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1、远大前程英文读后感(9篇)远大前程读后感英文 篇一 There was a man who had seven sons, but he had no daughter, greatly though he longed for one. At last his wife told him that they could again expect a child and, sure enough, when it was born it was a baby girl. There was great rejoicing, but the child was weak and puny, so

2、 weak that it had to be christened at once. The father told one of the boys to go quickly to the spring and fetch christening water; the other six ran along with him, and because each of them wanted to be the first to dip the jug into the well, it fell in and sank. So there they stood and didnt know

3、 what to do, and none of them dared go home. When they didnt come back their father got impatient and said:“ Ill wager theyve been playing some game again and forgotten all about it, the godless brats.“ He was afraid the little girl would have to die unbaptized, and in his rage he cried out:“ I wish

4、 those boys would all turn into ravens.“ Hed scarcely spoken the words when he heard a whirring of wings in the air overhead, looked up and saw seven coal-black ravens flying away. 远大前程英文读后感 篇二 During the last month, I have been reading the novel named Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. I set up

5、 my mind to finish reading it for the simple reason that I have read the Chinese version of this great novel and I was deeply attracted by the story. The main character in this novel is Pip and the whole story goes like this: Pip was a orphan and was brought up by his sister “by hand”。 His sister Mr

6、s. Joe was very strict with him while his brother-in-law treat him kindly. As a result, the two developed a intimate relationship. Since Pip was asked to visit Miss Havishamss house, his mind and his fate began to change. In Miss Havishamss home, Pip saw her adopted daughter Estella and fell in love

7、 with her at the first sight. Then he was determined to be well-educated and become a gentleman in order to deserve the beautiful girl Estella. And much to his delight, he was given a large sum of money and an opportunity to study abroad by an anonymous person. After a period of time, his great expe

8、ctations came true and he became a gentleman at last. However, he found out that the money was offered by the criminal he had saved when he was young. He felt ashamed and didnt want to use the money any more. Whats worse, the criminal Magwitch escaped from prison to visit Pip and was noticed by the

9、police. At last, Magwitch was sentenced to death and Pip led a normal life. The beautiful lady became a widow as her husband died. But Pip still loved her and promised to be friends with her all the same. This ending is a bit reaasuring. Among those several characters in the novel, my favourite is M

10、agwitch. He was homeless and poor when he was young and he used to be put into prison several times. No one cared about him, so when little Pip saved him by giving him some food, he felt moved. And he bore Pips help in his mind. When he was exiled overseas, he was determined to make a lot of money a

11、nd help Pip become a gentleman. He worked hard and saved every coin he could, and then sent it to Pip. He did all of these secretly in order to prevent little Pip from being embarrassed. After Pip became a real gentleman, Magwitch returned to England in secret only to see whether Pip had led a good

12、life. What we can find from him is deep love for Pip. Although the society has deserted him, he is not deserted by himself. Different from Miss Havishams who is black-hearted, Magwitch is like a father. He showed his love to Pip without any hesitation. He was just like Pips father. This is why I adm

13、ire him very much. Then when I look back into our society, I find that some parents are not as good as the criminal Magwitch. Cases are that parents push their children to work hard in order to be admitted into the college where they were eager to go when they were young. This usually leads to two c

14、onsequences. One is that the children are exerted too much pressure and they go to extremes. The other is that their children do as they are told to and dont have their independent thinking. They lack the comprehensive abilities to cope with fierce competition in todays society. In other words, they

15、 are likely to survive in this competitive world. God is equal to everyone. When Magwitch knew that Estella was his daughter and had been loved by Pip, he felt relieved. I am also relieved because one good turn deserves another. 远大前程英文读后感 篇三 Recently, I have finished reading Great Expectations, whic

16、h is widely considered as the masterpiece of Dickens. The historic background of this book is Victorian Period which was the time when British was governed by Queen Victoria. The hero of the book is Pip, who was living in a blacksmith family. Someday, he met Magwitch, who was a convict, and he helped him. To show his gratitude, Magwitch gave Pip a good fortune and Pip led a totally different life after he got the money


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