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1、定语从句(Attributive Clauses)的具体用法Stepl:定语从句的语法意义:有一个主谓结构的陈述句修饰某一个名词或代词的句子就叫定 语从句.被定语从句所修饰的词叫先行词;引导定语从句的词叫关系词.Step2:定语从句的分类:定语从句分为:限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句.1,限制性定语从句的特征:限制性定语从句对先行词起限制作用,是先行词不可或缺的定 语,如去掉,主句的意思就会不完整,不明确或失去意义.这种从句与主句的关系十分密切, 不用逗号隔开.2,非限制性定语从句的特征:非限制性定语从句与主句的关系不是很密切,从句只对先行 词作附加的说明,如去掉,主句的意思仍然完整,这时从

2、句与主句之间用逗号隔开,相当 于一个插入语.Step3:关系代词的种类及其功能关系代词主格(主语)宾格(宾语)定语指代人或物thatthat指代人Who/thatWhom/that指物Which/thatWhich/that代替整个句子Which/asWhich/as指代人或物whose指代人或物asasStep4:关系副词的种类及其功能关系副词功能when在从句中作时间状语where在从句中作地点状语why在从句中作原因状语(一)关系代词引导的定语从句一,由that”引导的定语从句.特点 (1)先行词即可是人,也可是物.(2)即可在从句中作主语,也可作宾语(可省略).(3) 只引导限制性定语

3、从句,不引导非限制性定语从句.E g: A job that is worth doing is worth doing well(修饰物,在从句中作主语)译文:凡是值得做的事,就值得做好.E g: He that will thrive must.rise at five.(修饰人,在从句中作主语)译文:五更起床,百事兴旺.E g: Its lack, of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believe in myself.(修饰物,在从句中作主语) 译文:人正是因为缺乏信念才会害怕面对挑战,而我相信我

4、自己 .E g: He that is ashamed of asking is ashamed of learning.译文:耻于问者耻于学.只用that啲特殊情况1)先行词为:all everything; anything; nothing; little; much ” 等不定代词,只能用that”. E g: We can do anything (that) we want to do if we stick to it long enough.(作宾语,可省略). 译文:只要坚持的足够久,我们想做的任何事情都能做得到.E g: A wise man thinks all (tha

5、t) he says , a fool says all that he thinks.译文:智者思其所言,愚者言其所思.2)当先行词被序数词或者是形容词的最高级修饰时,只能用”that”E g: It is the silliest argument (that )Ive ever heard. 译文:那是我听过最愚蠢的争论.E g: Learn to suffer without complaining; that isthe best thing I can teach you. 译文:要学会受苦而不是诉苦,这是我能教你的最好的道理 .E g: Gambling is the last

6、thing (that )I would do. 译文:赌博是我最不愿意做的一件事.E g:He was the first man that came up with such a good idea. 译文:他是第一个想出这个好点子的人.3)当先行词被the only; the very;修饰时,只能用”that”E g: This is the only reference book (that) I find useful. 译文:这是我发现的惟一有用的参考书.E g: The only thing that separates winners from losers is that

7、winners take action. 译文:胜者与败者的区别在于胜者付诸行动.E g: He isthe very man that I met yesterday.译文:他正是我昨天遇到的人.4)当先行词即有人又有物时,只能用”that”E g:We talked about the things and persons that we remembered in school.5)当先行词被 all; every; each; few; little; no; some 等修饰时,只能用”that”E g: Please send usany information that you

8、have about the subject.6)当句中已有who时,为了避免重复,只能用”that”E g: Who is the person that is talking to our headmaster?二, 由“who”引导的定语从句.特点(1)先行词是人.(2)who是主格代词在从句中作主语,可与that互换.(3)即可 引导限制性定语从句,也可引导非限制性定语从句.E g: A. genius is simply .the. person/ who repeats the most times(修饰人,在从句中作主语) 译文:天才就是重复次数最多的人.E g: One who

9、 cannot respect himself cannot respect others(修饰人,在从句中作主语)译文:只有懂得尊重自己的人,才会尊重别人.E g: Those who are afraid to make a mistake will never make a significant achievement(修饰 人,在从句中作主语)译文:那些害怕犯错误的人将永远不会做出辉煌的业绩 .E g: Nothing _can satisfy .those who are always unhappy(修 饰人,在从句中作主语) 译文:什么都无法使那些总是感到不愉快的人满意.E g

10、: The .future. belongs, to. those who.believe in the beauty of their dreams(修饰人,在从句中 作主语)译文:未来属于那些相信美好梦想的人.E g: It. is .impossible .to.defeat. a person who never gives up(修饰人,在从句中作主语) 译文:打败一个永不放弃的人是不可能的.E g: I_prefer. to.ask.John., who is a very clever guy, what I should do(修饰人,在从句中作主 语)译文:我宁愿去问约翰我该

11、做什么,他是个聪明的家伙 .三, 由“whom”引导的定语从句.特点:(1)先行词是人.(2) whom是宾格代词在从句中作宾语,可与that互换E g: He .is a_boy whom_everyone loves(修饰人,在从句中作宾语)四,由whose”引导的定语从句.特点(1)先行词是人或物.(2)whose在从句中作定语,与所修饰的名词共同在从句中作 主语和宾语即可引导限制性定语从句,也可引导非限制性定语从句.(4)whose+名词也 可被“ the +名词 +of which”或of which+the+名 词”所代替.E g: Ijmeta boy whose father

12、is an English teacher (修饰人,在从句中作定语)译文:我遇到一位父亲是英语老师的男孩.E g: LhateJohn , whose words are seldom true (修饰人,在从句中作定语)译文:我讨厌约翰,他的话很少是真实的.E g: IJike.that, apartment , whose location looks good (修饰物,在从句中作定语)译文:我喜欢那栋公寓,它的地点看上去很不错.E g: IJhateJohn , whose words I dont believe (修饰人,在从句中作定语)译文:我讨厌约翰,他的话我都不相信.E g

13、: Fortune_never helps .the .man whose courage fails (修饰人,在从句中作定语)译文:幸运绝不会眷顾失去勇气的人.E g: IJlike.to.study jn_this. school , whose faculty and facilities are top-notch.=.I.like.to .study.in. this school , the faculty and facilities of which are top-notch.=.I.liketo.study.in.!bis. school , of which the f

14、aculty and facilities are top-notch.译文:我喜欢在这所学校念书,它的师资及设备均是一流的.转化练习训练:E g:工血掘 a fancy .car , whose color I like very much.译文:这是一辆漂亮的车,我非常喜欢它的颜色.五, 由which”引导的定语从句.特点(1)先行词是物.(2)即可在从句中作主语,也可作宾语(可省略),可与that”互 换. (3)即可引导限制性定语从句,也可引导非限制性定语从句.说明:专有名词或独一性名词本身就具有特殊性,不必用限制性定语从句修饰,而用非限 制性定语从句,关系代词可以指代前面的某一名词,

15、也可指代前面整个一件事,只能放在 句末.E g: The .fax一( which ) I received from him yesterday is very important(修饰物,在从句中 作宾语)译文:我昨天收到的他那份传真是非常重要的.E g: HappinessJs.a.choice, that/which requires effort at times (修饰物,在从句中作主语) 译文:幸福是一种需要不断付出努力地选择.E g: I went to the train station this morning , which was crowded with passengers (修饰物, 在从句中作主语)译文:我今天早上去火车站,车站里挤满了旅客 .E g: He has just come back from New.YoKk (专有名词),which is a very big city in theUnited States (修饰物,在从句中作主语) 译文:他刚从纽约回来,那是美国的一座大城市.E g: He said he had no money , which was not true译文:他说他没有钱,但那不



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