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1、202X年北京市石景山区初三第二次统一练习 英语试卷 20X.5第卷(选择题 6分)第一部分 听力(24分)一、 听简短叙述,选择正确答案。每段听两遍。(共4分,每小题1分)1.24二、听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。每段对话听两遍。(共6分,每小题分)5.Ahol.B.ShopCosor.6A.67382.639786C.397267Wating the flowe.B.Plantng the tree.Mendin cr8.AA2:55.B.At 3:05 5:0.9.A.Sping.B.umer.C.Atumn.10.Hehs uy eek.H ha n ntretingk.C.Hh

2、as a ice wek.三、听对话和短文,根据对话和短文的内容,选择正确答案。每段对话或短文听两遍。(共1分,每小题2分)请听第1段材料,完成112小题。11What s Sims poblemAHe feels tred when he eaceshi tntsHe dosnt like teacing his tudents.C.H ha o laz sdnts in hi Engishclass.12.Whatdoes Simo epet his stdents todATlko hm a tell himob god inhis cass.Listen carfull anor hr

3、d at teirlsonsrte to eipren an tel hemht hashpeed请听第12段材料,完成11小题。13Whatis thefliht umbe fro Bejin to ShahaiAU445.B.CA145CSE3765.4Why is he liht rom e to ondon lateAecausehe gate hs ben chnged.Becauseteweather is bad.Bese the fligh dntwr wll请听第13段材料,完成517小题。15Why oe Seker 1 likt lei the cryidA.Beaue

4、he lies the counylebeterthan the cityleBecauseh wns tive nearhsparshm.Becausethere re reatmanythngsdo there.16Ho any placesoe paker mntionin hetownA4B5C.6.17Why doesSpeaker 3 preferto v in aityA.Peopar frndly and evryon ac other.Tct is leanandbeatul butts noiyCfein th i is lorfl an e has lotso thngs

5、 odo.第二部分 笔试(2分)四、语言知识运用()(一)单项填空(共18分,每小题1分)从下列各题所给的四个选出最佳的一项。18Is that Mrwas. Lets g anay ellto _.A.she.her.himhe19.Woldyou l somhngto e-es, tw _ read anan egg,las.ApceBcesCpieces ofDpieceo0owma lasses do yu hae _Friday ftrnoonon.We are ee.inBonCatDto21hr r _ple in my faily. W live onte _ florin a

6、 all uiding.A.ive; siBfifth, xthCixt; fifthD.sixt; fie2_ do youhave a clas eetng, Je-Twice amnh.AHow oftenBow faCHo ldHow ong.Tom crried the ag orthe old ldy because twas very _.dirty B.havC.mlDbrght4.-How wa yorolidalasweekWondeu.Mo us enjoed _ n te sea.swimBto swiCsamDsiming25D o nt to wac NBA r o

7、 to playfootballwith me_Af courseI like twatc NBACNo,I donDes, plase2hall we laycomputergamsnow-Srry, _ y homeworkA.oB.didm onDave doe7Its a ce dayWhy _ou fo a walkA.dntgBnt ingCdidntD.not go28w do you ikthe garen-Wel, its beatifl, bu not _eautiuls minAas.muc.reDost29.Be cael, _yu will get hurABadC.

8、buDo0Is ey impon to save wtrI aree with you. I hope _ caneaie hat.AnoodyBverbdyCnodyD.someoy31.I don ndean te text_ thereare fewnew words tAsoB.ecauseC.hugh32.ont fogeto_ the Vefreyou lavthe omA.urnonB.urnfCturn downDturnup33.-HwlongIepthibook-It _ bfor xtMnay.retun.wll turnca reurnD.st b retned4.-

9、ont kno _ thissummer olidaI think Qngao i ace placef p.A.hy to oB.ow t Cwher tooDwhentoo 35.Wre are studens-hey _ for their lnch.A.leveBare levinClftD.have lf(二)完形填空(共12分,每小题分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项。 Anna lived o he de of ariver. e umm, tee w a rybgflood, and ltof hou wrews away.

10、 nnas hose was hig enough o esape thed. Herhousewas still 36 when h water ws goe.er house was quite ml, hr ubandwas dead, nd he hadfour chidren, 7na took ine of thfmlishat had lost 38 i the flood. She ard(分享)e hom th the until t was 3 for th to rebuil ter house.nnasrins euldwh tey saw nna dtis. They

11、culno udstdwhy Anna wated to i 40 so h ork and trble whenselready haqie afew childn o eed“Wll,”An aid ohe riend“At he end of the First Word Wa(战争),a womani a twn fond hesl very poor, ecase er huban as 41 i ewarad had a l of child,as I have now.”“The y 42 Chritmas, this womanatohercilden, wnt b abl t hv muh of Chistmati ear, o m going to 43 ny oe pre



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