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1、牛津英语Unit2测试卷(1)测试总分: 100分班级_姓名_ 桌号_得分_. 听力。(1分)A. 根据所听对话内容,选择正确答案。(听两遍)(10分)( )A Itldothe hmeok. B. tl theouserk. C. tll hoping. D Itll atch T.()2. A. Iodr ohv morereeim. B eause heye ca. C Becauseosnev o wron. D.Bec btscan tlk t eole.( )3. A omethg iswron with his hnd. B.Sometngiswng ith his had. C

2、. Somethngis wrog wi his ees. omethng s wrng wihs legs( )4. A. Frida. B hursay. C Wea. D. Satua.( ). AInhe reding om. B I e classroom. CIn thengaglb. D. n te cmputerroom.B. 根据所听短文内容完成下列各句,每空一词。(5分)6. Th stoy appened i_.7. ack _ hsa becs t roadwao nrrow(窄的) f oh ars to ass. Jac tougtthediverin the_ c

3、r s wanted bythe oe. h mn i teneper wr _ glasses.0 Jck_ tpolic fterhe ead enewsperaai.I.根据所给汉语写出正确的单词。(1分)11. Mr. Jiags sirs ar _ (熨烫)bhe ro every a.2.We shudhrw te rub int th_. (垃圾箱)3. isrobo catwok _.(正确地)It does talk14 The oot ade Simonsif muh_.(容易).y omputcaghta _ (病毒)ad caus a lotof probems.II.

4、 选择填空。(15分)( )6. Th root an h um _ when here are dirty clote. . es th washng . do theashin didtwashi D. og he wash( )17. Whn somethinis rongwih yurobot, i might _ i oult. A. make a ess B mde mess .makesa mes . made mess( )18. You_toth prt if yore so busy.A.do eed cme nt need coing C. eentcomeD. ned

5、notto cm()9. hy ae towor at oce, _ A. c they B.ct the C. dot they D havent the( )20. Iontknow f he _ if he _ ree. .wil help, will be B.helps, is C. ill hl, s D lps,will be( )2 Kity illstayher fr _tohelp us. A someie B sometimes C. so time D. so times( )22. The car _ ysterda selver well. A. wat I w B

6、. tha ee C. h I e D.tt aw( )23 Do not tr t repa th cputer oursef _ you r an exprt. A.f B tht . unles D caue( )24. D he eacher tell o _ this atoon Ye, we il go to visithe Grat Wal. A.o go ere B how to o . wt to D. odo what ( )2 Smetng s wrg wihmy wah. Imst he it_. raiing B. to epir C. repir D. repire

7、d( ). od my father is eeling_ ogot wrk. A.enoughgood B well enouh . go enough D. ou well( )27. ave a glass ofater, leae. You _ betist ate lngwalk. A. should . cn C. mus D. haveto( )28. I think _ imposble for im _ te wrk witho any hep. . , fis B. tat, tofsh C. this, finishing D , tofinish( )29. heeas

8、 so much noise intheroo _. A tat e couldt ar m clerly . butw ouldnt ear im clealy C. tht we codnt hear him clear Decus w coulnthear him lear( )30 _ wether ve ay! . Wat a suny tnic .Hw eautiful . w a fn. 改写与改错。(2分)A. 根据要求改写句子。每空一词。(10分)31. I avto b a ot so tha I hae ore free ti. (改为同义句) I have o uya

9、ro _ _ _ hav morefre time.2 He does ae togo ou for lunh becaue his mot akes unchbox or hi every da. (改为同义句) Hs mothermakesa luchbox fr hm everyy. _ _ _, h esnt hav to go ot or lunch33.hey esgn thiskndofrobotto dousewor (改为被动语态) This kind f robt_ o housework.34. My mobile poe btry calastor a wee. (对划

10、线部分提问)_ _ca ourmobie phone btery last 下面各句均有一处错误,请找出并改正。(分)5 I t bu a car s it is t xpesve. ( )_ B 3 ha an ou owig rbotis utotrouble ( )_ C D3. Myhobb is reaing. Itcangiveme knowldge andake me hai. ( )_ A B D38. Amy dent do homework as cfully tan yu o. ( )_ A B C D39. H didtko ho t buy for s other. ( )_ A B C DV. 根据所给汉语,完成下列句子。(0分)4. 李老师在阳光中学教英语。 r.iis a cher _ i Sushine Midde chool.41 机器人可以为你做家务,除非你喜欢自己做。obots ca do


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