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1、Module 2 No Drugs 单元测试题第二部分: 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AThe idea behind Facebook is to make us feel connected all the time. But in my research, Ive found that the truth is quite different. Technology, it turns out, has made being alone seem like a probl

2、em that needs solving. When young people are alone, even for a minute or two, they feel the need to connect, to get on Facebook or some other social networks and chat. But in connecting, they often end up feeling more isolated. Why? Because by being in constant (不断的) connection, they lose the abilit

3、y to feel satisfied with their own company (独处). Facebook can help us keep in touch with our friends, but we too often use it instead of spending face-to-face time with them. And since we feel the need to keep up with them online, we dont have moments of loneliness where we can collect our thoughts

4、and learn how to be comfortable being alone. Sherry Turkle, ProfessorFacebook connects more of us to more of our friends and family in more places than we have ever been connected before. Yes, Facebook is a huge time sink maybe the biggest ever. Many people post useless stuff. And seeing too much of

5、 your friends lives can make you jealous (嫉妒的), but it wont make you lonely. Jane, a former student of mine, who is back in New York after living abroad for ten years, told me that Facebook helps her a lot. The first time she moved back to New York from abroad, she felt disconnected from her family

6、and friends. Now, because of lots of photos and information updates (更新), she knows what is happening with her friends all the time. In fact, if you are lonely in real life, you will be lonely online as well. Sree Sreenivasan, Chief Digital Officer21. The underlined word “isolated” in Paragraph 2 me

7、ans _.A. free B. selfish C. careless D. lonely 22. According to Sherry Turkle, we should _.A. feel satisfied with our life B. avoid using social networksC. keep in touch with our friends D. enjoy moments of loneliness23. Whats Janes attitude towards Facebook?A. Hopeful. B. Doubtful. C. Thankful. D.

8、Regretful.BDear friends, How exciting it is to host this years Ontario Special Olympics in York Region from July 11 to 14. With events taking place across York Region, including track and field events in the city of Markham, I encourage everyone in our city to come out to cheer on the athletes. My s

9、pecial thanks go to the athletes, and their coaches and families, for all their hard work preparing for the Games. And they go to the many people whove organized and supported the Special Olympics. The warm-up events in support of the Games have been highly successful. Our city is welcoming over 900

10、 athletes, coaches and family members to York Region for the Games, which are part of many Special Olympics events, in which 35,000 people across Canada are competing (竞争). Ill be there, and I invite you to join in as well. Mayor (市长) Frank Scarpitti City of Markham *Dear Ontario Special Olympics, D

11、ylan Eisner is a special needs student at North Lambton Secondary School in Forest, Ontario. He couldnt climb the stairs at North Lambton before he began training with the cross-country team. He is working very hard on his running. He took part in the 2013 season and completed the races in SWOSSA an

12、d OFSAA. His family, friends, running mates, coaches and all the staff felt proud of what he had achieved. One of Dylans goals is to someday be a player at the Special Olympics, which is especially held for people with intellectual (智力的) disabilities. Dylan was a special guest at the Lake Smith Cons

13、ervationists Yearly Dinner this year. The Lake Smith Conservationists, a local environmental organization, decided to give a donation of $1,000 to the Special Olympics in honor of the young runners achievements. They hope that the money will be used to help players like Dylan achieve their dreams. Yours truly, Lake Smith Conservationists Member Dianne Russell24. What kind of feeling is expressed in Paragraph 2 of Scarpittis letter?A. Worry.


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