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1、安徽理工大学毕业设计桃园矿井田开拓及82煤零采区毕业设计摘要 淮北矿业集团桃园煤矿位于安徽省宿州市埇桥区北杨寨乡、桃园镇、祁县镇境内。北距宿州市约11km,南距蚌埠市约75km。矿井范围北界为F1断层,南部以第10勘探线为界与祁南煤矿毗邻,西界为10煤层露头线,东界至32煤层-800m水平投影线。矿井走向南北长约15km,倾向东西宽1.53.5km,面积29.45km2。井田地质构造中等,主要可采煤层有9层,属于稳定或比较稳定煤层,具备建设大型矿井的储量条件。为了合理利用煤炭资源和充分发挥投资效益,根据国家对煤炭的需求和能源发展政策,结合本井田的地质及开采技术条件,以及目前技术装备和管理水平的


3、采用“三八”工作制,其中两班采煤一班检修,每班工作时间为8小时。主要运输方式采用胶带机,辅助运输采用1.5t矿车。由于本矿井水文条件复杂,煤层瓦斯含量大,煤尘有爆炸危险,因此在矿井生产过程中要注意相关安全技术措施,保证矿井安全生产。关键词:立井开拓,两水平,走向长壁采煤法,综合机械化放顶煤开采1TAOYUAN COAL MINE FIELD EXPLOIT,AND 82 OF THE ZERO AREA OF GRADUATION DESIGNABSTRACT Huaibei Coal Mining Group, located in Suzhou City, Taoyuan Yongqiao

4、 North Yangzhai Xiang, Taoyuan Town, Qixian territory of the town. South of Suzhou City, about 11km, north of Bengbu City, about 75km. Range of the northern boundary of the mine for the F1 fault, the southern boundary line 10 and the exploration of coal adjacent to the Southern Qi, west of 10 coal o

5、utcrop line, the east to 32 coal-800m horizontal projection line. Mine to north-south length of about 15km, things tend to width 1.5 3.5km, area 29.45km2. Mine geological medium, main coal layer 9 layer, is stable or relatively stable coal, with the construction of large reserves of coal mine condit

6、ions. In order to reasonably full utilization of coal resources and investment returns, according to the national demand for coal and energy development policies, combined with the geological and mining technologies mine field conditions, and the current level of technical equipment and management o

7、f the actual situation, the mines design capacity to determine to 1.8 million t / year, the service life of 58,3years.Mine exploration is divided into two levels, first level-570m, the second level-800m, the first level of exploitation by the mountains, on the second level down by mining.The main sh

8、aft and auxiliary shaft arrangement in the longitude of 3950200039502500,parallel 37110003712000, with roadway and rail transport roadway layout in the coal seam floor in 82. Exhaust ventilation is in the mine field of the layout of the centraland north-south wing of a ventilation shaft, pre-mine pr

9、oduction parallel with the central ventilation system, exhaust ventilation mode. Way for the extension of the original mine shaft of an extension, an extension of the main shaft with subinclined shaft. ILongwall mining method for mining method, coal bed under the conditions face technology integrate

10、d mechanized mining. Management of all roof collapse by law.330 days of working the mine, the net rise per day for 16 hours. Work system by March Eighth, in which a group of 2 classes of mining and 1 to maintenance, shift working hours to 8 hours. Main mode of transport by belt conveyor to transport

11、 coal, auxiliary transport by 1.5t tub.As a result of the mine complex hydrological conditions, the gas content of the coal bed, coal dust explosions are dangerous, and therefore it is necessary to pay attention to the production process in mine safety related technical measures to ensure the safety

12、 of coal production. KEYWORDS:shaft development, two mining levels, long wall mining on the strike, fully-mechanized top-coal caving methodII安徽理工大学毕业设计目录摘要(中文)I摘要(英文)II1 矿区概述及井田地质特征11.1矿区概述11.1.1矿区位置、地形及交通11.1.2自然地理21.2井田地质特征31.2.1矿井地质构造31.2.2断层发育特征及控制情况71.2.3岩浆岩的分布及其影响81.3矿井水文地质91.3.1地表水91.3.2含、隔水层

13、(组、段)101.3.3含水层的补给、迳流、排泄及水力联系101.3.4断层的导水性、富水性以及对矿井充水的作用和影响111.3.5陷落柱发育特征121.4煤层及煤质121.4.1煤层121.4.2煤质151.5瓦斯、煤尘和煤的自燃181.5.1瓦斯181.5.2煤尘201.5.3煤的自燃201.6地温与地压211.6.1地温211.6.2地压222 井田境界和储量222.1井田境界222.2 矿井工业储量242.2.1 储量计算参数及方法242.2.2 矿井工业储量计算252.3.1 各类保护煤柱量计算26I2.3.2 矿井可采储量273 矿井工作制度、设计生产能力及服务年限283.1矿井工

14、作制度283.2矿井设计生产能力及服务年限283.2.1 确定依据283.2.2 矿井设计生产能力283.2.3 矿井与水平服务年限294 矿井开拓304.1矿井开拓的基本问题304.1.1井筒形式314.1.2井筒及工业广场位置324.1.3矿井开采水平的划分354.1.4 大巷布置354.1.5 井田开拓延伸364.1.6 采区划分364.1.7 井田开拓方案374.2矿井基本巷道484.2.1 井筒484.2.2 井底车场514.2.3 巷道设计624.2.4 矿井提升665采区巷道布置及回采工艺695.1 煤层地质特征695.1.1煤层赋存状况695.1.2煤层顶底板695.1.3 煤

15、层煤质705.1.4 瓦斯、煤尘与地温705.1.5 水文地质705.1.6 断层和褶曲构造715.2. 采区巷道布置及生产系统715.2.1采区位置及范围715.2.2储量计算715.2.3采区巷道布置715.2.4采区生产系统72i5.2.5采区内巷道掘进方法735.2.6采区生产能力及采出率735.2.7采区车场及主要硐室745.3 采煤方法755.3.1采煤工艺方式755.3.2回采巷道布置方式856 矿井通风及安全876.1矿井通风系统的选择876.1.1矿井通风系统的基本要求886.1.2主要通风机的工作方式的选择886.1.3矿井通风系统的选择896.2采区及矿井所需风量906.2.1矿井风量计算原则906.2.2矿井需风量计算906.2.3风量分配和风速验算936.3矿井通风阻力计算956.3.1 计算原则956.3.2矿井通风阻力计算956.3.3矿井通风总阻力966.3.4两个时期的矿井总风阻和总等积孔966.4选择矿井通风设备976.4.1选择主要通风机976.4.



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