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1、福建省南平市2024年中考二模英语试卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1Our school hosted a study trip _ March, 2024.A. onB. inC. at2Whose schoolbag is this? Is it Peters?No, it isnt. _ is over there.A. HisB. HersC. Mine3_ bottles of milk would you like?Five bottles.A. How manyB. How muchC. How heavy4I want to buy a _ for my sist

2、er as her birthday gift. OK. I know she likes taking photos best.A. scarfB. cameraC. flower5Exciting activities can _ children to explore new worlds.A. refuseB. imagineC. encourage6Jason is a _ boy. He always comes up with clever ways to play with toys.A. shyB. lazyC. creative7Nancy, _ this cap, ple

3、ase. Oh, it looks nice on me!A. try onB. take awayC. look after8Music is very useful to me _ I can make friends through music.A. untilB. becauseC. though9Its important to keep ahead on safety. Well. My advice is _ some basic first-aid knowledge.A. knowsB. knewC. to know10Betty improved her way of st

4、udy. _, she has made great progress.A. As a resultB. At firstC. As usual11Have you ever noticed how quickly our daily lives are changing? Certainly! Our daily lives _ by AI in many ways.A. influencedB. are influencedC. was influenced12My aunt read the instruction _ over and over before she took the

5、medicine.A. simplyB. quicklyC. carefully13To deal with this problem is so hard. Remember, theres _ positive in every difficulty. Its a chance for growth.A. somethingB. everythingC. nothing14I think gardening is a great way to relax. _. Taking care of plants has a calming effect.A. Come onB. Go ahead

6、C. I agree15Could you tell me _? Im not sure. Maybe by bus.A. when we will go to the museumB. how we will go to the museumC. where we will go to the museum二、完形填空In Liaoning Province, a couple spent nearly half a century turning two poor mountains into a home for birds with their own hands. Tian Wang

7、ui, 67, and his wife Lu Min, are 1 in Qiantian Village. They have lived in the village for many years. When spring arrived, they 2 some tree seeds (种子) and planted them on the mountains. However, it didnt go 3 at the beginning. They faced a lot of hard situations. It was so 4 to grow trees on the mo

8、untains because the trees didnt adapt to (适合) the soil. 5 the couple didnt give up. They repeated the same work every year. After 6 many times, they found several kinds of trees that were strong enough to survive well in the poor mountains. Nowadays the two mountains are 7 by over 50,000 trees. More

9、 than 2,000 rare (稀有的) birds live in the mountains every year. It has become 8 with photographers. Last year, Tian and Lus mountains were given the name “Lu Ling”. The couples job has also 9 from planting trees to patrolling (巡逻) the mountains. “We hope even as we grow old, our children will continu

10、e to protect the mountains and 10 our dream alive.” said Lu. “We love the mountains and trees as much as we love our own home.”16A. visitorsB. strangersC. villagers17A. boughtB. madeC. borrowed18A. quicklyB. smoothlyC. slowly19A. clearB. easyC. difficult20A. ButB. SoC. Then21A. tryingB. movingC. mee

11、ting22A. wateredB. dugC. covered23A. carefulB. popularC. satisfied24A. finishedB. stoppedC. changed25A. showB. keepC. get三、阅读理解Heart-warming Moments in the Past YearIn 2023, there were lots of difficult times with bad weather and disasters. But some good and happy things happened, too! Lets talk abo

12、ut a few of them! Delivering (传递) love to allPeng Qinglin is a delivery man in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. One day, while delivering food, he saw a lady struggling in a river. Without thinking twice, he jumped into the water to save her. Both of them survived, but Peng suffered a broken bone. Once

13、he got better, he had the honor of carrying the torch (火炬) for the Hangzhou Asian Games, passing on kindness to others. Warming the hearts of blind childrenMany blind children play with the Braille (育文) Bricks. Lego, the toy company, is helping blind children. They have made a Braille Bricks set wit

14、h 287 colorful bricks. Each brick not only has bumps (凸起) for Braille numbers and letters, but also has regular numbers and letters on it. The set helps people learn Braille. The great thing is that everyone can buy it now! This helps blind people feel independent and more included in the world.More

15、 girls getting an educationAccording to a report from UNESCO, compared to 2015, 50 million more girls worldwide have started attending school. Whats even more exciting is that another 5 million girls are now able to successfully complete each level of education, from primary school to high school. The report also showed t


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