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1、WORD格式常用医学英语 (100 句)Unit One Registering (挂号 )1. This is the outpatient department of Hebei Provincial Hospital.这是*省医院门诊部。2. Excuse me. Where can I register please请问在什么地方挂号?3. Many people are queuing for registration.许多人在排队挂号。4. I want to register with the Department of Internal Medicine.我想挂内科。5. Ho

2、w much is the registration fee挂号费是多少?6. The registration is free here.我们这里是免费挂号。7. Do you have a registration card你有挂号证吗?8. I ll make a file for you.我给你建份病例。9. Please fill in the form.请填写这X表。10. Here is your registration card.给你挂号证。Useful Words and Expressionsinternal medicine 内科surgery 外科ophthalmol

3、ogy 眼科stomatology 口腔科pediatrics 儿科dermatology 皮肤科gynecology and obstetrics 妇产科Unit Two Asking the Patient about the Illness (询问病情)1. What sthe matter with you你怎么了?2. What s your complaint你哪儿不舒服?3. Do you cough你咳嗽吗?4. Are your bowels regular你大便正常吗5. Do you feel tired专业资料整理WORD格式你觉得疲劳吗6. Do you have a

4、ny appetite你胃口怎么样?7. Are you feeling dizzy你觉得头晕吗?8. Do you have a fever你发烧吗 9. Do you have difficulty in breathing你呼吸有困难吗?10. Have you ever had this experience before你以前有过这种情况吗?11. How long has this been going on这种情况持续有多久了?12. When did the pain start什么时候开场疼的?13. How s your sleep睡眠怎么样?14. What did yo

5、u eat yesterday你昨天吃什么了?15. Do you bring up any phlegm你有痰吗 ?16. Does your phlegm have any blood你痰里有血吗?17 Have you had any chills or fever你有没有寒颤或发热?18. Does anyone in your family suffer from hypertension你家里有人患高血压吗?19. Have you lost any weight recently你最近体重减轻了吗?20. Are you allergic to anything你对什么过敏吗?U

6、seful Words and Expressionsallergic 过敏的weight 重量Unit Three Describing the Illness述说病情1.I don t feel well, doctor.医生,我觉得不舒服。2. I have a headache, a sore throat, and my arms and legs feel weak.专业资料整理WORD格式我头疼,喉咙疼,手脚无力。3.I feel like vomiting.我觉得想呕吐。4. I cough a great deal at night.我晚上咳嗽得很厉害。5.I feel fe

7、verish.我有点发烧。6.I have a stuffed-up nose.我鼻子不通气。7.I have got a runny nose.我流鼻涕。8.I have chills.我受寒了。9. I keep feeling dizzy.我一直头晕。10.I feel a pain in my abdomen.我觉得腹痛。11. It hurts terrible.痛得很厉害。12.I have got a humming.我有耳鸣。13. My eye sight is failing.我视力正在衰退。14. There is a bitter taste in my mouth.我

8、嘴里有一种苦味。15. It all began yesterday.是从昨天开场的。16.I seem to have pain all over.我浑身疼。17.This tooth hurts.这颗牙疼。18. My chest hurts.我胸部疼。19. It s not a sharp pain; just sort of a dull ache.这不是剧痛;只是有些钝疼。20. It s been hanging about for nearly a week.这已经持续了将近一个星期了。21. I feel numb in my right arm我觉得右臂麻木。22. I m

9、 suffering from insomnia.我的睡眠不好。23.I ve sprained it badly.扭伤了。24.He has a laceration on his right arm.专业资料整理WORD格式他的右臂有处撕裂伤。25. My legs have not been right lately。我的腿近来不对劲。Useful Words and Expressionschill 寒颤swelling 肿胀dull pain 钝疼headache 头疼toothache 牙疼stomachache 胃疼cough 咳嗽dry cough 干咳sputum 痰snee

10、zing 喷嚏have a runny nose 流鼻涕sore throat 喉痛hoarse 声嘶nausea 恶心diarrhea 腹泻vomiting 呕吐Unit Four Examining (检查 )1. I ll take your temperature.我给你量量体温。2. Put this thermometer under your tongue.把这体温表放在舌头下。3. I m going to test yourodblopressure.我要给你量血压。4. Roll up your sleeves, please.请把衣袖卷起来。4. Now breathe

11、in. A deep breathe.现在呼吸。深吸。5. Let me check your lungs and heart.让我检查一下你的心肺。6.Open your mouth, please, and show me your tongue.请X开嘴把舌头伸出来8. Now put off your coat and shirt please.现在请脱去外套和衬衫8. Let me check you stomach.我给你检查一下你的胃。专业资料整理WORD格式9. Any pain here 这儿疼吗?10. Does it hurt when I press here我按这儿你

12、觉得疼吗?11. I think we d better give you a few tests.我看最好还是给你做些化验。12. You need to have your blood and urine tested.你应该查查血和尿。13.Please go to the laboratory with the slip and they will do the test.请拿着这X单子到化验室去,他们会为你查血的。14. The laboratory report says there is a slight rise in your white blood cell count.化

13、验报告说明你的白血球计数有点高。15.Take an X ray of your chest, then have an ultrasound examination.做个胸部透视 , 然后进展超声波检查。Useful Words and Expressionscouch 诊疗床stethoscope 听诊器thermometer 温度计blood pressure gauge血压计head mirror 头镜microscope 显微镜子gastroscope 胃镜ophthalmoscope 检眼镜electrocardiograph 心电图blood counter 血球计数器syringe 注射器gauze 纱布adhesive plaster 橡皮膏absorbent gauze脱脂棉bandage 绷带dressing 敷料pad 纱布垫cotton swab 棉花棒mask 口罩tourniguet 止血带skin-test 皮肤试验routine analy



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