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1、常见倒装现象归纳(一) 倒装句简介1. 倒装的定义:英语句子中有时把谓语的全部或一部分提到主语的前面, 这种语序叫倒装。2. 倒装的原因:1) 语法结构的需要:如 there be 句型,疑问句等。e.g. Do you get up early every day ? There are 5000 students in this school .2) 为了强调某一个词或成分:e.g. Never have I seen such an exciting film . Standing outside the classroom is our headmaster , Mr White .3

2、) 为了使上下文紧密衔接:e.g. They arrived at an old house , in front of which sat a young boy . Ive finished telling my story . Now comes your turn .3. 倒装句出现的场合:1) 简单句中e.g. Only in this way can you work out this problem .2) 并列句中e.g. Tom has gone to America and never will he come back .3) 复合句中e.g. He told us th

3、at nowhere else could we eat such delicious beef . They arrived at a house , in front of which stood a big tree .4. 倒装的类型:1) 完全倒装: 把句子的谓语全部提到主语前面。2) 部分倒装: 把句子谓语的一部分(如助动词,系动词,情态动词)提到主语前面。(二) 完全倒装1. There be 句型属于完全倒装:(1) There +系动词 be +主语e.g. There were a lot of people in the park last Sunday . There

4、is a book , 2 pencils and 4 letters on the desk .(2) There +系动词 seem / remain +主语e.g. There seems (to be) no point in waiting for him .There remains a lot of doubt about it .(3) There + vi.(live,stand,lie,exist,happen,appear ,etc.) +主语 e.g. There lived an old man in this old house 3 years ago .There

5、 exist some serious problems in our society . There appeared a red sun above the mountain .2. 表示地点方向的副词放在句首时,主谓完全倒装:(1) 句型:地点方向副词 + vi.(come,go,rush,fly,run,fall,etc.) +主语 e.g. Out rushed the children as soon as the bell rang .Away flew the little bird .Look ! Here comes the bus .The door opened and

6、 in came Mr Smith .(2) 如果主语是人称代词,那么主谓不倒装。e.g. Here you are . Downstairs he ran .(3) 注意:这种倒装句只能使用一般现在时或一般过去时,不能用其他时态。3. 有些时间副词(now, then, often, etc.)在句首时,有时也用倒装语序。e.g. They all failed . Now comes your chance .My uncle drank some cold water . Then came a smell of sulphur .4. 表示地点方位的介词短语在句首时, 主谓常倒装。句型

7、:介词短语+ vi.(lie,come,run,sit,stand,appear,etc.) +主语e.g. In front of my house stands a big tree .From the distance came a cry for help .(To the) South of the village lies a beautiful lake .5. 为了强调或保持平衡,有时把表语(adj. / adv. / prep短语/非谓语动词) 提到句首,主语和系动词要倒装。(表语+be主语)e.g. Present at the meeting are students w

8、ho are very interested in music but not good at it .Here is a letter for you .East of Korea is Japan .Among the speakers was Chinas then Premier Zhu Rongji . Waiting outside is a customer who wants to see the manager .Caught in the traffic accident were 14 students and their teacher .6. Such开头的句子:e.

9、g. Such is Lily , a kind and diligent girl .Such were our opinions about the problem .Such is the influence of TV that it can make a person famous overnight .7. 祝愿句: Long live ! (万岁!)e.g. Long live peace ! Long live the Peoples Republic of China !(三) 部分倒装1. so 开头的句子, 表示前面所说的情况也适用于另一人或物时。1) 常用句型:副词 S

10、o + be /助动词/情态动词+主语e.g. He is good at maths . So am I .I like English . So does my sister .I have been to France . So has she . Tom can swim . So can Jack .2) 如果副词so开头的句子只是重复或赞同前面的内容,则不需要倒装。e.g. Q It is very hot to day . So it is . Q Your son studies hard . So he does .3) 连词as也可以表示前面所说的情况也适用于另一人或物e.

11、g. Our eating habits have changed , as has our way of life .A better understanding of the environment is necessary , as is the willingness to act .2. Neither / Nor 开头的句子, 表示前面所说的否定情况 也适用于另一人或物时。常用句型:Neither / Nor + be /助动词/情态动词+主语e.g. We have never been abroad . Neither / Nor has Li Ping .He is not

12、good at music , and neither am I .探如果前面提到两件事情,且谓语动词类型不同,或者一肯一否时,不能单独用so或 neither / nor, 需要使用句型 It is the same with. / So it is with .。e.g. He likes swimming and is good at skating . So it is with me .Tom likes maths but doesntlike music . It is thesame with his sister.3. 否定含义的副词或介词短语在句首时。1) 副词 never

13、 , hardly , seldom , little , rarely , scarcely, nowhere 等在句 首时。e.g. Never before have I seen such a big monkey .Little does she care about others . Nowhere else in the world can you enjoy such beautiful scenery .2) not once , not often , not ever , not a single 等在句首时。e.g. Not once has my brother be

14、en to Beijing .Not a single mistake did he make in the exam .3) 有些否定含义的介词短语, 相当于 never , 如果放在句首, 主谓要倒装。常见的有: innoway/case,bynomeans,atnotime,onnoaccount/condition, under no circumstances , etc.e.g. By no means can you lend Tom any money .At no time will he come to help us .4. 有些否定含义的连词在句首时, 主谓要倒装。常见

15、的有: nor , not only. but also., not until ., hardly. when., nosooner. than.e.g. 1) Without international cooperation , developing countries can t prosper , nor willsustainable development be possible .2) Not only is he good at English , but also he speaks French fluently .3) Not until we know more will we be able to improve the situation .4) Hardly / No sooner had Tomarrived when /than his uncle telephoned him .(此句型中主句常用过去完成时, 从句用一般过去时)5. Only 修饰副词, 介词短语, 状语从句在句首时。e.g. 1) Only later / then did the world recognize his greatness .2) Only by changing the way we live can we save the e


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