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1、0The Eiffel Tower埃菲尔铁塔s Fair in 1889, held in celebration of the centennial of the French Revolution inThe Eiffel Tower was built for the World1789.30056 .New Oriental EnglishLucky/张曦CultuYou can t possibly go to Paris without seeing the Eiffel Tower. Even if you donfamous structure, you will see it

2、s top from all over Paris. The tower rises over 300 meters; when it wasmeant to last for the duration of the Fair, but it obviously still stands today.Today, there is no such aversion2) anymore among Parisians, and one could not imagine Paris without the Eiffel Tower. Infact, it has become the most

3、recog ni zable symbol of the City of Light.不去埃菲尔铁塔,就不能说到过巴黎。即便未能登上这座享誉世界的建筑,也能在巴黎处处看到它的尖顶。塔身高达米, 19世纪末竣工时,埃菲尔铁塔的高度是当时世界上最高的建筑物一一华盛顿纪念碑的两倍。埃菲尔铁塔建造的初衷是迎接1889年世界博览会和纪念1789年法国大革命胜利一百周年。埃菲尔铁塔的设计师是古斯塔夫埃菲尔,铁塔耗时两年多建成。铁塔竣工之后,反对之声不绝于耳,当代艺术家们担心铁built, there were protests from con temporary artists who feared t

4、he con structi on would be the adve nt of structures without“ individuality ” , and many who feared that this huge“ object ” would not fit into the architecture of Paris. The tower was on1)The man beh ind the Eiffel Tower was Gustave Eiffel and the structure took more tha n two years to complete. Wh

5、e n法国素以浪漫著称。 掌上明珠的埃菲尔铁塔, 着独特的法式浪漫气息f France可下载MP3s enjoyt visit this w特魅力。无论是被法国人视为这种浪漫不仅体现在它的风土人情上,也浸透在它的古老文化中还是集时尚、美丽于一身的香榭丽舍大道,抑或是散发着灵魂之香的法国香水,都蕴含France has been a cultural centre of the world for many centuries. Known for its alluring art, architecture, music, language, cuisine, and of course fa

6、shion, its rich and diverse culture dates back thousands of years. Now letFrench culture and look at some of its popular cultural icons.多少个世纪以来,法国一直都是世界的文化中心。法国文化包罗万象、多姿多彩,无论是艺术、建筑、音乐、语言、美食还是时尚,都享有盛名。法国文化可以追溯到数千年前。今天,就让我们来了解一些法国流行的文化符号,感受法国文化的独completed at the end of the 19th century it was twice as

7、 high as the Washington Monument, at the time the tallest structure in the world.文化点滴Cui塔的建成标志着磨灭个性的建筑时代的到来,还有许多人担心这个巨型的家伙与巴黎的建筑风格格格不入。最初人们只打算让 埃菲尔铁塔维持至世博会结束,但显而易见,至今它仍然高高耸立,岿然不动。i. Eiffel題:古斯塔夫埃菲尔(18321923),法国土木工 程师、金属结构专家、作家aversion E5vE:FEn n.讨厌的人和事物 boulevard 5bu:lIvB:d n.美林荫大道f

8、lank ? ANk vt.位于的侧面boutique bu:5ti:k n.专卖流行衣服的小商店 queen consorts :王后,皇后7. adorn E5dC:n vt.装饰8.9.10.11.Palais des Tuileries :杜伊勒里花园,当时的法国王后玛丽德梅德西斯下旨建造的皇家花园Elysian Fields廻;:乐土,极乐世界Bastille Day:巴士底日,又称法国国庆日,于每年的.7月14日举行,是为了纪念在1789年7月14日巴黎群众攻占了象征 封建统治的巴士底监狱(即下文中提到的Bastille prison) 。这 一事件揭开了法国大革命的序幕。part

9、isan pB:tI5zAn n. 虔诚的信徒,热情的支持者Champs Elysees 香榭丽舍大道The Champs Elysees forms the backbone of Paris s cultural and commercial hub. The long, strailht3)4)5)stretch of road is a wide boulevard , ?anked with trees, shops, boutiques and restaurants. The 3km-long street orig in ated in the 17th cen tury, w

10、ith the first records in dicat ing it was first formed in 1616.Quee n如今,巴黎人对于铁塔不再有抵触情绪,人们甚至无法想象没有埃菲尔铁塔的巴黎会是什么样子。事实上,埃菲尔铁塔已 经成为“光明之都”(编者注:巴黎的昵称)最具标志性的城市地标。6)7)con sort of Fra nee, Italia n-bor n Marie de Medici, ordered an ave nue of trees toador n the n ewly stretched bou ndaries of the8).Palais des

11、 Tuileries garde ns. From these origi ns of being a mere bou ndary, the Champs Elysees soon grew to be an importa nt throughway in Paris. By the end of the 18th cen tury, it had gained a reputati on as a fashi on able ave nue, a reputati on it still holds to this day.”9)The term “ Champs Elysees ” d

12、erives from the Greek mythological story of thSysian Fields where the blessed go after death. With rows of trees and decorated sidewalks, which become illum in ated at ni ght, the Champs Elysees has ofte n bee n referred to as the most beautiful avenue in the world.The Champs Elysees is also an impo

13、rta nt area to stage public eve nts in Fran ce. There are n umerous cere monies and10)celebrati ons in which the French customarily flock to the famous boulevard. The ann ual Bastille Daycelebrati ons are heldon the gra nd ave nue each year. French citize ns, along with the Preside nt of the Republi

14、c, gather to celebrate the day in which11)Fre nch partisa ns stormed the famous Bastille pris on, the eve nt that triggered the Fre nch Revoluti on. This large processi on, which in cludes a review of the Fre nch troops by the Preside nt, takes place each year on July 14th.香榭丽舍大道是巴黎的商业和文化中心。一条大道又长又直

15、,宽宽的林荫道两旁绿树成荫,餐馆林立,商家店铺与高档时 装店鳞次栉比。这条大道有三公里长,其历史可追溯至17世纪。根据最早的史书记载,香榭丽舍大道始建于1616年,当时岀生于意大利的法国王后玛丽德梅德西斯决定建造一条绿树成荫的大道,来点缀杜伊勒里花园向外延展的边界区域。尽管最初只是 花园的边界,香榭丽舍大道却很快声名远扬,成为巴黎一条重要的主干大道。18世纪末,香榭丽舍大道赢得“时尚之街”的美誉,其盛名一直延续至今。“Champs Elysees”这一名称源于希腊神话故事中的“ Elysian Fields ,指的是受上天庇护之人的灵魂居住的冥界乐土。 香榭丽舍大道佳木成行,人行道精心装饰,夜晚华灯异彩,常被冠以“世界上最美丽的大街”的美誉。香榭丽舍大道也是法国重要的展示公共事件的舞台。不计其数的庆祝仪式和庆典都在这里登场,每当这个时候,法国人总 是习以为常地蜂拥而至,聚集到这条著名的大街上。每年的法国国庆庆典就在这条宏伟的大道举行。其时,法国群众同法兰西 共和国的总统一起来纪念这伟大的日子。在历史上国庆日的这天,法国人民攻占了著名的巴士底监狱,由此揭开了法国大革命 的序幕。每年的7月 14日,这一盛大的游行都如期举行,其间还包括总统阅兵仪式。New Oriental English . 57 1994-2010 China Acade


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