可能ip冲突11.用户反映系统缓慢,什么原因,怎么解决12.Solaris,HP-UN,Linux,AIX的文件系统各是什么?1.下载Sun的补丁到哪http:/ etc/netmasks 文件5.下载source版软件后安装步骤第一步通常是什么?6.修改二进制格式安装包的安装路径加什么参数7.Solaris自带的C编译器是什么?在什么路径?8.安装过Linux么?9.自学能力怎样?大学时自学过什么课程10.安装过GNU的软件么?11.设置路由的文件是什么?/etc/gatewaysnet gateway metric dest. net

14、 目标网段 router 下一跳路由器的地址 count 跳数12.apache的配置文件在哪里?13.你觉得系统管理的主要任务是什么?14.系统管理员的知识是要更深还是更广?问题1: Sun主机中OpenBoot PROM是指什么?有什么功能?问题2:Solaris安装软件包的命令是什么?如何查看系统已经安装的软件包问题3:用什么命令对solaris打补丁?问题4:Solaris下管理用户和用户组的图形工具是什么?用命令行增加一个dba的组的命令是什么?问题5:Solaris下要查找一个叫“appmonitor”的进程的命令是什么?问题6:Solaris下查找一个叫“htsbak”的文件的命

15、令是什么?问题7:Solaris下查找剩余磁盘空间的命令是什么?问题8:Solaris下kstar用户下一个目录“src”,另外一个dc用户需要只读该目录,应该如何设置权限,请给出命令。问题9:请编写一段c代码,把a数组中的n个数和b数组中逆序的n个数一一对应相加,结果存在c数组中,并对c数组按照升序排序。要求:(1) 思路清晰,编码合理。(2) 从文件中读入数组a和数组b的数据,打印出输入数据和输出数据。(3) 时间45分钟。(4) 使用VC编译。solaris下oracle自启动1 设置自动启动服务:在 /var/opt/oracle/ 下的 oratab 文件将这一行ORACLE_SID:ORACLE_HOME:修改为:ORACLE_SID:O



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