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1、法律英语hereo的使用 英文释义: t ths 中文译词:至此,在此上。用法:在表示上文已提及的本合同的本文件的“时,使用该词。例如表示本合同双方“,可以说h ries het“,这里hert表示to thi Conrct“;表示本协议附件4“,可用Appedix 4 ho“,这里hereo表示othisgeme“。 语法:一般置于要修饰的名词的后面,与之紧邻。hret和thret的区别:同前面所言hereof和theo的区别类似,hro强调的是to tis“。 例1 Al dspues arising fm the peformace of thContrctsall, thogh acb

2、le negotains, be setted by theParies hereto. Suld, throg negotiaos, no stlmet e reched, thcase in quei shl hn be sbmted for ritrtion totheCina Iternatioal Ecnomi n Tade Arbitratin Commission, eijingathe arbiraion rules of this Commiss aeappedhe ardof e rbitrtion shl be fil d binding upo th Partie hr

3、o. The itatinfeesalrne by te losig partunls theise awrded y therbitra: (1) h peformanceofhs Contact:履行本合同(2)thrh amicbl neotiatins:友好协商(3) the Parte heeto:the aties to this Contract本合同双方(4) shallthe be sumitted fo aritraon:提交进展仲裁() the hnaIneratinal noicand de Arbitraion Commiion,Bejig:中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会

4、(北京) (6) the arbitration rulesof thisCoisi:其仲裁规那么(7) t awad o theabitratin:仲裁裁决()unless otherwiawaed by heArbtatio Csion:仲裁委员会另有裁定的除外参考译文: 关于因履行本合同所发生的一切争议,本合同双方应友好协商处理,如协商无法处理争议,那么应将争议提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(北京),按照其仲裁规那么进展仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局性的,对双方都有约束力。仲裁费用应由败诉方承担,但仲裁委员会另有裁定的除外。 例2Patnted Tecnoy“ means scpan, an su

5、ch appliaions for the aent s a reetyowned orwill hereater b acquied in thfuur b PartyB,rasParty hso my hv the right t cotrol, or srermtedto be nsfrddunge efctv peri othis ntct i any or ll contries heworld, and asare pplicable or ay ued in the manufactur ofCntract Prdcts pecied bythe Paries ereo.注释:

6、(1)ptentedtenoogy:专利技术() patt:专利(3) pplatinfo t aet:专利申请(4) may he th ight t contr:可能有权操纵的(5) permitte be transferrd in anyr llcount of he orld:在世界任何国家许可转让()oract Produc specifed y te rti ret:本合同双方规定的本合同产品 he: to tis Cort参考译文:专利技术“,系指乙方目前拥有的或今后获得的,或乙方有权或可能有权操纵的,或在本合同有效期间在世界任何国家许可转让的,适用于或可能适用制造本合同双方规

7、定的本合同产品的专利和专利申请。 例3Technicl Docut“ means the ta an theinfmaton specfed inApendi 1hereto,uch as engneering, manufacturing adriinal iformtin reatintthanfctreand mintenance ofte Contact Prodcs, iludn rawigs, blupit, esign shees, ateial specifications,photogrhs, photostas aneneral dat, nd desiadterspeci

8、fictions elatintomancturig euipmn, ols d failities Prvided ht he abovemetninforatioshllbesch infatn a is oy aailabetoPary and applicae to thebusinesoertion of Party A nderhs Contrac.注释: (1) tenical docents:技术材料(2) tedat ante ifomtin:材料() gineerig:工程(4) manufacuring:制造(5)gialinforatin:原始材料(6) lupint:

9、蓝本() esgnheets:设计图表(8)materal specfictins:材料规格(9) hootat:影印材料(0) general d:一般材料()design and ter spciicationselatigto manacturing euipt, tools and failtis:与制造设备、工具和装置有关的设计及其说明书参考译文:技术材料“系指列于附件1与制造和维修合同产品有关的工程、制造及原始材料,包括与制造设备、工具和装置有关的图纸、蓝本、设计图表、材料规格、照片、影印材料和一般材料、设计及其说明书等,但上述材料仅限于乙方拥有的材料和甲方用于本合同业务活动的材料

10、。 例4 If Par emands o udit hecounts o aty A, art shal,wthn 10 ays after eeiin he wrtten notie ssued b rtndr Sub-Cau 34 o tis Contat, notyPatyA hmat in eton. The speciccntet androedre ofauding acoutsae dtile Appdix 4hereto.注释: (1)uditthe acun of Par A:查核甲方的帐目(2) ub-Clause 3.4f his Conract:本合同第3.4款() t

11、he specifc nents proeduref uditing accunts:其详细的查帐内容和程序(4) ppendx4heeto:本合同附件4ereto:t h Ctract参考译文:后10天之内通知甲方,其详细的查帐内容和程序详见本合同附件4. 例5 Th partie ths greent areta the Party hretoshal, immediael and fully,no h othr Party hert of any suh mtterscomprsng amovement,modication,furter inventon r designs tePar

12、tyi queson may dicove, make r evelop wth rspe o maufatur an ssemly he Liceedrodctsorcompnens eeof. Th Pary discoveing, maing o developinte subject mtr in questioma,attown exene and itsow nae, le apliatinfr ete Pten or ake thernecssarylegal stpto otectth sam, and anypaten rsng thererom shall bengto aty in ustion. The other Prty my,dring heeectveerio heof, ake se o,and selroducts utliig such imrvement, dificatin, furthernvention rdesign(hter atend r unpatted) wihothare ad royalt fee n anmanrcoisent wihisagreement注释: (1)eihr Pary hereto:本协议各方(不译成o Partyhereo)。 (2) improveen,


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