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1、Topic 1: A major advantage/disadvantage of the InternetA Major Disadvantage of the InternetWith its coverage spreading all over the world at an astounding speed, the Internet is becoming an increasingly essential element in the modern life. While its influence becomes dominant in our lives, we often

2、 take for granted the negative effects of the Internet, the most horrific of which, the indulging power of it.To begin with, the too luxurious content of the Internet makes it almost impossible for people to retreat from the screen. When people find themselves good excuses to spend hours in front of

3、 the computer like “searching for information”, they are simply clicking links after links, which do not necessarily have anything to do with the information they are looking for. For one thing, the huge amount of information is not well organized for most of the time, and it usually costs hours to

4、sieve useful things out. For another, the distractive power of the Internet is more often than not overwhelming. For instance, one plans to look for information on medicine, and after using search engines and clicking on various links, it turns out that he has gone to a romance website instead of a

5、medicine one. Whats more, the Internet is extremely dangerous for non-adults, considering its magical power to make them indulged. Children, especially juveniles, fall easily victims of Internet because of their immaturity of controlling their online time. The hours spent online flies too fast to pe

6、rceive, and all the chatting and gaming are too attractive to say goodbye. An increasing number of adolescents are becoming incurable netizens, daydreaming their youth away.As a closing statement, although the Internet provides much convenience for modern people, it definitely does harm to us at the

7、 mean time. The indulging effect of the Internet jeopardizes the lives of adults as well as those of youngsters, making it a major disadvantage of the Internet.点评【结构】本文结构清晰,层次分明。首段:从网络的快速普及引入主题,点明网络成瘾是其一大缺点。第二段:从两个角度展开论述,并在第一角度中分为两点进行说明。在连接手段方面,使用了To begin with, For one thing, For another, For insta

8、nce, 以及Whats more衔接上下文,使层次分明。末段: 以As a closing statement引出结论,重申网络成瘾是一大危害。【内容】文章内容丰富,说理充分。在展开论述时,作者首先从网络有着过于丰富内容的角度出发,说明人们成瘾的客观原因。在这个角度中,又从网络信息繁杂不好查阅以及网络分散精力这两方面加以论证,并且辅以事例,令人信服。在第二角度中,作者着重说明网络对青少年的危害。青少年身心发展未成熟,控制力差,都使他们容易成为网络的受害者。【语言】语言流畅,过渡自然,用词得体贴切。在句子结构的选择上,作者多用长句和复杂句,文中充满了并列分句和从属分句,使文体正式,以达到严肃说

9、理的目的。作者同时也注意长短句的交替使用,以消除大量使用复杂句给读者带来的疲劳感。例如第二段中For another后的简单句就被穿插在几个复杂句间。另外在用词上,作者注意选用与文章风格一致的标准词汇,充分考虑到了文体的重要性。闪光词汇all over the world 全世界at an astounding speed 以另人惊讶的速度take for granted 习以为常,忽视indulging power 使人上瘾的力量retreat from the screen 从屏幕前撤退,下线well organized 组织良好sieve things out 筛选信息more ofte

10、n than not 通常overwhelming 无法抗拒的search engine 搜索引擎fall victims of 成为的受害者non-adults, juvenile, adolescent 未成年人,青少年netizen (新词)网民daydream their youth away 把青春消耗在白日梦中jeopardize 使陷入危险Topic 2: Is it appropriate for a magazine or newspaper to give private information about famous people?People are always c

11、urious about others lives, especially when the “others” are famous ones. But while newspapers and magazines try desperately to uncover the private lives of famous people, as readers, by taking much interests in such stories, we are practically contributing our shares of efforts to intrude their priv

12、acy, which I strongly disagree with.First, everyone has the right to enjoy ones private life, so do the stars. Long before they became the focus of the limelight, they were first humans, and they have the same rights with all humanity. That is, the right of privacy. Some may argue that since they ar

13、e public figures, they are destined to have their private lives exposed by the press. They go on arguing that it is the price to be one of the celebrities. However, fame, in every sense, should not equal losing ones own life. Everyone is in need of a private space, to relax from the pressures, to en

14、joy family life, to prepare for future challenges, which is even truer for public figures. What the press has been doing infringes these peoples rights of having their own spaces, thus leading their lives to chaos. Second, as readers, our curiosity does not only harm the celebrities, but also endang

15、ers ourselves. When we become too interested in their lives, we may lose ourselves. There are people who follow suit what the stars eat, what they dress, or what they do as a pastime. By blindly imitating others lifestyles, these people gradually lose their own personalities, and their own lives.In

16、a word, by revealing the private lives of famous people, the press is doing harm to both the celebrities and the readers. To curb this trend is to save the stars we admire, and ourselves.点评【结构】本文层次分明,主题突出。首段:由杂志利用人们对别人生活的好奇心引发主题,表明作者的反对观点。 第二段:分为两大方面进行论述,层次清晰,并在第一方面中反驳了反方观点。连接词是常用词,包括First, Second, However, In a word。末段:再次点题,表明对媒体大肆报道明星隐私行为的反对态度。【内容】文章内容完整,论证充分,逻辑感强。在具体论述时,作者分别从明星和读



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