马达加斯加3 介绍

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《马达加斯加3 介绍》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《马达加斯加3 介绍(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、在非洲岛国马达加斯加“流浪”的“纽约客”狮子亚利克斯(本斯蒂勒 配音)、斑马马蒂(克里斯洛克配音)、长颈鹿麦尔曼(大卫休默配音)以及 河马格洛丽亚(贾达萍克史密斯配音),这回终于又决定要重返“家乡”了。 然而,他们的再次的不惜一切代价而琢磨出的办法,在狐猴朱利恩(萨莎拜伦科 恩配音)、莫里斯(塞德里克凯尔斯配音)以及企鹅兄弟们的“热情”帮助下, 也终于收到了意想不到的后果这一行非洲动物团,竟来到了陌生的欧洲大 陆,并在这里与一支在欧洲巡演的马戏团里的动物们,上演了一场大闹欧洲各地 的好戏。In the African island nation of Madagascar stray of t

2、he New Y orker lion alex (Ben steed le dubbing), Marty the zebra (Chris rock, dubbing), giraffe MaiErMan (David Hughs dubbing) and hippo gloria (jia da ping g Smith dubbing), this time finally and decided to return to home. However, their again at all costs and figured out of the way, in the lemurs

3、julien faubert saw (SaSha baron Cohen dubbing), morris (plug Derek kyle, dubbing) and penguins brothers warm help, also finally received unintended consequences-this one line of African animal group, that you have come to the strange mainland Europe, and here and a European tour in the circus animals, staged a make the drama of the all over Europe.央文名:Madagascar 3: Europes Most Wanted30


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