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1、外研版必修4 Module 1 Life in the Future 听力课教学设计 一、学习目标:1听力技能目标:(1)通过课堂活动熟悉并能听懂与话题有关的常用词。(2)通过一系列有关的听力活动后能听懂对话内容,理解文章主旨大意,并能获取具体的细节信息。2 学习策略目标:(1)通过积极参与课堂活动,提高听力能力,促进其它技能的发展。(2)在讨论、交流中培养合作精神。二、学习过程:1. 建构词汇图式:()观察发现(联系实际生活引入新知识)。观察你周围的建筑,它们都运用了哪些建筑材料?你会用英语表达吗?试着写出来吧。()生生交流。与周围的同学交换写出的建筑材料,看看是否有自己没注意到或不会写的建

2、筑材料,然后进行补充。()小组展示。()单词检测。完成下列句子,检测你是否熟悉以下的建筑材料。 _ is a very light metal. _ is a very strong metal. Both _ and _ come from trees. _ is light, strong, very popular, and man-made. _ are often used to build walls. _ is very strong and used in many modern buildings. _ is wet earth. _ is used to make wind

3、ows.2. 建构内容图式:(1)看图预测(全班活动)。利用多媒体展示古代、现代及未来不同风格的建筑。 (2)问题预测(个体思考)。阅读听力材料中所提出的问题(P.5 Activity 2),预测你可能会听到哪些内容?(3)归纳预测。用词组或完整的句子把你预测的内容写出来。(4)小组交流。(5)学生代表介绍预测内容。3. 听力过程:(1)检测预测。听录音,勾出预测正确的内容,同时尽可能多地列出刚听到的内容并写在本上。(2)检测准确性。再听录音,完成练习(P.5 Activity 2)。(3)检测关键词。 根据听力内容,在空白处填出你所听到的单词。Fill in the missing part

4、s according to what you hear.I:Good afternoon, everybody. the programme this afternoon is an expert on American ,Mr. Simon Oppenheim whos going to talk to us about the house in the future. So where in twenty years time?G:Twenty years a long time. We underground or in space. We in houses and flats as

5、 we do today.I: What will the houses look like?G: I think theyll look they do today, at least from the outside. But they will be different inside.I: ?G:, theyll be more flexible. That means we move the walls to create bigger or smaller rooms when we want to. So the dining room and living room as we

6、know would disappear.I: And the kitchen?G: The kitchen 11the most important room in the house! We12, and well probably be using the kitchen more as a family room. And bathrooms will be bigger.I:So we 13more time in the bath.G: Just as other people have done in the past, like in the days of the ancie

7、nt Romans, when the bath had an important social function.I: What about furniture?G:Well, a lot of furniture will be the same we 14in chairs and using cupboards to keep things in, but the technology will be different. I think a single computer will 15 most of the functions in the house, and it will

8、have a voice recognition system.I:So will we just have to say “Switch on the light” and the light comes on?G: Yes, thats right. And the technology will be smarter.I: Smarter?G: Yes. For example, if we 16something, like theres 17milk left in the fridge, the computer will tell us. Maybe a shopping lis

9、t would appear on a screen on the fridge. And the toilet will move higher or lower, 18who uses it a child or an adult.I: Will the houses of the future be 19?G: Yes, 20. Well be using machines which use less energy. An example could be a dishwasher which doesnt need water. I think everyone 21to take

10、care of the environment.I: Does that mean youre 22the future?G: Yes, very definitely.Answers: On domestic architecture shall we be living isnt wont be living will be living much the same as In what way For a start will be able to 11 will become 12 will still be cooking 13 will be spending 14 will st

11、ill be sitting 15 control 16 run out of 17 no more 18 depending on 19 environment-friendly 20 definitely 21 will be trying hard 22 optimistic(4)实施评价从关键词的获取和拼写的准确性方面进行自我评价。了解自己的长处和短处,及时调整学习策略。在Activity 2 (P.5)中,我答对了_道题。在关键词检测活动中,我填对了_ 道题。4. 说说未来家庭(小组活动):(1) The following should be included: How big w

12、ill it be? What will it be made of / from?Which rooms will be most important?What new technology will it have?How environment-friendly will it be?(2) 班级呈现。每小组选一名代表向全班同学描述未来的居所。三、设计意图:听的目的是为了获取信息,以达到交际目的。本学案设计试图通过把建构主义理论特点与听力教学相结合来培养学生的听力技能。在建构性教学中,学习者是认知主体,它要求充分发挥学生学习的自主性,引导学生主动发现问题,主动搜集、分析有关的信息和资料,主动建构良好的认知结构,而教师只是辅导者。将建构主义运用于听力教学中,有利于学生准确地理解听力内容,提高英语学习效率,具有很强的可操作性。1 自主完成知识图的建构,培养独立思考、自主学习能力。(1)学生对词汇的熟练程度直接影响音与义联系的速度,所以学生在教师的指导下经过词汇构建的系列活动,能加深对听力中词汇的理解,加速对听力内容的掌握。(2)能听懂每个单词不一定能听懂整个句子,能听懂每个句子不一定能听懂整个段落,能听懂每个段落并不意味着能理解语篇。所以在词汇构建之后我又安排学生通过对语篇的局部语境(图片、问题)所提供的背景知识的理解,自觉、主动地建构自己的知识框架



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