八年级英语下册 Module 2unit2学案(无答案) 外研版

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1、Module 2 FriendshipUnit 1 Can you tell me where youre from?【学习目标】根据情境,能运用本课有关友谊的新词汇和宾语从句的表达方式咨询信息,谈论友谊,进行口语交流;能听懂本单元所提供的听力素材,并完成听力任务。【课前准备】根据音标,先试读生词,直到熟读生词,最后能够英汉互译;了解打电话的常用语;初步了解宾语从句的表达及类型。【学习过程】预习情况检查。1)小组内进行词汇的英汉互译;2)利用电话用语小组表演简单的打电话过程。2、新知导入。1)介绍:a. I hope (that) it will snow this winter. b. He

2、 asks whether/if we will go fishing on Sunday. c. He doesnt know whether they will plant trees on Saturday or not. d. They havent decided where they should go for the holiday.2)归纳:请仔细观察以上例句,回答下列问题: 以上例句都是宾语从句,你能看出其分类吗?分几类?哪几类? . 3)交流:分组讨论你所发现的规律。A.从b,c两句你能看出whether/if的区别吗?是什么?_.B.请看d句并说出和where一类的词还有

3、哪几个?_.3、专项练习。请在小组内,用宾语从句的各种句型进行说的训练,并互评,纠正出现的错误。4、听力训练。(1)、多层听 1)听Activity 1, 回答听力材料中有几个说话者。 2)再听一遍,完成Activity 2。(2)、听后说。根据听力材料,同桌两人模仿打电话,可用自己和朋友的名字,练习打电话用语:1)-Is that sb speaking? -Yes, this is sb speaking.2)Who is calling, please?3)Hold the line, please./ Hold on, please.4)Can I take a message for

4、 sb.?5、对话学习。a.读前听 (1)请听对话,回答下列问题。 1)Where does Sally come from?_ . 2)Who does Sally miss? _ .(2)再听一遍,完成下列表格。 Where Sally is now What she is in China for What she thinks about China What she will do in a couple of months (3)听第三遍,完成Activity 4。b. 语言知识归纳。(1)请精读文章,找出并写下疑难问题_.(2)结队或小组内交流,记下仍然解决不了的问题_.(3)语

5、言点导学:1) OK, here goes- Sally.Here goes=Lets begin.“开始吧!”Welcome to the Talk Show. Now _ _欢迎来到访谈节目。下面开始吧。2) I asked your secretary whether she could come or not. whether or not = if “是否” 我记不清以前是否见过他。 I cant remember _ I have seen him _ _. I cant remember _ I have seen him before. 3)I know that foreig

6、ners find China very different from their own coutries.find sb./sth.+ adj.She found the math problems_ (difficulty) to work out.We _ the old man _.我们发现那位老人脾气很怪。They _ the flowers _ _ the others. 他们发现这些花与众不同。 4)By the way, why dont you bring all your friends for a visit to Radio Beijing? bring sb/sth

7、 to sw/sb. “带某人/来某地/给某人” take sb/sth to sw /sb.“带某人/去某地/给某人” You must _ your homework here tomorrow, dont forget it again. 明天一定要把作业带来,不要再忘了。 Please _ the present _ Tom, and say Happy Birthday to him. 请把这份儿礼物带给汤姆,并祝他生日快乐。 5)Maybe sometime next week? sometime adv. 改天,来日,某时 I hope to see you again _ ne

8、xt year. 我希望明年某一时候再见到你。 some time 相当一段时间 It took me _ to digest what I had heard. 我花了一些时间才把听到的东西弄明白。 sometimes ad. 有时 _ I go there by car. 有时我坐汽车去. some times 几次 We have been to the Great Wall _.我们已经去过长城几次了。 Exercises:The patient _cried for the pain. 有时这个病人疼得哭起来。I saw him _ last summer. 去年夏天的某个时候我曾经

9、见过他.They will stay with us for _.他们将和我们一起呆一段时间。(4)朗读课文, 写出下列重点词组。个人问题_ 欢迎来中国_ 来自于_ 事实上_ 学汉语_ 在学校乐队_最后一场公众音乐会_ 几个月以后_ 你的亲人_ 挚友_ 与不同_ 交朋友_祝好运_节目的一部分 _ 顺便问一下_ 带某人来某地_ 一个令人兴奋的地方 _下周_ (5) 找出所有宾语从句的句子 _ 6、学以致用。 (1)你能运用所给提示词和你组内成员对话吗? _if_ _Thats_ _whether-or not_ _ask sb sth_ _record your answers_ _here goes_ _tell me_ _be here with sb_ _be studying_ _have heard that_ _will be here_ _miss sb_close friends_find sth adj._feel like_making freinds_good luck with_be pat of_By the way_thanks_(2)完成Activity 7. _


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