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1、 2014级上期半期考试试题 出题人:袁春兰 审题人:何国琴 总分:100分一、 听力。(20分)A:听对话,选出你所听到的单词。(读一遍) A B CD E顺序为:1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 B:听对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。(读一遍)6、How often does Lily shop?A. once a week B. twice a week C. once a month 7、How many hours does Peter sleep every school night? A. about 8 hours B. about 9 hours C. about 10 hour

2、s 8、What does Tom usually do on Sunday? A. goes to the movies B. reads books C. watches TV 9、Where is Gina going for her summer vacation? A. to London B. to China C. to Japan 10、What is Linda dong on Saturday? A. She is going hiking with her friends. B. She is going to the music club. C. She is play

3、ing the piano at home. C:听对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。(读二遍) 听第一段对话,回答11,12题。 11、Why didnt John come to the party yesterday? A. He had a headache. B. He had a sore throat. C. He had a fever. 12、How does John feel today? A. He feels terrible. B. He feels tired. C. He feels better.听第一段对话,回答13,14,15题。 13、How is the

4、 weather in Italy? A. Its rainy. B. Its warm. C. Its cold. 14、What is the man NOT going to do in Italy? A. go to the beach B. do some shopping C. visit some friends 15、How long is the man staying there? A. for one month B. for fifteen days C. for five days D: 听短文,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。(读三遍) 16、Where is Dave

5、going for vacation? A. go to Guilin B. go to Hong Kong C. go to Europe 17、Who is Dave going with? A. Parents B. Friends C. Classmates 18、How long is Dave staying here? A. For one week B. for two weeks C. for a month 19、When is Cindy leaving? A. the 1st week in July B. next month C. in August 20、Who

6、will be away for a longer time? A. Dave B. Cindy C. We dont know二、 单项选择。(15分) ( )1.Tom likes to play_ football but Jim likes to play_ piano. A. a, a B./,the C. the,/ ( )2._ does your mother go for a walk? Every afternoon.A、How long B、How often C、How much ( )3、Good food and exercise help me to study

7、_.A. good B. better C. less ( )4、Dad often tells me_.A. something new B. new something C. anything new ( )5、_ I do have one healthy habit, _ I am not very healthy.A. Although, but B. But, Although C. Although, / ( )6、Im not feeling very _ at the moment. A. good B. well C. better ( )7、_vegetables _go

8、od for you. A. Eat, are B. Eating, are C. Eating, is ( )8、The noise from upstairs made it difficult _. A. for me asleep B. for me to sleep C. to me to sleep( )9、He tries _ English. And he practices _ English every day. Ato learn, to speak Blearning, speaking Cto learn, speaking ( )10、_ she _ a heada

9、che? I think she should see a doctor.ADoes,have BDoes,has CHas,have( )11、Its easy to _. Astay health Bstay healthy Ckeep health( )12、I cant wait _ my new bikemy birthday present from my parents. A. to see B. see C. to seeing( )13、I _ that Canada is a very beautiful country.A. hears B. listen C. hear

10、d( )14、It usually _ me fifteen minutes to walk from my home to our school.A. spendsB. takes C. pays( )15、.-My mother is ill in hospital. -_. A. Whats the matter? B. Im sorry to hear that. C. Im not feeling well. 三、完形填空。(10分)One day a shark (鲨鱼) met a monkey. The shark said, “Hello, my friend! Would

11、you please come to my house? My mother and the others in my family want to 1 you. They 2 so much about you every day, but they have never seen you.” “Thats very good,” the monkey said. “ 3 you see I cant swim. How can I 4 your home?” “Oh, its 5 . Sit on my back, and Ill carry you there,” the shark s

12、aid. The monkey sat on the sharks back and they set off. On their way, the shark said, “I must tell you that my mother is ill. She will be 6 again if she eats your heart. Thats 7 I bring you to my home.” “But Im sorry. I forget where I left my 8 . Take me back to find it, please,” said the monkey. “You are forgetful. Lets go back 9 it,” said the shark. As they went back to the bank, the monkey climbed up a tree and 10 the shark waiting for him in the sea.( ) 1. A. meetB. notice C. watchD. look( ) 2. A. sayB. tell C. speak D. talk( ) 3. A. AndB. Or C. But D. So( ) 4. A. stayB. get to C. get D.



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