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1、湖南师大附中高一英语必修一模块结业考试试题卷(开考时间:22X年10月1日上午8:10:0)时量:2分钟满分:10 分(必考I部分) 5分(必考I部分)命题人:陈清花 祝琳丽 欧阳根根 审题人:蒋立耘 谭硕 备课组长:蒋立耘必考部分PART OE: LISENING COPREHSION (2mark)Setn A (1 mk)Dircton:I ths secti, youll ha onversaions etween 2 speaker.For eac conversatn, thereae sevrl utions an ah qestioi followed b chices.Lis

2、en to the conersatins crey ndhenaswer he question bymakngthcorresoningletter (A,o C)n the qston bolet Youwill hear each convraion TIE.Convration 1.Wo wanteon the phone.ThegirlB. Tom. tr.答案.Wh makes t honecalA.T gir.B.TC.Peter.答案CConvrstion 23. We do th cnversation mos probbl takplaet a cinic. B. A r

3、 Baker offie. C.At ivritab答案 A4. Wichf he follwng is FALSE acording t the conversaonA. aket mcine. B. Sin edfo a oule of as. . Drinkplenty of cod wat.答案 Conversatio Wha oe Fthe at his auger t doA To rep heV set.B.T turn onte V.C turo he .答案 Were does theaughe ak herfth o goA. T hs bdroom.T t ard.C o

4、 hi offi.答案 ACovston 47.Whre dd the oman put themeat A In the fridgB.O h bl. C.In the bard.答案A8.Who ill me t spper A. Uncle Wg Ble hng. C. Uncle uang答案BWat wilheybu or he uper n heafernoon A. egetable. B. Fruits.C Mat.答案 CConsation510Hwdoes MsGu ualy coe to school A On foot. B. bike. C. Bybs.答案 B11.

5、What the matter withhisbi A. It is bo. B.I isonC. t i borred.答案 A1Whatis thewethr ke A.Is ad. B.Itsloudy. C. Its fine.答案 CConeraton 613Wee oe thista pobal ae place A. In thstreet. At a oes. C.Onthe bu.答案14What isthe oman gong t uy A. Sme vegetabes. B.ome fruits. C. Aairf shoes.答案C1Whyoes she thinko

6、buyng Tom a pair finso A. BecauseTos o r wn ut gn. B BecausTom lkes irshes . Base omasked te womn to by him a ar f iron ses.答案 ASecion B ( arks)Dirtios:Inhis secn,you wl hea sht pssae.Listencareully nd thenfll n the numerd bank wt t iformaionyo have heard. Fill in hank ith N MOR TATHREE WORDS. You w

7、llhear the short assage TWICEas NovembTh pkerwas stying ina malhote in (6) Japan.One eveningThe seakrsudey ecame(17) _iretd/ very intestd intheire.en e (8) opene te windowThe (19) cutn aught fie and tespek asery rihtened.ukilyhe(20)manage wa n eotel at th tie an he dirced some pope top outthe firPAT

8、 TO: ANGUA OWEGE (50marks)Section A(15 ks)Diections: Bneath eaof thefoowng sentecesthr ar 4choicesakdA, ,Can . Choosee anser thatstcompletes te snence21. -Wold yu ples give me ahd nd tak te bookcaepr- _A. ith lesureB. My pleaure C.Of ours I do D. Ye, thats allrig答案B。My plase 意为“非常乐意”。2 Yu ere _ to t

9、ake our shes off wenyou eeed the scol lb,bu you idn. A.initd . upsed . seleted . apvd答案B。be spposed t d sh.意为“应该做”。3. eelt thath didnt deee _ c gea no. A.to gie giv C. to e give D. ging 答案 C。eserv toegien 意为“值得被给予”,ob gien在此为不定式表被动。24 I gus To wnt kee onaking me he time fm nwon, ashe a ha hs watc_.A

10、epaired B. reparig C. eng reaired .been repi答案A。have stdone句型结构。2. Th whoe Cinese peope will nevrorget the day, May 12th, 20X,_ the stong earhae hapened i Wcuan. A n which B.o t .inhich D.from hh答案 A。考查定语从句的用法。n whc在此表时间,相当于when。26. With somany people _ in t mie(矿),oneof thesceworkerswouldtop o ae a

11、 rest.being uried to buy. buriedD. to b bre答案 C。考查w宾语宾语补语的结构,urie意为“被埋”,表被动。27._yo havegot suca ohnce, youd bettr make fl useoi A.Nowthat B. Although CAsso a . Even if 答案 A。now ta意为“即然”,引导原因状语从句。. S_ to fi totudy te anmsthere, eve th herfaml aske he not t. .insitd ogoin B. inisted oing .nsisted in goig issedto go答案 A。insist n doi sth. 为固定搭配。29



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