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1、浙江省杭州市2019年七年级上学期英语期末考试试题(模拟卷一)一、选择题1Elevenandtwelveis_.Atwenty Btwenty-two Cthirty Dtwenty-three2-How often do you drink milk?-I drink it .Afour time a dayBfour times a dayCfour times of a dayDfour time every day3_ my mother and thats my sister.A.HerB.SheC.ImD.This is4Wang Lei a clock on his desk.A

2、.haveB.hasC.isD.haves5His name is Jim Green . _ is his first name . _ is his last name .AJim ; GreenBGreen ; JimCJim ; JimDGreen ; Green6I have _ aunt. Her name is Linda.Aa Ban Cthe D/7I like eating ice cream, _I dont eat it now.Aand Bor Cbut Dso8Whens Christmas Day?Its on December 25thBut people us

3、ually celebrate it_the evening of December 24thAon Bin C Dat9She is a _ singer. She sings _.Agood, good Bgood, well Cwell, good Dwell, well10Whats in _ box? _ model plane.Aa; A Bthe; 不填 Ca; The Dthe; A11Hi, Sally!Where are Tom and David?Tom _ in the classroom _ David isnt.Ais; but Bis; and Care; but

4、 Dare; and12_ alarm clock and _ pen are on the computer desk.AAn; aBA; anCA; aDAn; an13He likes _ basketball, but he never _ basketball after dinner.Aplays; plays Bplaying; plays Cplays; playing Dplaying; playing14-Bill, whats your sisters favorite .-She likes volleyball best.Afood Bcolor Csport Dmo

5、vie15Whose bike is this?Its . My grandpa bought it for me as a birthday present.A.hisB.mineC.hers16He_to work _his bike _about eight oclock every morning .Agoes; on; at Bgo; in; at Cgoes; by; at Dcomes; on ; in17Lucy, can you help me, please? I my English book.Aneed Bbring C.take Dlook18Do you have

6、_school trip this month?No. Well have _ art festival.A.a;anB.a;aC.an;aD.a;/19Im your new teacher, Tina Brown. You can call me _ .A.Ms. TinaB.Mr. BrownC.Miss TinaD.Ms. Brown20What is Jim doing? He is looking _ his pen.Aafter Bof Cfor Dlikes二、用所给的词填空21.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1How much are the _(sweater)?2Ther

7、e are thirty _(woman) teachers in our school.3The orange skirt is too small for Mary. Please give _(she) a big one.4At Mr. Cools Clothes Store, there _(be) some red and green shorts.5The blue shoes arent too expensive (昂贵的). Ill take _(it).22根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1I have two _(sister)2John and Mary a

8、re my parents.Im _(they) daughter.3The blue pen is not Toms._(he) is red.4Some English books _(be) on the desk.5_(this) pictures are Graces.三、句型转换23句型转换1That is my good pen friend.(改为复数句子)our good pen .2This is her family photo.(变为一般疑问句)her photo?3Tom is Mr Greens son.(改为同义句)Mr Green is .4Those arem

9、y friends. (对划线部分提问)those?5They are orange backpacks.(改为单数句子)orange backpack.四、完形填空24完形填空。Nancy is reading an e-mail from her friend Jack. She is very 1 to get the e-mail . Jack writes about his school 2 weekends. Jack likes his school very much. Nancy likes her school, 3 Jacks school is very big an

10、d he likes his classroom. The 4 and chairs are new. There are lots of pictures 5 the wall. They clean the classroom every day.Jack doesnt 6 to school at the weekend. He gets up 7 on Saturday. At six, he exercises in the park for half 8 Then he goes back home and eats his breakfast at about 7:00. He

11、9 his mother with the housework(家务). At eight he begins to do his homework. He has lunch in a fast-food restaurant. In the 10 , he goes shopping with Mum. Sometimes he plays computer games or chats with his friends on the Internet in the evening.He enjoys his weekends very much.1AtallBlikeChappyDgoo

12、d2AbutBandCorDat3AalsoBagainCtooDhi4AdesksBschoolbagsCpencilsDboys5AatBonCnearDbehind6AlikeBplayCgoDhave7AearlyBlateCbeforeDhere8Aa yearBa monthCan hourDa day9AhelpBhelpsChelpingDto help10AdayBSundayCafternoonDweek25My name is Grace. Look! This is a picture of 1 family. A boy is in it. 2 is my broth

13、er, Tommy. Tommy is 3 the sofa. A woman(妇女)is in the picture, too. She is my 4 . She is at the table. My father 5 in the picture. He is at 6 with his students. A plant and a schoolbag 7 on the table. The schoolbag is my brothers. Two 8 are under the chair. They are also my 9 . You can see some 10 . They are in the bookcase.1AhisBherCheDmy2ASheBHeCItDThey3AonBatCunderDof4AteacherBcousinCmotherDfriend5AisntBareCarentDdont6AdeskBtableCscho


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