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1、 Module 1 Age Unit 1 Dims Age一、单词双基years old岁photo照片look like看起来tell告诉;讲sin唱歌 baby婴儿child小孩person人holidy假日truth 事实;真相youner较年轻secret秘密teener十几岁的少年adult成年人To tell you the truth.实话告诉你二、词组导学1.my holiday photos我的假日照片2.look at看3.piay ball games玩球的游戏4.looks young 看起来年轻5.years old岁6.very old很老7.to tell you

2、 the truth实话告诉你8.two hundred两百三、句型导学1.A:How old is she?她多少岁?B:She is twelve years old.她12岁。B:Twelve.12岁。B:12.12岁。2.A:How old is the woman?那个妇女多少岁?B:She is twenty-four years old.她24岁。B:Twenty-four.24岁。B:24.24岁。3.A:How old is the girl?那个女孩多少岁?B:She is fifteen years old.她15岁。B:Fifteen.15岁。B:1515岁。4.A:H

3、appy brithday!生日快乐!B:Thank you.谢谢!Unit 2 My Birthday一、单词双基birthday生日computer game计算机游戏card卡song歌曲party聚会something一些东西Happy birthday生日快乐!Thank you very much!非常感谢你!give给cut砍eat吃happy高兴的really真正地so 因此her她(宾格)candle蜡烛joke开玩笑forget忘记blow吹blow out 吹灭grandpa爷爷excitedOnly joking.玩笑而已。二、词组导学1.Happy birthday!

4、生日快乐!2.a brithday card一张生日贺片3.birthday party生日聚会4.give her (him/ you/ me/ them)给她(他/你/我/他们)5.grandpas birthday爷爷的生日6.two hundred years old200岁7.a birthday song一首生日歌曲三、句型导学1.A: How old is he?他多少岁?B:He is eleven years old.他11岁。B:Eleven.11岁。B:11.11岁。2.A: How old is the man?那个男人多少岁?B:He is twenty-five y

5、ears old. 他25岁。B:Twenty-five.25岁。B:25.25岁。3.A: How old is the boy?那个男孩多少岁?B:He is thirteen years old.他13岁。B:Thirteen.十三岁。B: 13.13岁。4.A: How old are they?他们多少岁?B: They are forty years old.他们40岁。B: Forty.40。B:40.40。5.A:Happy brithday!生日快乐!B:Thank you.谢谢! Module 2 Activities Unit 4 Hobbies一、单词双基listen听

6、listen to听paint画work工作read读fish钓鱼radio无线电story-book故事书again再一次ready准备guitar吉他yet仍然still仍然二、词组导学1.nice music好听的音乐2.listen to the radio听广播3.play the guitar弹吉他4.paint a picture画一幅画5.cook the dinner做饭6.watch TV看电视7.do homework做家庭作业8.have dinner吃晚饭9.play football踢足球10.play basketball打篮球11.read story-book

7、读一本故事书12.work on the computer在电脑上工作三、句型导学1.A: What are you doing?你在做什么?B: Im cooking.我在做饭。2.A: What are you doing?你们在做什么?B:Were talking.我们在聊天。3.A: Are you playing?你在玩吗?B: Yes, I am.是的,我在玩。4.A: Are you dancing?你在跳舞吗?B: No, Im not.不,我没有跳舞。Unit 7 School Sports Day一、单词双基dance跳舞sea海model模型lake湖fun乐趣have

8、fun玩得开心out there外面那个地方enjoy喜欢kid孩子instrument仪器musical instrument乐器musical音乐的二、词组导学1.have fun玩得开心2.out there在外边的那个地方3.in the sea在海里4.in the lake在湖里5.a model ship一艘轮船模型6.play chess下棋7.watch TV看电视8.read a story-book看故事书9.listen to the music听音乐三、句型导学1.A:What is he doing?他在做什么?B:He is singing.他在唱歌。2.A:Wh

9、at is the man/ boy doing?这个男人/男孩在做什么?B:He is eating.他在吃东西。3.A:What is she doing?她在做什么的?B:She is fishing.她在钓鱼。4.A:What is the woman/ girl/ lady doing?这个女人/女孩/女士在做什么?B:She is playing.她在玩。5.A:Is he listening to the music?他在听音乐吗?B:Yes,he is.是的。6.A:Is the man/ boy playing with the dog?这个男人/男孩在和狗玩耍吗?B:Yes

10、,he is.是的。7.A: Is she listening to the MP3?她在听MP3吗?B:No,she isnt.不,她没有。8.A:Is the woman/ girl/ lady painting?这个女人/女孩/女士在画画吗?B:No,she isnt.不,她没在画画。 Module 3 Sports Unit 7 School Sports Day一、单词双基slowly慢慢地fast快的high高get得到catch抓住catch up赶上fall落下fall over跌倒long jump 跳远high jump跳高pupil学生go for it快点team队wa

11、ve挥动cross横过baton接力棒field运动场地winner获胜者二、词组导学1.play badminton打羽毛球2.do the high jump跳高3.do the long jump跳远4.run slowly跑得慢5.catch up赶上6.run fast跑得快7.a lunch box一个午餐盒8.across the filed越过运动场9.fall over跌倒三、句型导学1.A:What are they doing?他们在做什么?B:They are doing the high jump.他们在跳高。2.A:Whats your favorite sport?你最喜欢的运动是什么?B:My favorite sport is running.我最喜欢的运动是跑步。3.A:Do you have batons?你有接力棍吗?B:No,I dont.没有。Unit 8 Sports Stars一、单词双基good好的


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