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1、一段简单的日常英语对话一段简单的日常英语对话一 Tom: Hi, how is everything going? 一切都顺利吗? Bob: Fine. 还好。 Tom: Whats wrong with your dog? Why is she always barking to me? 你的狗怎么了?怎么老是冲我叫? Bob: She is coming on to you. 她对你有意思。 Tom: What? Are you kidding? 什么?你在开玩笑吧。 Bob: She barks only when she is hungry. If she isnt hungry, s

2、he never looks at me. 没,她只有在她饿的时候才叫的,如果她不饿,她连看我一眼都不会。 Tom: Why did you feed such a strange dog? 你为什么养只这么奇怪的狗啊? Bob: I found her out of my door a year ago. 一年前我在我家门前看到了她。 Tom: Have you tried to find her master? 你试着找过她的主人吗? Bob: Yes, I have. But no one comes to claim her. 试过了,但是没人来认领她。 一段简单的日常英语对话二 An

3、n: Anne, what is your dream house like? 安妮, 你梦想中的房子是什么样的? Anne: Id like a big modern flat in central Shanghai, so I can go shopping every day. 我希望有一套在上海市中心的现代公寓,那样我就可以天天逛街了。 Ann: Shanghai! But I dont think big city is a good place to live. 上海啊!但我觉得大城市并不是个好住处。 Anne: Why? You dont like big city? 为什么?你

4、不喜欢大城市啊? Ann: Yes. Living in a big city means great pressure, noise, and air pollutionanyway never peaceful. 恩。住在大城市压力很大,还有噪音和空气污染,就是说永远不会很安宁。 Anne: So what is your dream house looks like? 那你梦想中的房子又是什么样的? Ann: I would like a villa near the lake. Its form looks like the British Castle. And it would h

5、ave a big garden with various flowers and trees. 我想要一幢湖边别墅,像英国别墅那样的。还要有一个有花草树木的大花园。 Anne: It sounds like a holiday resort, but not a normal house. 听起来像是个度假胜地,而不是普通的房子。 Ann: Yes, I hope my house could be a real sweet home, a place to refresh spirits, but not just a place to shelter. 对啊,我就是希望我的房子是个真正温

6、馨的家,是个可以恢复精神的家,而不仅是一个遮蔽处。 Anne: Great! Maybe I should rethink about my dream house. 真棒!也许我该再考虑一下我梦想的房子。 一段简单的日常英语对话三 Ann: Do you like Japanese or French? 你喜欢日语还是法语? Lily: French. 法语。 Ann: What is your reason? 理由呢? Lily: There is a saying that French is the language of god. 有个说法是,法语是神的语言。 Ann: Is tha

7、t so? 是真的吗? Lily: Im not sure, but it really sounds beautiful. 我不确定啦,但是听起来真的很美。 Ann: How about Japanese? 那日语呢? Lily: To be frank, at the beginning, to learn Japanese is much easier than French. 坦白说,在开始的阶段,学日语比法语容易多了。 Ann: I dont know which one I should choose. 我不知道该选哪一个啊。 Lily: Make up your mind. Th

8、ere is no time. 下决定吧,没时间了。 一段简单的日常英语对话四 Bob: Good morning,Tom. 早上好,汤姆。 Tom: Good morning,Bob. 早上好,鲍勃。 Bob: How about the date last weekend? 上个周末的约会如何? Tom: What? 什么? Bob: Last weekend, you dated with my colleague. 上周末,你和我同事的约会。 Tom: Oh! Im totally over her. 噢!我早就忘记她了。 Bob: Isnt she enough pretty? 她不

9、够漂亮吗? Tom: Ah, she is very pretty, she talked very little. She almost didnt talk. I dont like a girl who doesnt talk. 啊,她很漂亮。但是她讲太少了,基本不说话,我不喜欢不说话的女孩。 Bob: Are we talking the same person? She is talkative in office. I think she might be shy when facing to you. 我们是在说同一个人吗?她在办公室可是很健谈的。我想她可能是在你面前害羞吧? Tom: Really? Maybe I should ask for a date with her and we might have more talk. 真的?也许我该再次约她,我们也许会有更多的话可聊。 第 4 页 共 4 页



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