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1、全国英语专业四级听力局部历年真题训练全国英语专业四级听力局部历年真题训练从摆脱无聊到寻找爱人,今天,世界上能连接上网络的任何地方,几乎能用挪动设备或者电脑做任何事。“One of the problems with technology is we often try to think about it is either monolithically good or bad and its not. Its a tool.”“技术的众多问题之一是我们通常将其视为完全好的或者坏的,但是并不是,它只是个工具。”从帮助父母亲定位孩子的一个工具到一个可以联络朋友或者提升购物体验的镜子,因特尔公司的布

2、丽奇特卡林说:连通的世界更为丰富。“Were at a time where technology is being valued not just for the device that it produces but for the experience it makes possible.”“我们所处的时代,技术应该受到珍视,不是因为它所消费出的设备,而是因为它让一些体验变成可能。”The experience of meeting people has changed with the Inter. Whether its on social media or on a dating

3、website, users are exposed to a much larger group of people than was possible before.因为因特网,人们的交往体验发生了改变。无论是在社交网上还是相亲网站,用户们接触到比以前可能接触到的大得多的人群。And thats another one of technologys benefits says Sam Yagan, who has headed several inter dating websites.而领导几家网络相亲网站的山姆亚甘说技术还有另外一个优点。“三对婚姻中就有一对开场于网络,我可以告诉你那些

4、婚姻以及那些关系最终比非网络婚姻更为多样化,我认为这对世界是有益的.”A third reason technology is a benefit is an outlet for students that didnt exist a few decades ago.第三个技术是有益的原因在于帮助学生表达出想法,这在几十年前是不存在的。“The ways that kids are using technology to express their creativity is unbelievable. Thats a place where I get very excited with

5、young people.”“孩子们用技术表现他们创造力的方法是惊人的,这就是我总是对年轻人感到兴奋的地方。”But the excitement is also tempered with fear of the technology among parents.但是兴奋在父母们对于技术的担忧中消解。“In our guts we are saying OK, what is this doing to our kids brains? What kind of child is going to develop out of this? Really and truly how are w

6、e gonna navigate this world with the child who begins to use technology and respond at age two to four.”“我们本能地会说那好,这个会对我们孩子的大脑做什么?用这个会成长为什么样的小孩?说实话孩子两三岁就开场用技术了而且还做出回应,我们要怎么去和这样的孩子去探究这个世界?”Research shows too much screen time takes away a key social skill.研究显示在屏幕前呆的时间过长会弱化一些关键的社交技巧。“In the past 30 yea

7、rs, all the ways that we know how to measure empathy, among college students, have decreased by 40 percent.”“在过去的30年,在大学生中,我们知道的所有可以衡量情感共鸣的方法减弱了40%。”Social scientist Sherry Turkle says empathy is learned and developed when people talk to each other in-person. She says technology also takes away othe

8、r key behavioral skills.社会科学家雪莉特尔克说情感共鸣是在人们亲身与别人交谈中学到和开展的。她说技术同时还弱化了其他一些关键的行为技巧。“We are so used to the constant stimulation of always having the phone to go to, of constantly having stimulation, that we are losing this capacity for solitude, so you know, and with it self-reflection and self-contai_e

9、nt.”“我们已经习惯了总是带着手机出行的恒定刺激,一直有着这样的刺激,所以我们失去了独处的才能,你知道,就是自我反省和自我控制。”As the debate continues over the pros and cons of a connected world, technology keeps evolving, creating new discussions about how people, who are social by nature, should use it.随着联通世界优点和缺点的争论持续,技术也继续演变,会引发有关天生具有社会性的人类应该怎么使用它的新讨论。Elizabeth Lee for VOANEWS Los Angeles.伊丽莎白李洛杉矶报道。第 页 共 页


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