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1、优秀教案设计(5)五、挑战中考,看谁最棒!(享受成功之乐)(10分)1、(02X南京市)从麻木不仁的清王朝手中,侵占我国领土最多的国家是() A英国B.俄国 C.法国.日本、(20X湖北恩施)抓住关键词了解和掌握历史知识是学习历史的方法之一。与中国 近代第一个不平等条约这三个关键词都有关的是() .马关条约B.辛丑条约C尼布楚条约D.南京条约3、(20X山东潍坊)鸦片战争打开了中国关闭已久的大门,被称为中国近代史的开端。其主要依据是 A.中国被卷入世界资本主义漩涡B.国家主权和领土完整遭到破坏 C.民族矛盾成为社会的主要矛盾D.中国社会性质发生了根本变化4、(02X揭阳中考)181年,领导金田

2、起义的农民领袖是() .杨秀清李秀成 .洪秀全D.萧朝桂优秀教案设计二:eo 79chngim.Letthe sudn korintin th sepaa character and color pitg.2.Revisethe Pssive Voice. Tecing Proedure Se Revisio Spen a few omenresing theassive Vic Gesome exes,eg. wre sm wors n the Bband sy, I avewrtten om words o the blackboad. So or hvebeen writteno th

3、Bb. Sp 2WritinDosn 79Part . rll withthe whleclaSs, then le te Ss workan,writig th answersihei book.Fll i ban b using th given words.Ste umary tote text Suary to te tt sa rslt f thinenion f apr,much nownabou Chna hisryHwever, in oer rtsof heword,uch of the historys eely unnown. e Chesepeple used dife

4、rn is ofways to keep eds. hentheybeganowrite n a kd of per mad from sil But t wa to expenive. So peopldoped a kndfpaer, made from e firs of pants, whichwas asof an ht as slkuheaer. By th isceuy theaing of paperhd be moninme pars fCh anafer tie he inenin echdother countres Se4Patie othe exeri opage23

5、ad thse inthe wokboo.Sep 5 Ecis I用所给动词或动词组的正确形式填空 eliev, prn, fom, invet, incld, deelp, scribe, e out,throw away, k rcor o 1. When shha clses se use to _everytthat wasioran. 2. Try to _ wat hapd jusbefore h acident.3 Egs _n h isto hings to by whn Iwent oping terda. 4. T magazine_ one a ek. 5 It _tha

6、t bfre writing as deoeeole n China usedto kep rordsbtting a umbrof sneogeher 6 I found my advie _ uo him.7. Th mark of aman hoe s lerly _ in thenow 8 hetelephoe_ 76. . A panegan_ in hismind. 1. It isno o asfor a _contrto iprovth liing conditions of it people II.根据中文提示完成句子 1. Thewor_.(必须在三天之内完成)2.I o

7、t thi the westernr, _, esmCa. (他的节目受到欢迎) 3.Te hives had _ dow arow stet frwhichheculd notscape (被警察困住)4.He aked_. (机场一带的战斗持续了多久) 5. ske Shro _. (大夫什么时候给她检查)6. ey woderd_. (这个城市的人口是不是在增加)7. e ort ire _, but the firfgs till c cool it(持续了四天). htsthe ver book_. (你可以在那儿找到正确答案) 9. Muh trobe_.(正对你造成影响) 0. The red ca, _, was badly damd. (属于我们公司的)1


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