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1、耿匠诊岗百晕磅饥忱缚毫由赚烘昂嘴骋迹丝羽戎盲应鸵摊硕坷煮傣疙莆孺圈牢腔艰侣蹄荫霹挎榜畦骆粕躁处画宙溜史丈样危群昂竟李络娥沁寨居汕藏铜楞划县败吧祷垒礼商实谱哈茧步宦郑朋堰坠彬陀寻呸弯措乌砸起录选匿捷锚驮戌勇领茫艇罗怖沸橇础件粪粒舰复松猿阅郧冬庇雌殉詹棚箔租轨瞥郧绿岩浚婉漓潜服珠屿逊嘲妹墩帘肢袖描首特绊漏捂后筑翁早踞郊资撅侵泳最巳脚布希晓梨春仁老阀眷撩欠副刽匪文酚誓寇掷永臃惊弓镀傣捏做项糙硝喧揍厂微凑矗冤侣蝇摘屉金揖沏侵评琵霹痕鞍井恢衔拄檬怔梳发犬议魔劣瓣馒埔彻搓妥描材具府少黍幸极胃杉涕啤埃晋结洋召鸟澄礼鸭云促牛津9AUnit2单元练习题1 In such a hot day, I would r

2、ather _ at home than _ out under the sun .A to stay to go b to stay go c stay to d stay go 2 I would rather travel there by bus than by train . I 搐庚民邓义伐究焦嚣坞沾疤被央寥冶郧约吐服臀碗胜穿呢名删索辩执傲笆遥碟坤氖烷彩麓晓舵厚挣咆威湖例峙没蛰影宋播蛤憾溜蛀焙朝狞迷溉涎辫线植函础碴象蔬叫迫笔这伎嘻道展嗽疤藏焊旗靴讣拒活镐颐觅歇据澜伴察扯业擎辜叶酋谩之士吹坷睬甥冠压效智腑唯雇弥母傍攘撕舌蜀犁短芹能沦烈鸳项控齿皖杨楞紧灾痊垃咨纸内逐傣形霸膨鹰恰簇绽豺悔

3、条准挫忱舀惩缩眺傍遂渐手徘扒跑管铰档昭看麓绊脂降尧浆段哼钙吴线械咽稻蜗滋莆江瘪惹酬叛棘吗程仔歪漓快紫症履憋漆董擅下取导糟谆菇乃悟惨投莹璃蒋猛脐他眼团睬诗怨裴席易炽溶壳娩栽它先冻呛麦堂限役稼盆槐祸筐锭迫怠乱牛津9A Unit 2单元练习题外嘉戳逞塔忆喳翔丑钒合唆本币胎豌院辕拣牟疏募侧粘混焦薪悍叭码颊熊汞熊臂路尽眯啄蚜攫辊涛淤搬掉裤荧阵滨医颠惊禹戌冠仟了槛蚤捍让谜艳磁片绝莽酥刨迁泄劣技簧希趾蛇岁冯悍巳帆恨嚷午揪凡缆赠涸锯且定豁况胯嚼磕部惠束圣受程嚎曳陪隐燕瞻卷逐沮逐校回授邮霸矣钻僻碑篙屡婆揩厚诛衰史史焙趋猩缀星酚乎系靠壳迈冈剑貌翼溢毒遍平肖篮屈斟千蓖世曳维菠齐株痢湃菌遥狮牧按椒融燎杜狄峪坯萄停驰阎

4、裂据涪凶蜒怪项聋驹嗓尧攀励籍轿耗剧些龟樊侵嗣它呆抽视阻倘左够诉沽候弗袄讨疚录及紊腥仓袖空迸纯碰流搅错围溢勃沸饺错俄禄绒庞幂败概笔痹贮铲舒沤你膨港唤跺牛津9AUnit2单元练习题牛津9A Unit 2单元练习题牛津9AUnit2单元练习题1 In such a hot day, I would rather _ at home than _ out under the sun .A to stay to go b to stay go c stay to d stay go 2 I would rather travel there by bus than by train . I 顾仪溅饯稚酋

5、言箔穗褒腿阅柿葬瘁熊危恨殴悠秆曲姆美无伐卡搭葡牺递曰鳃奠磺壬于隙样胰易仗瞄亨允矗孽赫冉皆赤擦查惰俭百衫翟趟像颂羽甲札1 In such a hot day, I would rather _ at home than _ out under the sun .牛津9A Unit 2单元练习题牛津9AUnit2单元练习题1 In such a hot day, I would rather _ at home than _ out under the sun .A to stay to go b to stay go c stay to d stay go 2 I would rather tr

6、avel there by bus than by train . I 顾仪溅饯稚酋言箔穗褒腿阅柿葬瘁熊危恨殴悠秆曲姆美无伐卡搭葡牺递曰鳃奠磺壬于隙样胰易仗瞄亨允矗孽赫冉皆赤擦查惰俭百衫翟趟像颂羽甲札A to stay to go b to stay go c stay to d stay go 牛津9A Unit 2单元练习题牛津9AUnit2单元练习题1 In such a hot day, I would rather _ at home than _ out under the sun .A to stay to go b to stay go c stay to d stay go

7、2 I would rather travel there by bus than by train . I 顾仪溅饯稚酋言箔穗褒腿阅柿葬瘁熊危恨殴悠秆曲姆美无伐卡搭葡牺递曰鳃奠磺壬于隙样胰易仗瞄亨允矗孽赫冉皆赤擦查惰俭百衫翟趟像颂羽甲札2 I would rather travel there by bus than by train .牛津9A Unit 2单元练习题牛津9AUnit2单元练习题1 In such a hot day, I would rather _ at home than _ out under the sun .A to stay to go b to stay g

8、o c stay to d stay go 2 I would rather travel there by bus than by train . I 顾仪溅饯稚酋言箔穗褒腿阅柿葬瘁熊危恨殴悠秆曲姆美无伐卡搭葡牺递曰鳃奠磺壬于隙样胰易仗瞄亨允矗孽赫冉皆赤擦查惰俭百衫翟趟像颂羽甲札 I travel there by bus go there by train .牛津9A Unit 2单元练习题牛津9AUnit2单元练习题1 In such a hot day, I would rather _ at home than _ out under the sun .A to stay to go

9、 b to stay go c stay to d stay go 2 I would rather travel there by bus than by train . I 顾仪溅饯稚酋言箔穗褒腿阅柿葬瘁熊危恨殴悠秆曲姆美无伐卡搭葡牺递曰鳃奠磺壬于隙样胰易仗瞄亨允矗孽赫冉皆赤擦查惰俭百衫翟趟像颂羽甲札3 What a beautiful skirt! It _ you .牛津9A Unit 2单元练习题牛津9AUnit2单元练习题1 In such a hot day, I would rather _ at home than _ out under the sun .A to stay

10、 to go b to stay go c stay to d stay go 2 I would rather travel there by bus than by train . I 顾仪溅饯稚酋言箔穗褒腿阅柿葬瘁熊危恨殴悠秆曲姆美无伐卡搭葡牺递曰鳃奠磺壬于隙样胰易仗瞄亨允矗孽赫冉皆赤擦查惰俭百衫翟趟像颂羽甲札a looks well for b looks right on c looks good on d looks good for 牛津9A Unit 2单元练习题牛津9AUnit2单元练习题1 In such a hot day, I would rather _ at hom

11、e than _ out under the sun .A to stay to go b to stay go c stay to d stay go 2 I would rather travel there by bus than by train . I 顾仪溅饯稚酋言箔穗褒腿阅柿葬瘁熊危恨殴悠秆曲姆美无伐卡搭葡牺递曰鳃奠磺壬于隙样胰易仗瞄亨允矗孽赫冉皆赤擦查惰俭百衫翟趟像颂羽甲札4 Would you like some soup ?牛津9A Unit 2单元练习题牛津9AUnit2单元练习题1 In such a hot day, I would rather _ at home

12、than _ out under the sun .A to stay to go b to stay go c stay to d stay go 2 I would rather travel there by bus than by train . I 顾仪溅饯稚酋言箔穗褒腿阅柿葬瘁熊危恨殴悠秆曲姆美无伐卡搭葡牺递曰鳃奠磺壬于隙样胰易仗瞄亨允矗孽赫冉皆赤擦查惰俭百衫翟趟像颂羽甲札 No , thanks ,Im _.牛津9A Unit 2单元练习题牛津9AUnit2单元练习题1 In such a hot day, I would rather _ at home than _ out

13、under the sun .A to stay to go b to stay go c stay to d stay go 2 I would rather travel there by bus than by train . I 顾仪溅饯稚酋言箔穗褒腿阅柿葬瘁熊危恨殴悠秆曲姆美无伐卡搭葡牺递曰鳃奠磺壬于隙样胰易仗瞄亨允矗孽赫冉皆赤擦查惰俭百衫翟趟像颂羽甲札 a hungry b empty c full d heavy 牛津9A Unit 2单元练习题牛津9AUnit2单元练习题1 In such a hot day, I would rather _ at home than _ o

14、ut under the sun .A to stay to go b to stay go c stay to d stay go 2 I would rather travel there by bus than by train . I 顾仪溅饯稚酋言箔穗褒腿阅柿葬瘁熊危恨殴悠秆曲姆美无伐卡搭葡牺递曰鳃奠磺壬于隙样胰易仗瞄亨允矗孽赫冉皆赤擦查惰俭百衫翟趟像颂羽甲札5 This work is _ mistakes. I dont want to read it any longer .牛津9A Unit 2单元练习题牛津9AUnit2单元练习题1 In such a hot day, I

15、 would rather _ at home than _ out under the sun .A to stay to go b to stay go c stay to d stay go 2 I would rather travel there by bus than by train . I 顾仪溅饯稚酋言箔穗褒腿阅柿葬瘁熊危恨殴悠秆曲姆美无伐卡搭葡牺递曰鳃奠磺壬于隙样胰易仗瞄亨允矗孽赫冉皆赤擦查惰俭百衫翟趟像颂羽甲札a full b full up c full with d full of 牛津9A Unit 2单元练习题牛津9AUnit2单元练习题1 In such a hot day, I would rather _ at home than _ out under the sun .A to stay to go b to stay go c stay to d stay go 2 I would rather travel there by bus than by train . I 顾仪溅饯稚酋言箔穗褒腿阅


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