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1、Part 2 (P82 -84) 课前自主学习I. 重点单词译林版八年级上册Unit2 - 1 -1. 蝴蝶_( ) 2. 阵雨_( )3. 记忆,回忆_( )4. 小河,溪流 _( )5. 阴凉处,树荫处_( )6. 堆_( )7. 在-之上(on)_( )8. 收割,收获_( ) 9. 庄稼,收成 _ ( )10. 随着_( )11. 温度_( ) 12. 下降,落下_( ) 13. 上升;升起_( )II. 重点词语 1.充满_2.忘记生长_ 3.飞远了_ 4.阳光灿烂、温暖的日子_5.夏季的甜蜜回忆_6.变黄_ 7.落叶成堆_ 8.收割庄稼_9.新的一年又开始了_ 10.和-押韵_11

2、.放风筝的最好时节_12.在花丛中嬉戏 _ 13.忙于做某事_14.在树荫下_译林版八年级上册Unit7 - 2 -知识点拨1. 冬日是雪的世界。 译:_解析 be full of 装满,充满 链接 fill sth. with sth - 用-装满- be filled with 装满了练习 1) 那个瓶子装满了水. That bottle _ _ _water. That bottle _ _ _water. I _the bottle _water.2)卡车装满了沙子。1. _. 2. _. 3. _.2. 这时树木和花朵忘记了生长。 译:_ 解析 forget to do sth 忘记

3、做某事 链接 forget doing sth _ remember to do sth. _ remember doing sth_练习 1) 我离开教室时忘记关灯了._ _ _ _the lights when I _the classroom. 2) 明天记得带作业。_ _ _ your _tomorrow. 3) 我记得在哪见过你。 I _ _ you _.3. 这个时候是多么适合放风筝呀. 译:_ 解析感叹句一般是用来表示说话时的喜悦、惊讶等情感。英语感叹句常用what和how引导,what和how与所修饰的词置于句首,其它部分用陈述句语序。 练习1)_ a clever girl

4、she is! 2) _ good children they are! 3) _ happy they look! 4) _ delicious food it is! 5) _ well she sings!6) _ hard they are working now! 4. 蜜蜂和蝴蝶在花丛中嬉戏。译:_解析 among- (三者或三者以上 -之间) 链接 between - _之间练习 1)Can you find out the differences _the two words? 2) _the students, Mr Green looks much younger.5. 随

5、着白天变短,气温下降。译:_解析1 as 随着,表示两个动作同时发生,引导时间状语从句。练习 1)As he grows older ,he understands much more than before. 译:_ 2) Asthedaywenton,theweathergotworse. 译:_ 3) Astime goes by, he realizes (意识到) that he was wrong at that time.译:_.解析2 drop 1) Vi 丢下,掉下,落下 2)Vt 使落下, 使掉下 3)n. 滴练习 drop 现在分词_ 过去式_ 1)苹果从树上掉落到地上。

6、The apple _ _the tree _ the ground. 2) Millie dropped the cup on the floor. 译:_ 3) A drop of ink falls upon her dress. 译:_ 4)如果我们不节约用水,最后一滴水可能是我们的眼泪。 If we _ _water, _ _ _ _ _may be our tear.6. 树叶变绿,气温迅速升高。译:_解析 rise (rose ) ,Vi 上升,上涨,起床,站立练习 1) 太阳从东边升起。The sun _ in the east. 2) 物价经常上涨。Prices _ _7. 农民在忙着收割庄稼。译:_解析 be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 链接 be busy with sth. 忙于做某事练习 1)露西在忙着做飞机模型。Lucy _ _ _ a _ _. 2) 他们在忙着学英语 。 They _ _ _ their English.



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