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1、八年级下学期 ( Units 1-6)Unit 11. study at home on computers 在家用电脑学习2. use money to do sth用钱去-3. only be one country 只有一个国家4. live to be -活到5. in 100 years 在一百年后(in表将来)6. more people / pollution 更多的人/污染7. less pollution / free time 更少的污染/空闲时间8. fewer cars / trees 更少的小汽车/树9. big and crowded 又大又拥挤10. use th

2、e subways less 更少地用地铁11. five years ago / in five years 五年前/五年后12. in college 在大学13. a picture of a cat 一只猫的图片14. live in an apartment 住在一个公寓15. fly/take a rocket to the moon 坐火箭去月球16. on a space station 在太空站上17. fall in love with sb. / sth. 爱上某人/某事18. live alone 孤独的生活19. keep a pet parrot/pig 养一个鹦鹉

3、宠物、猪20. during the week 在一周内21. wear a suit 穿套装22. dress more casually 穿得更随意23. casual clothes 休闲装24. go to Hong Kong on vacation 去香港度假25. the next World Cup 下一届世界杯26. win award / the first prize获奖/一等奖27. work for myself 为我自己工作28. keep a pet pig 养了一个宠物猪29. look smart for my job interview 为了我的工作面试要看起

4、来很精神30. wear a uniform to school 穿校服去学校31. predict the future 预言未来32. many famous predictions 很多伟大的发明33. come true 实现34. the head of one of the biggest movie companies 最好的电影公司的一个头头35. a good place to do sth.36. something kids will use to study at home 一些小孩将会在家里使用它去学习37. a famous Chinese astronaut 一个

5、伟大的中国宇航员38. in some science fiction movie在一些科幻电影中39. in the future 在未来/ in future 在今后40. have their own robots 有他们自己的机器人41. help with the housework 帮助做家务42. do the most unpleasant jobs 做很多令人厌烦的工作43. be the same as 和一样44. make robots look like people使机器人看起来人45. do the simple jobs 做简单的工作46. over and o

6、ver again 反复,再三47. get/feel bored 感到厌烦48. many different shapes 很多不同的形状49. after an earthquake 一场地震过后50. seem impossible/ possibleUnit 251. too loud 太吵52. argue with sb.=have an argument with sb.53. be out of style 过时54. be in style 时髦的55. write sb. a letter / write a letter to sb. / write to sb. 给某

7、人写信56. call sb. up / call sb. / give sb. a call / ring sb. up / ring sb. 给某人打电话57. a ticket to sth 的票58. surprise sb. 使某人惊奇59. to ones (my/her/his)surprise60. on the phone 在电话里61. get a part-time job 找一份兼职工作62. borrow - from-sb.63. have a bake sale 买烧烤食品64. Teen Talk 青少年论坛65. buy gifts for my family

8、 为我的家人买礼物66. get/find a tutor 找一位家庭教师67. join a club 加入一个俱乐部68. on the one hand在一方面69. on the other hand 另一方面70. get on well with sb.与某人相处得好71. be the same age as S.b和某人同龄72. have a bigfight with sb.与某人大吵73. Its time to do/ for sth.该做某事了74. as much as possible尽可能多75. compare with 与比较76. complain abo

9、ut sth.to sb.向某人抱怨某事77. do sth. by oneself独立做某事78. be under pressure 处于压力之中79. take part in after-school activities 参加课外活动80. need time and freedom to relax需要时间和自由来放松Unit 381. in the bathroom 在浴室82. in front of the library 图书馆前面83. in the kitchen在厨房里84. in the barber shop在理发店85. sleep late 睡懒觉86. cu

10、t hair理发87. talk on the phone 通过电话交谈88. Museum of Flight飞行博物馆89. land on Center Street在中心大街着陆90. go into 走进91. get out of 出来92. take off起飞;脱掉-93. have a very unusual experience有一段非常惊奇的经历94. call the police报警95. surprise sb.使某人惊奇96. be surprised (at)对吃惊97. be amazing令人惊奇98. be amazed (at)对惊奇99. sth h

11、appen to sb某人发生某事100. run away跑掉101. take place 发生102. walk around走来走去103. outside the station在车站外面104. in more recent times 在较近的时间内105. in silence寂静106. in the play ground 在操场上107. everyday activities 日常活动108. in modern American history在现代美国历史中109. important events重大事件110. news of important events重

12、大事件的消息111. fly around the Earth 环球飞行112. have meaning to sb .对某人有意义113. a national hero in China中国民族英雄Unit 4 114. direct speech 直接引语 115. reported speech 间接引语116. be mad about sth. 为某事发狂 117. be mad at/with sb.(for sth.) (因某事)生某人的气118. first of all首先119. pass on传递120. be supposed to do sth.被希望或被要求做某

13、事121. do better in= be better at在某方面做得更好122. do well in= be good at 在某方面做得好123. be in good health 身体健康124. report card 成绩单125. get over克服126. Peking University 北京大学127. the Ministry of Education 教育部128. Chinese Young Pioneer 中国少年先锋队129. have a surprise party 开一个令人吃惊的晚会130. do homework project 做家庭作业1

14、31. end-of year exams 期末考试132. get/be nervous 紧张133. send ones love to sb.=give ones love/wishes to sb 向某人问好.134. copy others homework 抄别人的作业135. start a bad/good habit 养成一个坏/好习惯136. in a poor mountain village 在一个贫困的小山村137. as a volunteer 作为一名志愿者138. in Chinas rural areas 在中国的乡村地区139. 1000 meters ab

15、ove sea level 海拔1000米以上140. three times a day 一天三次 141. feel lucky/unlucky 感到幸运/不幸142. senior high school高中143. open up ones eyes (to) 开拓某人的眼界144. a good start in life 生活的良好开端145. notanymore=no more=notany longer=no longer不再146. Sb.happen to do sth. 某人碰巧做-147. sth. happens to sb. 某人身上发生某事148. help me (to)organize the partyUnit 5149. have a difficult/hard time in/with



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