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1、Module 1 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good学案(附练习答案)学习目标预览Words:shame n. 羞愧 ashamed adj. 感到羞愧的 shameful adj. 可耻的fail v. 失败 fail to do sth. /fail in doing sth 没能做成某事failure U失败 C一个失败的人,一件失败的事chemical adj. 化学的 n. 化学药品 chemistry n. 化学 chemist n. 化学家attractive adj. 有吸引力的,漂亮的 attraction n. 吸引 attract v. 吸

2、引 attract ones attention吸引某人的注意力operation n. 操作,手术 operate v. 手术;操作 operate on sb. 给某人动手术pressure n. 压力;(精神上的)压力 press v. 压,挤,按;逼迫 n. 新闻affect v. 影响effect n. 效果;影响 have a good/bad effect on/upon sb./sth. 对某人/某物有好/坏影响 effective adj. 有效的recognize v. 认出 recognization n. 识别,认出 recognized adj. 公认的be reco

3、gnized as 被公认为relax v. 使放松 relaxing adj. 令人放松的 relaxed adj. 感到放松的 relax oneself 放松一下relaxation n. 休闲,放松harm n. 害处 do harm/damage to给带来伤害 harmful adj. 有害的 be harmful to 对有害 harmless adj. 无害的embarrass vt. 使人窘迫,使人为难 embarrassing adj. 令人为难的,使人局促不安的embarrassed adj. 觉得不好意思的,发窘的 embarrassment n. 害羞,窘迫,难堪re

4、gular adj. 规则的,常规的 irregular adj. 不规则的;不符合常规的figure n.(从0到9的)数字;图形;(人的)身子,人影,体态;人物,名人;(雕刻、绘画等的)人物像,肖像; v. 想,估计;计算,认为,判断;figure out 计算出;想出,理解,想明白exercise vi. 锻炼,运动chemical adj. 化学的,化学上用的 n. 化学物质;化学药品chemistry n. 化学 chemist n. 化学家,药剂师operate vt. / vi. 运转,奏效(起作用),开动(机器等),操作,实施(管理)operation n. 手术,操作seld

5、om adv. 很少,不常actor n. 演员 actress n. 女演员properly adv. 适当地,合适地 proper adj. 合适的,适当的consider 考虑;认为,把看作considering 考虑到consideration n. 考虑 take sth. into consideration 把考虑进去achieve vt. 赢得,取得,获得;达到,实现,完成achieve high grades / progress / ones goal / ambition 获得高分;获得进步;实现理想make great achievements取得巨大的成就risk n

6、. 危险,风险 vt. 冒的危险risk doing sth“冒险做某事”,后接名词或动名词作宾语at the risk of 冒之危险;不顾之风险energy n. 精力;活力,干劲;能源;能量full of energy精力充沛 energetic adj. 精力充沛的regular adj. 规则的,正规的,正式的;定期的,匀称的,有规律的;常规的regularly adv. 有规律地;经常;定期地control v. & n. 控制count vt. & vi. 数,点数,数数目vi. 算数,有效,有价值,有重要意义,有影响力,起作用ability n. 能力,本领 be able t

7、o do sth. 能够做 be unable to do sth 不能做某事concentrate vt. & vi. 集中(思想、精力、注意力等),全神贯注Sb. concentrate on / upon sth. 专心于,精力集中于concentrate on / upon 把集中在上amount n. 数量,数额a large / great amount of “大量的”,主要用于修饰不可数名词large amounts of “大量的”,主要用于修饰不可数名词economic loss经济损失especially 尤其 / specially专门地Useful expressio

8、ns:keep/stay slim 保持苗条go on a diet 节食put on weight体重增加lose some weight 减肥control weight 控制体重take weight-loss pills 吃减肥药be ashamed of 对感到羞愧recover from a disease 从疾病中恢复be dying to do sth. 极想/渴望做build up ones strength 增进体力cheer sb. up 使某人振奋起来side effect 副作用fall out(头发等)脱落in the long/short term 长期(短期)i

9、n the long run 从长远看,终究on ones own 独自 prepare sb. for 使某人做好的准备in secret 秘密地along with 连同,随同come across 偶遇convey important information 传递重要信息recommend sth. to a friend 向朋友推荐make the most of 充分利用cheer sb. up 使高兴起来live a busy life 过着忙碌的生活think about 考虑a headache to adults 对大人们是件头痛的事take in 吸收,欺骗,留宿feel

10、tired 感到疲倦by the way 顺便说一下have no time left 没有剩余时间in no time 立刻be responsible for 对负责任give out papers 分发试卷exercise regularly/ regular exercise 经常锻炼vegetables and fruit 水果和蔬菜cause sb. to do sth. 使某人做某事be a good match for 和很匹配It isnt worth it. 不值得。hear from sb. /receive a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信work o

11、ut 锻炼身体;“计算出(总额等);制定出,想出(办法);解决(问题);理解,看出;结果是,产生某种结果,有预期的结果,证明有效/有用as a matter of fact 事实上 (in fact, in actual fact, actually)a piece of advice (on) 一条建议/一项忠告give sb. a piece of / some advice on how to do sth. 关于如何做某事给某人一条/一些建议follow / take / accept ones advice 听从/遵循某人的建议be popular with/among young

12、women受到年轻妇女们的欢迎/喜爱/青睐donate money and clothes to people in the flood stricken area给灾区居民捐钱捐物Vocabularystay link v. to continue to be in a particular state or situation without change “保持/维持某种状态”,通常跟形容词作表语。stay calm/quiet/warm保持镇静/安静/温暖I cant stay awake any longer. 我实在困得非睡不可了。Take it easy! Stay calm!

13、Ive just called the First Aid Centre. 放松点!安静呆着!我刚刚给急救中心挂了电话。Please stay still while I take a photo of you.商店一直开门营业到半夜。_.Ex.1. You look not a bit older than you did 5 years ago. How do you _ so young?A. change B. grow C. become D. stay2. Would you advise me on how to stay _ ? Try to live regularly, e

14、at more vegetables and be in a good state of mind.A. health B. healthy C. healthily D. more healthily3. It is broadcast that the weather will _ freezing for another few days.A. look B. last C. stay D. get4. Put the meat in the fridge so that it can _ fresh.A. keep B. stay C. become D. leave5. Emergency line operators must always _ calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help. (2007湖北)A. growB. appearC. becomeD. staywork vi. & vt. vi .(used about a machine, etc.) to function(机器等)运转,运作 vt. to make sth. function; to operate, to start 使(机器等)运转,使运作,操


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